Author Topic: Vomiting up food a few hours after eating: what could it be?  (Read 15651 times)

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Vomiting up food a few hours after eating: what could it be?
« Reply #49 on: March 11, 2007, 11:59:40 AM »
Well I spoke too soon - Jaffa was sick this morning!  Only a tiny bit of clear frothy fluid and I think he must have brought it up just before I went out to them as it was still warm (I shut them out the back at 6am when they both got a bit lively for me on a sunday morning!).  It was about 8.30am so a later breakfast than usual.  That's still only the 2nd definite time in 2 months though.

Offline fluffybunny

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Re: Vomiting up food a few hours after eating: what could it be?
« Reply #48 on: March 11, 2007, 10:05:14 AM »
Thanks Tiggysmum!  As the vet prescribed it I would hope it's safe for cats!! My old chap has been on it daily since January (was meant to be twice daily but he only vomits at night and one dose before bed stops it, so we reduced it to once) and is absolutely fine.  Interesting to note that a common side effect is constipation - that might explain why his stools are looking a lot more normal now, as they were a bit on the loose side beforehand too! 

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Vomiting up food a few hours after eating: what could it be?
« Reply #47 on: March 10, 2007, 23:16:28 PM »
I've never heard of it before either.
Are you sure it's okay for cats? Lots of human medicines don't suit them. Some, like aspirin, can kill cats.
Please check.

It's a brand name for sucralfate, see this veterinary link....

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Vomiting up food a few hours after eating: what could it be?
« Reply #46 on: March 10, 2007, 22:58:00 PM »

Glad your chap is feeling better.  I had a vomit diary too  :rofl: Does yours have times in it as well as days  :rofl:  It was the vomit diary that led to the giving of the antepsin at bedtime, as it seemed that he was getting irritated on an empty stomach.  It is a human medicine designed to help repair stomach ulcers or soothe a chronically inflamed stomach, it's not absorbed but I think it just sort of lines and helps to repair the stomach.  It's certainly worked wonders for my old chap! 
I'll remember that and discuss it with the vet should the vomiting get worse again.  At the moment I feel it's under control and just an occasional occurance.  It doesn't seem to bother him at all when he is sick.  He just continues where he left off and is happy to tuck into his breakfast (never brings it back up).  Yes I note down the times in the vomit diary and what he had to eat for supper the night before! 

Offline Hippykitty

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Re: Vomiting up food a few hours after eating: what could it be?
« Reply #45 on: March 10, 2007, 22:52:11 PM »
I've never heard of it before either.
Are you sure it's okay for cats? Lots of human medicines don't suit them. Some, like aspirin, can kill cats.
Please check.
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Offline fluffybunny

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Re: Vomiting up food a few hours after eating: what could it be?
« Reply #44 on: March 10, 2007, 20:53:28 PM »
I've been keeping a vomit diary  :rofl:  Is that sad?!

What is antepsin?

Glad your chap is feeling better.  I had a vomit diary too  :rofl: Does yours have times in it as well as days  :rofl:  It was the vomit diary that led to the giving of the antepsin at bedtime, as it seemed that he was getting irritated on an empty stomach.  It is a human medicine designed to help repair stomach ulcers or soothe a chronically inflamed stomach, it's not absorbed but I think it just sort of lines and helps to repair the stomach.  It's certainly worked wonders for my old chap! 

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Vomiting up food a few hours after eating: what could it be?
« Reply #43 on: March 08, 2007, 23:25:25 PM »
I finally feel I'm having some success with Jaffa by altering his feeding schedule.  Originally I just reduced his supper (some dry at about 9pm) and added half a pouch of wet food before bedtime.  Now I've scrapped the 9pm feed altogether and he has a full pouch before bed.  Since 15th Jan (he was sick that morning) we've had one early morning vomit (on a saturday when breakfast was later than usual), one possible vomit (at first I assumed it was Jaffa but there was some hair in it so it may have been Mosi) and then one day when he was sick in the morning but also a few times later in the day - I think he was just a bit off colour and having a sicky day.  So I feel there's some definite improvement.  Fingers crossed it continues.

