Author Topic: some help please!  (Read 8357 times)

Offline snarf

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Re: some help please!
« Reply #33 on: March 09, 2007, 19:11:25 PM »
hmm yes, i thought it was likely that at least some of his behaviour was due to hormones. no fear, he'll be losing those danglies very soon if i have a say  :evillaugh:( i.e if hes not claimed) im sorry, i didnt mean that his behaviour in particular is endearing just that however naughty he is, i can help but love him and it really is impossible to be annoyed with him! :Luv:
 my beloved bridge baby was male but had "the op" very early on, he was unfortunatly hit by a car ( i was 6 at the time, he escaped, i thought hed want to play in the garden with me and i knew he wasnt allowed out.) he was missing 3 days and i was frantic, when we found him he came screaming to me , dragging his back legs- broken leg and dislocation on other- vet said while hes under might as well neuter.

so ive not had any experience at all of "courtship behaviour". will it adversely affect him? not the op so much but having it late? hell be having it anyway but want to be prepared for what to expect.

his pic should be on the 1st page of this thread, ill stick it in the gallery as well though

also despite the good looks, hes erm well not in the least bit graceful... if i was a mean person i might go so far as to say a little clumsy... is that just him or is it a kitten thing or should i be worried? its not like he walks into anything its more like a flatfooted hippo wearing stilettos and  tap dancing...  :Crazy:

hmm that actually sounds quite bad now i read it in black and white!

Offline CurlyCatz

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Re: some help please!
« Reply #32 on: March 09, 2007, 16:54:05 PM »
i'd say the calling and loudness is perhaps even more to do with being entire that the rough play behaviour.  entire Male cats will be loud and shout to attract attention.

Offline Hippykitty

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Re: some help please!
« Reply #31 on: March 09, 2007, 16:48:57 PM »
Snarf some of that behaviour sounds like sexual frustration. He'll be better with his bits off. Hanging onto your clothes and dragging along......very like rough feline er..... "courtship"  :evillaugh:
Glad that you're wise to the cretins who may call you.
Love to Luce

P.S. Can't find his pic. Is it in the Gallery?
« Last Edit: March 09, 2007, 16:50:47 PM by Hippykitty »
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Offline snarf

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Re: some help please!
« Reply #30 on: March 08, 2007, 20:50:58 PM »
sorry ive just noticed, i said "owns him" HA! im talking like a non cat person!! nooooooo

forgot to add on previous, its been sugessted that he might have been abandoned as hes very loud (nonstop pretty much) and as hes a kitten hes a rough player, hes not left a mark on me but he has "killed" my arm more than a few times,can imagine that scaring alot of children as its completely random (or a ploy for more attention most likely) and if hes lying on me and wants to roll over or move, he wont get up, no, he hooks his claws into me or my clothes (whichever is most convieniently placed)  and drags himself along. the cheek! :rofl:
now, to me (and probably cc/purrs) thats endearing, but you hear of cats dumped for less. although with a face like his its hard to believe!

it took me a long time to see his eyes too! silly things always beaming and purring! hmm more photos, well now thats a terrible hardship but ill just have to battle through! :evillaugh:
a celestial agency eh? now thats a theory i love! and apparently  they like ginger sorry red tabby and white cats , lucifer and max both sent into the arms of catchatters!

Offline CurlyCatz

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Re: some help please!
« Reply #29 on: March 08, 2007, 20:41:48 PM »
nope its no good, i just cannot tell his eye colour from those pics --- you'll need to post some more  :rofl:

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: some help please!
« Reply #28 on: March 08, 2007, 20:40:42 PM »
Snarf - he's a beauty.  I think the others are right - you needed a cat - a cat came.  There's a sort of celestial agency that fills our needs, and yours just bin filled.....!      :evillaugh:

