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Petition regarding animal medication

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Gill (sneakiefeline):
I will think on that one Roger, maybe after your petition has closed.

I do think its an imprtant thing though.

Desley (booktigger):
Gill, you only have to ask for a prescription, and for the majority of meds, they would have to been seen at certain intervals to check that the meds are right anyway - and with flea and worm products, a weigh in is sufficient, and most vets offer those free anyway. I think the awareness of online meds is important, they really are so much cheaper, I have told 2 of the 3 people who have adopted from me this year, as they had both found us through the net. Vet Uk are offering a service to rescue's where they are given literature for customers, and can get 3% commission on what they buy, so hopefully that will help a lot.

I would prefer to see someone trying to get  a proper independent regulatory body for vets.

gill you could start a petition asking for this i'm one who would sign.

Gill (sneakiefeline):
I have a real problem with this .

One for the reason that Fuzzie gave and second cos I dont think getting a prescription is  easy and it doesnt necessarily save you money because the vets can then recoupe cost by insisting they see your animal each time they write one or by other means.

I dont know how you stop a vet doing this and I just see vet fees going up to compensate for losses.....they are so badly overcharging on drugs......if this keeeps the practice open, then they are going to get the money back from you another way.

I would prefer to see someone trying to get  a proper independent regulatory body for vets.

but I must say I would have prefered if it had been started by someone who was not going to profit from anything being done,I will also say that I buy from bestpet and also UK vet and they are cheap.


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