Author Topic: Rocky - Still missed  (Read 43645 times)

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Seriously struggling with the loss of my wee guy
« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2009, 23:13:09 PM »
Sorry to welcome you to Purrs in such sad circumstances  :hug: It may not feel like it now biut it does get easier, gradually the sad thoughts are replaced by happy memories although you never stop loving and missing them.

RIP little Rocky, safe and sound at the Bridge until your Mum is ready to collect you xx

The Greatest Gift

I always knew this time would come,
From the very instant our eyes first met.
How I loved you then! How I love you now!
I made a promise then, and I will keep that promise now...
You will not suffer from a pain that will not heal;
You will not know the loss of a life remembered, now gone.

It is for me alone to make this decision,
The price for the bright joy and pure laughter
You brought me during the time we shared.
I am the only one who can decide when it is time.
When my hope dies, and my fear rides high,
Just when I need you most, I must let you go.

It is for you alone to tell me when you are ready
For without your guidance, I will not know
When to lay my grief, my guilt, my anger
My sorrow and my selfish heart aside
And give you this last gift, this greatest gift.
Your eyes will speak to mine, and I will know.

The pain of this moment is excruciating.
Tears stream down my face in a river of sorrow.
And my heart drowns in a pool of grief.
For you have spoken and I have listened,
And unlike other decisions I have made
This one brings no peace.

For if there´s one thing you´ve taught me,
If there´s only one thing I´ve learned...
Unconditional love has a condition after all,
I must be willing to let you go, when you speak to me
I must be willing to help you go, if you cannot go alone.
And I must accept my pain so you can be free of yours.

Go easily now, go quickly now,
Do not linger here, it is time for you to leave.
Go find your strength, go find your youth.
Go find the ones who've gone before you.
You are free to leave me now, free to let your spirit soar
Rest easy now, your pain will soon be gone.

I pray I will find comfort in my memories...
In the dark and lonely days ahead.
I cannot say I will not miss you, I cannot say I will not cry.
For only my tears can heal my broken heart.
But, I promise you this; as long as I live,
You will live, alive in my mind, forever in my heart.

So I give you this last gift, all I have left to give,
And this will be my greatest gift...sending you away.
It is the measure of my unconditional love...
For only the greatest love can say,
"Good-bye, go find the bridge, we'll meet again,
Loving you has been the greatest gift of all."

Forever and Always... Until Rainbow bridge....

Offline soudicca

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Re: Seriously struggling with the loss of my wee guy
« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2009, 23:06:29 PM »
You have come to the right place.  I have never talked about the loss of my little ones but still get comfort reading the comments others get re the loss of their cats.
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Offline Stuart

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Re: Seriously struggling with the loss of my wee guy
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2009, 19:01:05 PM »
Awww Nic, :hug: :hug: I'm so sorry,  :(
I have sent you a PM :hug:
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Offline madpants

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Re: Seriously struggling with the loss of my wee guy
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2009, 18:40:06 PM »
Oh Nic, so sorry to read your post. I really feel for you, and know what you're going through, as i lost my beloved Willow 15 months ago. She was also 'my baby', and 9 years
old, and it was also very sudden, so i know how wretched you must be feeling. Give yourself time to grieve and be assured that we are all here for you and many of us
know how you are feeling. It really does get easier in time, but you will miss Rocky very much. I felt like noone truly understood how upset i was feeling (until i came onto this forum).
Rocky is in a happy, healthy place, along with all of the other furries, and you did everything you could. Sending you lots of comforting hugs  :hug: :hug: :hug:
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Offline Kay and Penny

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Re: Seriously struggling with the loss of my wee guy
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2009, 18:11:19 PM »
it's very sad that one of the things we all share in common on here is the loss of a beloved cat

you do absorb the loss after a while and move on with it, but  I think it always stays inside you somewhere, as reading of someone else's grief brings it all back

but the pain of losing our special friends never ever eclipses the joy of having them for however long they are lent to us

please stay around, Rocky'smum and tell us about your other two when you feel able
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Offline Jasmine

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Re: Seriously struggling with the loss of my wee guy
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2009, 17:34:45 PM »
Hi Nic,

So sorry to hear about your Rocky, poor little fella. :'(

I think how you are feeling is perfectly natural - it sounds as if Rocky was your best friend and you are obviously missing him something rotten.  I think most of us on Purrs have 'been there'.