I've been keeping a vomit diary  :rofl:  Is that sad?!

What is antepsin?
« Last Edit: March 08, 2007, 23:27:52 PM by Susanne (urbantigers) »

Offline fluffybunny

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Re: Vomiting up food a few hours after eating: what could it be?
« Reply #42 on: March 08, 2007, 22:00:30 PM »
Jaffa has become a regular vomiter but his vomiting is always on an empty stomach - ie several hours ater he's eaten.  I've been giving him more regular meals,  and that seems to have helped.  Perhaps eating small amounts more often would help.
Yes my Sooty started vomiting around 4am every morning - virtually nothing in it but it was pretty much daily.  He now has 0.5ml of antepsin every night before bed and it has made a huge difference, no night time vomiting at all in the past 2 months and only about 3 daytime occasions.  He hasn't had any other medication change but he does really seem to have perked up, I guess vomiting daily must make one feel a little off-colour! 

Offline Hippykitty

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Re: Vomiting up food a few hours after eating: what could it be?
« Reply #41 on: March 07, 2007, 16:54:25 PM »
What can't go down must come up!
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Re: Vomiting up food a few hours after eating: what could it be?
« Reply #40 on: March 07, 2007, 11:58:56 AM »
can he still get worms?

Yes, all cats indoor or indoor/outdoor should have regular flea and worm treatments.

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: Vomiting up food a few hours after eating: what could it be?
« Reply #39 on: March 07, 2007, 11:55:00 AM »
They are entirely indoor cats (flat) - can he still get worms?  I will ask the vet for a worm pill if so. The vet thinks if it's not a furball then it could be a free floating foreign object (bit of plastic etc) but not sure how long that can go on for? I gave him Katalax today as i/d is making him a bit constipado and my 'theory' is he's more likely to vomit if he's blocked. Not sure how accurate that is though.

Offline Hippykitty

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Re: Vomiting up food a few hours after eating: what could it be?
« Reply #38 on: March 06, 2007, 18:49:07 PM »
Has Max been dewormed recently. I always rule out furball and worms when a cat starts vomitting lots. Bring the grass back in, give furball treatment and deworm with vet-supplied pills (better than petshop ones). Shorthairs who don't groom much can still have a furball or other foreign object in their gut. From what you've said, I wouldn't rule out a non-tumour blockage.
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Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: Vomiting up food a few hours after eating: what could it be?
« Reply #37 on: March 04, 2007, 09:51:47 AM »
I'm with the only good vet in the area and I do trust him, just wish he stopped being a bit off because I care so much (ask too many qs no doubt). I guess endoscopy would be a specialist referral.  I'm torn between wanting to find out what's wrong to pre-empt it getting worse, or putting Maxi through tests when he's so very frightened of vets.
So I can wait to see just how often it happens I suppose, but don't want to leave it too long in case it's now totally treatable and later maybe not. The vet thinks I'm neurotic (true) but just because you're neurotic doesn't mean that you don't know when something is wrong with your little furry!

I didn't think it was a furball as can't remember when last the Maxness gave himself a bath :-) Just lies there and has Swampy groom him - has done since he was a wee boy  :innocent:

Offline CurlyCatz

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Re: Vomiting up food a few hours after eating: what could it be?
« Reply #36 on: March 03, 2007, 22:28:25 PM »
I took loads of x rays of fraser which were totally inconclusive..then my boss took several barium x rays, well i took em he looked at em LOL
again they werent much use altho possibly indicated mega oesophagus ?  so in the end my boss drove me and fraser down to dick vet in edinburgh and he was scoped (endoscope) during which they took tiny biopys of his gut, all done through the endo scope so not invasive at all.  there may be some bigger and very up to date vet practices offering this procedures now but at the time normal vet clinics didnt so we couldnt do that at my work.

Fraser by the way isnt on prescrip diet as they didnt think it would make much difference and altho i gave it trial runs it didnt seem to.

