Author Topic: batheing eye  (Read 1072 times)

Offline snarf

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Re: batheing eye
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2011, 18:31:09 PM »
thanks Helen, just what the vet said!
when i picked him up yesterday,VN told me to bathe it in salt water and to bring him back if his eye got  gunky. 
some confusion there apparently as the gunk is normal discharge due to the eye being too small and wont go away. the purpose of the bathing is not to clean really (like you would with an infection) but to remove the gunk (as build up would be uncomfortable) but mainly to moisten the exposed third eyelid so water (boiled and cooled) is much better. hes also got some drops to help moisten but i dont think he can stay on them long term. he has wriggled a little but not at all like before so i think it is now a helpful procedure for him. so glad i went back to ask

incidentally- human saline solutions are safe says vet but she said to be honest salt water is virtually identical, even the pH so they can be used but no real difference

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Re: batheing eye
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2011, 16:25:50 PM »
I would have thought just cooled boiled water would be best. He might need some cream from the vets if it's infected :care:

Offline snarf

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batheing eye
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2011, 11:06:22 AM »
ive had a quick search but couldnt see this before.

does anyone know if theres anything more soothing that can be used to bathe a kittens eye. im using sat water at the mo but hes reacting like its painful and to be honest the thought of putting salt water in my eyes makes me shudder. can the human saline solutions be used? im going to try to get an answer out of the vets as well

hes a foster kitten- blind due to an old trauma, one eye is blue and cloudy but otherwise clean and normal.other eye is too small and so third eyelid constantly protruding and full of gunk. looks quite sore but ive not seen him try to wash either eye himself so i dont know how often they bother him when im not trying to bathe them. hes somewhere between 6months and a year old and happy and healthy apart from the eyes


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