All cats are wonderful of course and their passing is sad, but every so often tragic circumstances, a sudden loss and/or the severing of a special bond hits us particulary hard.  My first cat, Smudge, was my soul-mate and I never honestly thought I could live without him... yet somehow you find a way, and the waves of tears subside and the pain becomes less intense.

In time, you will be able to think of Rocky and just smile, not cry.... promise!

Offline MrsR

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Re: Seriously struggling with the loss of my wee guy
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2009, 17:08:18 PM »
I am so sorry at your loss hunnie, you have definately come to the right place  :hug:

I have recently lost 2 of my own cats so I am still mourning so I understand your feelings sweetie. 

Please feel free to share your thoughts, ask for help and support here as we will all give it, Purrs is such a wonderful community and we are all caring cat people here who are here to support each other  :hug:

Offline Bazsmum

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Re: Seriously struggling with the loss of my wee guy
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2009, 17:01:08 PM »
Sorry to hear of your struggle....on here you will be among friends who totally understand what sadness you feel!  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline clarenmax

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Re: Seriously struggling with the loss of my wee guy
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2009, 16:55:48 PM »
Hi RockysMum, and as Christine has already said, its such a shame that you find us under such sad circumstances  :hug:

There is plenty of support on here, if you want to cry, need a hug, or just want to talk,  you know where we are  :hug: xxx

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Offline Christine (Blip)

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Re: Seriously struggling with the loss of my wee guy
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2009, 16:49:00 PM »
I am so sorry to welcome you to Purrs in such sad circumstances, Nic.  As Janey says, so many people on here know what you are going through  :hug:
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Offline Janeyk

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Re: Seriously struggling with the loss of my wee guy
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2009, 16:23:06 PM »
Hi Rockysmum  :) nice to meet you.  I am so sorry for you and what you must be going through right now but you have come to the right place you will get lots of support here  :hug: I lost my dear boy Schui a month ago (he is in the Rainbow Bridge section) and I cry for him as we had a very close bond because he needed a fair bit of care and I think it makes things specially hard.  If you are taking it especially hard there are pet bereavement counsellors you can talk to, I'm not sure of the contact off hand but they are out there.  Do come to chat on here any time and talk about little Rocky  :hug:
« Last Edit: April 14, 2009, 17:23:26 PM by janeyk »
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

Offline Nicola (RockysMum)

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Rocky - Still missed
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2009, 16:12:29 PM »
Hi All,

My little cat Rocky died on 4th April and I'm finding it really hard. He was only nine years old and it was very sudden. He took very ill on the Friday evening and was staggering and really weak despite having been absolutely fine up until then. I took him to an emergency vet and she said his kidneys weren't functioning correctly and put him on a drip.
he was on the drip for 48 hours and i visited him 2-3 times a day over the two days. the drip meant he ws feeling fine and every time i went to see him he was purring and rolling around the table like he hadn't a care in the world. Apparently he had charmed all of the staff in the vets because he was so friendly and full of energy. Tragically, on the sunday night when they tested his bloods, his kidneys hadn't improved. the only thing keeping him alive was the drip. So, i had to have him put to sleep.
it was so hard to see him looking perfectly happy and healthy when i had to let him go. i actually climbed onto the vets table so he could curl up on my lap. he was perfectly content and was purring right to the end.
I still can't believe it. I keep bursting into tears. I went through a lot with him in the past as he once went missing for 4 days but managed to crawl home to me with 2 broken hips and a fractured pelvis. the vet was reluctant to give me any hope after that but he got through 2 major surgeries to repair his legs and i nursed him back to health. he was his happy crazy self the whole time and it was a nightmare getting him to rest his broken hips! then he was shot by someone with an air rifle and had to have the pellet removed. Again, he came through with flying colours.
I think after all that i thought he was invincible.
I'm just really struggling to cope. he was an incredible little guy and he followed me everywhere - even the bath! We were devoted to each other. I have 2 other cats but because of all i went through with him we had a special bond. I miss him terribly. I am so miserable, does it get any easier?

Nic x
« Last Edit: September 18, 2012, 09:37:08 AM by RockysMum »


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