Offline snarf

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Re: some help please!
« Reply #27 on: March 08, 2007, 20:32:59 PM »
yes, im an idiot :doh:  :-[
the posters say found ginger and white cat, aged 7months approx, no chip, no collar, unneutered, friendly and confident
the web entries say much the same  but some with a photo, some with a more precise discription....
at the time i was thinking, more info , the better then his owner will know hes safe. now im thinking i should take the posters down and put vaguer ones up?his only quirk i didnt mention is than he doesnt respond at all to normal lipsmacking to get cats attention, he does respond to whistles and his eyes are more reddish than yellow and asking about hisbehaviour ( hes bloomin loud for a start, i can hear him shouting from the street when i leave the flat :'()
im also thinking that as ive papered the neighbourhood and the web and have had no response bar that cretin, if someone owns him theyre not exactly looking hard and he was in a fair old state when i picked him up so maybe they dont deserve him hmphh. but he could have been an indoor only that escaped so im probably being unfair.
yes, if hes not claimed i will be keeping him ( he probably wont like me as much after, hes gonna be getting the chop and lots of nasty injections and tablets!! :evillaugh:)

Offline CurlyCatz

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Re: some help please!
« Reply #26 on: March 08, 2007, 20:30:21 PM »
doh!! i thought he was called lucifer then thought you had changed it to max...well yes it was him i was asking about.  i didnt think he'd have a chip if he hasnt been neutered.

He is lovely and he's got a wee bit of a smiley face like cody has , well ok the codster is usually beaming LOL

Yes cody likes to entertain thats for sure and no one could ever accuse him of being dull LOL...having said that he's happy to be a lap cat aswell (ive got my feet on the footstool and hes on me lower legs sound asleep with his head hanging off LOL) and if he were in a different enviroment i believe he'd be different and adapt to the situation, ie i'm sure had an oap got him he'd be perfectly happy...however i am sure cody is glad he lives in a mad house with so much devilment to get up to, he's so perfect with the kids, totally laid back and relaxed, he willingly participates in their games, in fact i'd say he initiates them sometimes but he's also not at all scared to stick up for himself if they get too much for him altho he just seems to know to only give warning nips, which is great as i now know that if cody isnt having fun HE will do something about it.  I like telling his little antics and glad it amuses everyone, but i got to say i dont tell them i'd be here all day hee hee
Like take last night for example ... the man came that was buying my car so hes sat on the sofa and i had the docs and car keys between me and the man on the sofa..cody comes up to be nosey, didnt really want the man to touch him but minute the man took his hand away cody was back sniffing all over him like a dog then the little imp picks the car keys up and was about to make off with em....LOL

If you do get to keep lucifer i hope he gives you quarter of the fun and happiness cody has brought to us, and my the look of him i think he will !! ;D

Offline forever_missing_my_boys(Lisa)

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Re: some help please!
« Reply #25 on: March 08, 2007, 20:18:15 PM »
snarf: did u put a lot of info in ur posters????????

u shoulda just put male cat found please ring asap if he u have lost a cat , then when they ring make them tell u what cat theyve lost dont give nothing away ,that way u can be sure only the genuine owner will claim him , if no one rings r u gonna keep him ?
 I :catluv: CATS

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Offline forever_missing_my_boys(Lisa)

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Re: some help please!
« Reply #24 on: March 08, 2007, 20:13:27 PM »
Yea we took him to the vet the next day after we found him , he was scanned but he wasnt chipped , we put up a poster in the vets and in the pet shop and put a ad in the paper ,just saying found kitten ,if u have lost a kitten /young cat please ring asap , i didnt want to include much info as i didnt want just anyone ringing up and trying to claim him ,if any one did ring i was going to ask them to describe to me what cat they lost but no one ever did , we left the posters up 2 weeks and then we made the decison we would keep him now as whoever owned him couldnt of been very bothered about him if after 2 weeks they didnt bother ringing ,plus weve checked loads of places for any posters or ads that might of been from his owners but theres nothing , all i know if one of mine went missing id act straight away and there would be posters everywhere ! i dont know if he was just dumped where we found him or he had got lost , but it was very dark and cold and rainy when we found him and there was loads of youths all shouting and making noise and there was no way i was going to just walk away and leave him there , after the first day i had already got a bit attached to him  :-[ :-[ but now i really do love him so much and it feels like he has been apart of our familey forever , and he is mine now ,ive had him neutered ,ive deflead n wormed him and chipped him , i might get told off for saying this but im sorry theres no way id part with him now , he is really happy here he never stops purrrringgggg and he gets on so well with the dog and other cats , and i know in my heart he is safe and well here with us , a little guy like him who wasnt even neutered should not of been in the streets in the dark n cold n rain ,he  is one of the most friendliset little cats ever , my little sister whos 11 loves him to bits as when she visits he is the only one who will let her pick him up and carry him around then he falls asleep in her arms , id be lost without my little max i really would .
 I :catluv: CATS