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Vomiting up food a few hours after eating: what could it be?
« Reply #35 on: March 03, 2007, 22:05:27 PM »
Just because he is short haired and doesnt' groom a lot doesn't mean it can't be a furball, Tom suffers with them quite a lot, and he has very sleek fur. But, a furball wouldn't go on this long.
Raising his food and splitting his food into smaller meals sounds a good idea if the vet can't think of anything more.
Would you consider getting a second opinion from a vet, see if that sheds any light onto the situation?
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Offline forever_missing_my_boys(Lisa)

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Re: Vomiting up food a few hours after eating: what could it be?
« Reply #34 on: March 03, 2007, 20:19:40 PM »
One of my cats has a terrible habbit of eating too fast (bit like her mum)  :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[
so fast she wont even chew it half the time she will just swallow it this resulted in her always bringing it back up , i took her to the vet and they gave her tests and felt all her tummy and adviced me to feed her little and often rather then just 2 or 3 main meals aday , since doing this she is fine but often i do have to sit with her while she eats so she doesnt gulp it down its very time consuming but i dont mind as long as she eats and keeps her food down .

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Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: Vomiting up food a few hours after eating: what could it be?
« Reply #33 on: March 03, 2007, 17:47:09 PM »
Hi Lynn, well he vomited again today after a break of 10 days.  1 1/4 hrs after eating so it was pretty mushy. He just made it off the blanket and let the carpet have it!  Straight after he was yelling for food so he's not nauseous.
The vet is sort of uninterested; keeps saying it's a furball when we know it isn't as Max is shorthaired and not a great groomer let's say (Swampy cleans him and always has done).

What tests did Fras have please? How invasive were they? As he's on i/d which is 'theoretically' non vomity food, we worry that it could be the start of something nasty. Vet thinks we are making a fuss about nothing, but this is a recent phenomenon (a few months, tops). Then again, I don't want to put Max through exploratory surgery or anything right now - it's a bit depressing that the  Xray or barium Xrays are inconclusive. Not sure what to do and how to handle Mr Vet either!

thanks for your help!

Offline CurlyCatz

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Re: Vomiting up food a few hours after eating: what could it be?
« Reply #32 on: March 03, 2007, 15:39:32 PM »
sorry only just saw your last question.

thinking back now ..... (brain whir whir whir LOL)

Fras has always both regurg and vomited.

Most commonly it has been mostly undigested food which is what i class as regurgitation altho im sure theres prob a specific classification and time scale but to me undigested is regurg.   this would normally be within an hour (ish) of eating but he has also brought up more food much after that time scale aswell and will be in a more digested state.. He doesnt so often bring up totally digested food but that does happen from time to time.  My cat has been "sick" so many times (we're talkiin hundreds LOL) that i dont pay so much attention but its defiinately more often than not undigested or only partially digested food that comes back up.

The course of antibiotics isnt so terrible so way i see it is "what you got to lose" by giveing them a try and also even the preds isnt so bad to see if that makes an odds.  Fras doesnt really get medication as it doesnt seem to make any difference to his health or happiness whether he's sick or not, only my happiness coz im the one that cleans it up LOL,
« Last Edit: March 03, 2007, 15:42:12 PM by lynn »

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: Vomiting up food a few hours after eating: what could it be?
« Reply #31 on: February 27, 2007, 09:52:37 AM »
Thanks for the suggestions! Max is not usually a regurgitator now that he is on wet food (hills i/d). He vomits anything from 1 hour to (more usually) 2 - 3 hours after eating, and very suddenly and violently (no retching, just sits up and up it comes all over wherever he is sitting and whoever he's sitting on). He does not seem nauseous as wants to eat again very quickly.
That's why the vet thinks it's a moving obstruction. Ideally Max should be on a renal food, but will stay on i/d if the vomiting is less because of it. He may have renal probs but he's awful at drinking so I mix a tiny bit of water with it (wet food being mostly water anyhow, right).  I do what you do with Jaffa, Susanne, when possible ie 5 or 6 meals a day to eat his 1 can. However while I think that helps Swampy with his liver problem, from Max's vomiting I can't really say if it helps or not as he'll still have days when he's on small meals and up they come.
I generally wait about 3-4 hours (sometimes less if the decibel count is awful) to refeed him, then just a little, wait an hour, little more etc.

