Cat General > Cat related Petitions

Sign The Petition

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Looked at the photo's. It's so awful! What gives some people the right to do that? They have no rights as far as I'm concerned. Lock them up, chain them to a shed and let them wallow in their own filth. Somehow, they didn't shock me, just infuriated the living  :censored: out of me!



Sarah xx

Have signed, but I'm yet another one who couldn't look at the pictures.  I do get lots of literature re abused animals as my husband and I belong to  and support many animal related causes so I've seen enough of these sad and disgusting pictures.

Signed. Could someone enlighten me on what this place is supposed to be? Its absolutely horrendous. >:(

cat campbell:
 :thanks: Thanks Mbll - signed & cross posted on other site.

Signed and I accidentally clicked on the wrong web address and saw the photos.   I don't think I will ever be able to eradicate those pitiful little souls from my mind........truly heartbreaking.   I feel sad beyond belief.

When will the human race be deserving of the animal kingdom?


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