Cat Rescue & Rehoming > Rescue & Rehoming General

Waltham Forest Cats (London UK)

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Rosella moggy:

--- Quote from: Dawn F on September 29, 2015, 08:30:16 AM ---yay - hope you join the list of purrs rescues for funding support - will be nice to have an active rescue member again!!!
--- End quote ---

What she said  :wow: :wow:

Well done Sheila.  I do so hope you find a way of balancing this with your active home and work life.  It's such a time intensive and sometimes deeply upsetting (although very rewarding) thing to do.  I do so hope you get some stalwart support and that people fully appreciate your fabulous organisational gifts. 

Dawn F:
yay - hope you join the list of purrs rescues for funding support - will be nice to have an active rescue member again!!!

Sue P (Paddysmum):
You go, girl !!!   ;D. This is right up your street.  Will definitely be cheering you on and wishing the venture every possible success.   :wow:

Gill (sneakiefeline):
We dont have a CP, the nearest is Swansea where Misa and Sasa came from but I was lucky cos they dont really come out this far.

I bet you are organizing everything lol.

Well I thought it was time I came out of the closet. I've joined the Cats Protection group and have helped establish a properly supported Rescue presence in my Borough of that London. We're attached to Central London CP, as there's no Branch covering most of this Borough (Lea Valley Branch cover the northern tip)

I'm posting this to try to promote similar adhesions from other members to their local Rescue group.

I'll be posting our Group successes, failures and questions. All our members are new at this and really can use the help. If that's OK with everybody?

We had a meeting of minds today at the new Cat Village Cafe in North London, just divine, cats obviously happy, the front of house staff are definite about Do's and Dont's to maintain this (and monitored folks) and the food was delicious! I was trepidacios but now see sense in this venture.

All comments welcome.


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