Did your cat with the bacterial problem regurg or vomit a few hours after eating?Vet thinks it's when it reaches a certain point in his tum although why it's intermittent is a mystery.

thanks everyone.

Offline CurlyCatz

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Re: Vomiting up food a few hours after eating: what could it be?
« Reply #30 on: February 27, 2007, 09:38:16 AM »
Yes maybe he is a cat that just seems to produce more acid or something, we're all different after all.

Fraser can vomit at any time really but 8.5 times out of 10 its always within 1/2 hour of eating (if hes going to at all) so it is always more like regurgitation...abit easier to clean esp as he normally goes for the dried food first and seb goes for the wet (they get a bowl of each put out) however, if he has stuffed his face with wet food it isnt quite such a joy to clean up  :sick:

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Vomiting up food a few hours after eating: what could it be?
« Reply #29 on: February 27, 2007, 09:34:44 AM »
Jaffa has become a regular vomiter but his vomiting is always on an empty stomach - ie several hours ater he's eaten.  I've been giving him more regular meals,  and that seems to have helped.  Perhaps eating small amounts more often would help.

Offline CurlyCatz

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Re: Vomiting up food a few hours after eating: what could it be?
« Reply #28 on: February 27, 2007, 09:22:07 AM »
its not something to be embarrast about, just the conditions in your stomach are such that this natural healthy bacteria are able to grow more readily than they should. 

I guess some of the natural yoghurt or some of that pro biotic stuff would be good for you, maybe some natural yoghurt would be good for cats who perhaps vomit / regurgitate regularily aswell .

cats do defo need to vomit every so often thats normal and older cats can be more inclined to do so although obviously theres a higher chance of crf etc etc causing it then, My fraser due to his chronic gastritis however can go a couple of weeks, perhaps more with non or only 1 so eps then he'll have a period of say a working week where he'll do it every day which isnt normal but I know the cause and implications (not alot really)

Cats who vomit an awful lot and it goes untreated can lead to having mega oesophagus etc so it does need looking into, also i am not sure without cross referencing the incidents of ulcers etc in cats, I cant recall any cases and my fraser certainly doesnt seem to have that but i know in humans untreated vomiting can lead to that.

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Re: Vomiting up food a few hours after eating: what could it be?
« Reply #27 on: February 26, 2007, 23:06:16 PM »
Lynn that is interesting. Not sure if I should admit to this but I tested positive for this bacteria 2 years ago (treated successfully) and, as I said in earlier post, our Tom had this vomiting turn last Summer. I wonder if connected?  Our Tom is also a  :censored: for chewing my fingers. What do you do tho when they are 17?  Have to say though that neither mine (bad indigestion) nor Tom's (throwing up) symptoms have surfaced for quite some time so fingers crossed.

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Re: Vomiting up food a few hours after eating: what could it be?
« Reply #26 on: February 26, 2007, 13:56:36 PM »
my cat does this quite a bit, used to be alot worse and after several blood tests and lots of xrays + barium xrays which didnt really prove much i took him to a vet university where they diagnosed and overgrowth of "helicobacter pylori" this is an naturally occuring gut bacteria but sometimes it can grow out of normal proportions..the treatment for this was an extended course of metronidazole.  He also has chronic gastritis and the treatment for that (it will never be cured but managed) was prednisilone steroids, he now doesnt get them very often at all as i just live with his regurgitation, it doesnt worry him nor affect his health.

You should speak to your vet and ask as to weather the antibiotic treatment may be worth doing ?

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Vomiting up food a few hours after eating: what could it be?
« Reply #25 on: February 25, 2007, 12:20:53 PM »
I would introduce cat grass back into their diet - they do sometimes vomit it back up, but it can be beneficial for them.
I wouldn't stop Swampy drinking after his supper either, he is the one with liver probs isn't he? Water on top of food shoudln't make them vomit though, have you mentioned that to the vet?
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Re: Vomiting up food a few hours after eating: what could it be?
« Reply #24 on: February 21, 2007, 19:34:28 PM »
I think you are right Swampy, and if they are playing happily and eating then I think they will be fine for now  ;D

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Re: Vomiting up food a few hours after eating: what could it be?
« Reply #23 on: February 21, 2007, 13:39:22 PM »
Hi there, I'm holding back on the barium type test until it's absolutely necessary. He is so terrified of the vet and as long as his weight is stable and he's generally 'fine' I think we'll wait. Of course if the vomiting is every day, will have to do it. He has had full 'geriatric' bloods so his thyroid was also tested; vet said there were some blood abnormalities (he says there always are) but nothing that points to the vomiting definitely. His kidneys are starting to go downhill and he wants him on renal food, but it comes up a lot more than i/d.
This morning he's had 3 small's usually the afternoon or evening when stuff returns, after he's had a sleep - almost like reflux as it wakes him up.
They were playing this morning on the bed which makes me very happy!

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Re: Vomiting up food a few hours after eating: what could it be?
« Reply #22 on: February 20, 2007, 23:54:13 PM »
Sorry to hear your boys are both poorly, hope the barium meal can get to the bottom of things....  Tiggy sends a healing head kiss for each of the boys  :Luv:

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Re: Vomiting up food a few hours after eating: what could it be?
« Reply #21 on: February 20, 2007, 23:49:00 PM »
Do you know if the vet tested Max's thyroid levels, like Amanda suggested before? Its just that when my Elsa was diagnosed with hyperthryoidism she was vomiting a lot, usually not long after eating, and then she was ravenously hungry again! Also, those creatinine levels you posted don't look that high to me - maybe the high end of normal, or slightly higher than normal, depending on whether the results were sent away to the lab or done in house (and different labs have slightly different 'normal' values as well!).

Sorry to hear that Swampy upchucked too, I know what its like to have 2 sick cats  :sick:

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Re: Vomiting up food a few hours after eating: what could it be?
« Reply #20 on: February 20, 2007, 23:10:17 PM »
Happened again this evening - 2 1/2 hours after eating, he jumped down from the radiator perch and up it all came. Nothing but undigested food and liquid. He was hungry quickly afterwards. The vet's idea is some technique from New Zealand, where the cat swallows a radioactive pill (like barium) and is then Xrayed every ? hours to see where the obstruction is occurring and why. They use this when ordinary Xrays won't show up obstructions. However he says it's a bit hit and miss as obstructions in the gut or bowel move (that's also why it's hard to see them and hard to diagnose). A bit of plastic could move to a non vomiting causing spot for a week, then move back again. Or it may be inflammatory disease in which case not sure any X ray shows anything. The alternative is surgery, which is pretty drastic for a cat that is otherwise looking and behaving normally. If he doesn't vomit, his weight is stable at around 5kgs and he's happy, coat good etc. No fever.  It could be that the rose leaf didn't cause vomiting, but you're right, he needed to eat something 'green' as there's something not right. Max always used to vomit that cat grass you buy so we took that away;now too nervous to let him eat any plant.  However he's been an indoor cat for a long time and this problem is pretty recent.

What a night - Swampy brought up all his supper too. He ate well but 10 mins later went for a long heart's always in my mouth when he does that as the extra water on top of food; it's a regular habit too, drinking after supper. Should I stop him? (I don't feed him in the morning until after he's had a drink if I can help it).
It's horrible when they are vomiting.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2007, 23:11:13 PM by swampmaxmum »

Offline Hippykitty

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Re: Vomiting up food a few hours after eating: what could it be?
« Reply #19 on: February 20, 2007, 12:32:03 PM »
The rose leaf is interesting. Could indicate a few things. You may have an cat who eats peculiarly. Or he may have a furball which he's trying to eliminate by eating fibre. Normally, they go for grass, but maybe you haven't got much around at the moment.
I'm mystified by the barium meal x-ray. I had a cat, Bella, who developed a tumour in her chest (as the result of FLV) which made her vomit and breathless. The vet managed to x-ray her without the proceedure you've mentioned. The x-ray showed the tumour and trapped food.
Next time Max vomits, try to examine it again to see if there's anything else odd. Sounds to me like you have a cat with strange tastes!
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Re: Vomiting up food a few hours after eating: what could it be?
« Reply #18 on: February 19, 2007, 21:46:25 PM »
thanks for the detailed reply. Max has seen the vet who did feel his tum, couldn't feel anything significant but said if it continues, he will have to do a sort of barium meal type thing where poor little Max would be Xrayed about 5 times to try to see where the obstruction was occurring. Of course he would have to be vomiting all the time for us to do that as it is invasive. He says though that ordinary Xrays will not show an obstruction (say if he has eaten plastic). The times he has vomited, it comes on really suddenly - he's asleep, wakes up with a start, sits up and whoops.
He last did that on Saturday afternoon, but this time I found some evidence, unlike the previous times - a rose leaf. Probably munched that morning to show displeasure at not being given more breakfast. As to the other times, nothing seen except undigested food. i/d is ultra palatable Hills food which he really does like. At the moment, we are waiting to see how often this happens.
His kidneys aren't great so the vet would prefer him on k/d but that is when the problem started (he was on 'old' style l/d which he didn't vomit; then k/d which he did; now i/d which he has sometimes vomited).

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Re: Vomiting up food a few hours after eating: what could it be?
« Reply #17 on: February 17, 2007, 11:15:53 AM »
Did you/vet discover what was wrong with puss?
Just in case you didn't, here are a few random ideas from my experience.
The kind of vomitting you've described isn't typical of furball, they usually deliberately cough when they have this, rather than being overtaken by the vomitting. However, if the furball, or other obstruction is severe and low in the intestines, it can cause this sudden vomitting.
The nature of what is produced is important. Is it undigested food? That indicated obstruction, in my experience (usually furball, which I treat with tinned fish in oil, or furball treatments).
However, tumours can cause this type of vomitting, especially those in the intestines or chest.
If the cat is producing a more liquid form, this indicates serious infection, or other condition which would have lead to serious deterioration by now, noticeable in the cat's general health, weight, energy (basically he'd be on last legs). This doesn't seem likely.
Are his ears hot? Your vet should have noticed any temperature (thermometer up bum).
Samantha made a hobby of this type of vomitting at one time. I went through the rigmarole of furball treatment, worming. The vet's only suggestion was a change in diet. Then I noticed that it occurred when she ate rabbit flavoured cat food. They only have chicken varieties now.
You cat needs x-raying for blockage, and tummy palpating for tumours/serious furball.
Maybe a change in diet is needed.
Is the i/d an intravenous drip? You can rehydrate the cat using a feeding syringe filled with water (and lots of patience).
Good luck.
It may just be a phase, as it was with Sam; she was about the same age.
P.S You can check for dehydration by lifting up your cat's scruff, then let it go. It should spring back into place. If it remains standing for a moment, your cat is dehydrated.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2007, 11:19:51 AM by Hippykitty »
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Re: Vomiting up food a few hours after eating: what could it be?
« Reply #16 on: February 15, 2007, 17:53:01 PM »
Can't find anything made of wood to touch around here in this IKEA palace  ;) but so far so good on the i/d at present. Only thing is he gets constipated as I think they give it to cats with diarrhoea so it's not very fibre filled. So katalax every 2-3 days (which he hates).
Paws crossed!

Kate (k/cat with an e  :Crazy:)
« Last Edit: February 15, 2007, 17:53:21 PM by swampmaxmum »

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Re: Vomiting up food a few hours after eating: what could it be?
« Reply #15 on: February 06, 2007, 17:44:06 PM »
I wonder how Max got on?

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Re: Vomiting up food a few hours after eating: what could it be?
« Reply #14 on: February 05, 2007, 13:35:36 PM »
Fingers crossed you can get to the bottom of it, it must be incredibly worrying. Have you tried raising his food bowl in case that helps - although they are normally sick a lot quicker when it is cos they have wolfed it. The fact he is nervous could have something to do with it - has anythign changed recently? I would mention the plastic bag eating to the vets. I do believe that discussing things like this and experiences helps a lot - and the fact that Max has already been to the vets and had lots of tests is a good sign, Swampmaxmum (do you have a proper name by the way?? ;-) ) obviously cares a lot and these are the cases where we can advise, as the first step of going to the vet has already been done, this isn't a post where someone is asking for advice to get away with going to the vet.
Please spay your cat

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Re: Vomiting up food a few hours after eating: what could it be?
« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2007, 09:37:38 AM »
Thanks everyone. Max is going to the vet shortly but they now (with me with so many problems with both cats in the few months since I've been going to that practice - it's the only good one around here) are getting very 'oh it's her again' which is upsetting me. They know how much I care and that I am neurotic about my boys (true) but think I ask too many questions.....anyhow I think Max is dehydrated. He has only kept down 3 little teaspoonfuls of the old l/d all weekend.  All the i/d came up as I said. The vet's 'wait and see' attitude is dismaying me - how many more weeks must go by?! I would like to know what is causing this today - is it a blockage etc and when I spoke to the emergency vets yesterday they seemed surprised that no scan or Xray had been done as his tum is empty and it doesn't take long to do. Plus I need to know if I can go away for 3 days tomorrow to source Swampy's l/d from France (and see my own 'vet' out there!).

Max's creatinine was 211 but I'm not sure of the other readings as the vet didn't say when I spoke to him on the phone - he just said he can't see exactly why he is vomiting from the results.

For my pet insurance, such as it is, the vet has all my notes from when they were kittens. He could take the time to check that actually apart from a nervous behaviour problem with Max while abroad (dogs next door caused him to spray) and Swampy's eye and his rabies-innoc related tumour, I was never at the vet except for routine vaccines and passport stuff. It is true that I'm disorganised, so ring the vets to order food, more pills etc more than I should do if I did it all at once. But I resent being treated as a kitty hypochondriac owner....I'm going to speak to him if I can when I take Max and tell him I am feeling hurt. It's very difficult with 2 sick cats as so many of you know.

Max is now 13 btw. Nervous cat. He eats plastic bags etc and there could be an obstruction - or it could be food intolerance or something else.
thanks again for holding our hand/paws.  :thanks:

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Re: Vomiting up food a few hours after eating: what could it be?
« Reply #12 on: February 04, 2007, 23:48:47 PM »
Oh Ela thanks for that post, i thought it was just me with the birmans and their mess phewwwwwwww  ;D

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Re: Vomiting up food a few hours after eating: what could it be?
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2007, 21:38:30 PM »
Poor Max. It sounds like it could be a number of things. You haven`t posted the actual values of his blood tests but you may not have this information, but from what you have said he does sound dehydrated. Did the vet mention anything about putting him on a drip because if he is elderly it might be a good idea. How old is he by the way? If he is elderly it might be a good idea to ask the vet do a blood test for his thyroid because some of the things you have mentioned sound like this could be a possibility. As you may know with renal failure it is often both the urea and creatinine that is raised but even though only one of these is up it might be worth trying to get a urine sample and seeing if the vet will test it to see if Max is concentrating his urine correctly.

I honestly believe that hearing other people`s experiences can help. There are many good vets around but unfortunately i know some which really don`t seem to be as good as they should be so i think that it is good for owners to be one step ahead and research things for their pets sake.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2007, 00:01:48 AM by Amanda (mad4moggies) »

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Re: Vomiting up food a few hours after eating: what could it be?
« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2007, 20:25:58 PM »
Our short haired Tom (now 17) had a spell of vomiting for a couple of months on and off the year before last but we never did get to the bottom of it altho it cleared and I did wonder if it may have been related to dehydration. He was dehydrated but don't know how badly.  He has always been pretty highly strung and regularly vomited soon after eating as a result but this was different and worrying as he did become quite low at one point.  It was just like you say i.e. that he didn't throw up for sometime after eating.   Anyway our previous vet introduced this tube into his back with some saline (at least I think it was saline) that, when it had all gone into his system, left him with a little sack of liquid under his skin on his back. Sounds awful but he didn't flinch and the lump disappeared a couple of hours later. Anyway it really helped but as Ela says it probably has nothing to do with Max's problem. Dehydration can be very serious though if a cat is constantly throwing up so I think they will need to sort that i.e. stabalise him before any other investigations are carried out. Anyway from your comments on his blood results it sounds like you know a lot more than I would so I think I'll bow out now..... :-[   Hope Max starts keeping his food down soon.


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