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Offline snarf

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Re: some help please!
« Reply #23 on: March 08, 2007, 20:00:08 PM »
do you mean forever missing my boys cat max or the terror i picked up?
if you're asking about lucifer i took him to the vet to be scanned and checked (because of the oil/grease) she scanned all of him incase the chip had migrated and couldnt find one, he doesnt have a collar mark either

by the way lynn, i meant to say before what a huge fan of cody i am, his adventures always keep me entertained- just dont let him teach lucifer any more naughty tricks!!! :rofl:

Offline CurlyCatz

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Re: some help please!
« Reply #22 on: March 08, 2007, 19:31:57 PM »
has max been scanned for an id chip ?

Offline snarf

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Re: some help please!
« Reply #21 on: March 08, 2007, 19:21:42 PM »

no one claimed him so we have kept him we named him max

how long did you wait for someone to claim him? before keeping him?
some cretin called me last night from one of my posters saying " hes not our cat but was wondering if he was available to stud, as hes not neutered"  >:( i bet you can guess at the string of expletives he got as a response... i started a lecture but he hung up. might have been a windup but im now worried a monsters gonna claim my angel!  :scared:
also im not sure im imagining this, but he seems to have filled out in the last few days, hes still slim but when i took him in he seemed skinny, might just have been that he was dirty, wet and covered in oil/grease? now hes clean fluffy and groomed

You must feel so lucky to be his chosen one.. hehe I think cats can sense a softie a mile off  :hug:

yes, i do feel really lucky! :Luv: ive driven everyone i work with or know mad showing them photos and telling anecdoetes  :Luv: ;D
and yes, i think he saw me coming!  ;D

Offline Déborah

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Re: some help please!
« Reply #20 on: March 08, 2007, 19:09:53 PM »
Awww he's gorgeous! and he looks so happy! Hope you can keep him!

Déborah xx

Offline Ellie

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Re: some help please!
« Reply #19 on: March 08, 2007, 09:10:32 AM »
Awwww what a sweetheart  :Luv:

Max is a very handsome Ginger kitty please give him a cuddle from me xxx

Offline Cheesecat

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Re: some help please!
« Reply #18 on: March 08, 2007, 08:19:51 AM »
Wow what a little darling man :) he looks gorgeous!

You must feel so lucky to be his chosen one.. hehe I think cats can sense a softie a mile off  :hug:

Cheese, Gerti, Doc and Kitty Von Bizmark (Wizzles) ^Lucas^(??/97 - 21/11/07)
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Re: some help please!
« Reply #17 on: March 08, 2007, 08:09:09 AM »
He is lovely - and there is nothing wrong with calling red cats ginger!! Good luck with him either way.
Please spay your cat

Offline forever_missing_my_boys(Lisa)

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Re: some help please!
« Reply #16 on: March 07, 2007, 22:11:24 PM »
awwwwwwwwwwwww he is gorgeous
i want him !
i can so understand why u want to keep him
i reckon its fate too
i think this beautiful boy is urs now
we found a ginger n white kitten exactly 5weeks ago today
no one claimed him so we have kept him we named him max he has been neutered and has grown a lot since weve had him ,mind u he never stops eating so thats why lol
it took him 2 days to settle in with us and after that 2 days he was confiedent and friendly with the dog and the others cats ,he never stops purirrrrrringggggggg , he sleeps with us every night usually on my chest and face  :Crazy: :Crazy:, he has a little gf ( my makosi ) they love each other as i type they are cuddled up together  :Luv: :Luv: :Luv:
we think he may of ermmmm :-[ :-[ got makosi pregnant but we r not 100 percent sure yet ,
i believe fate brought him to me and i thank god for bringing me such a purrrrrrfect little cat
we love him so so much .
 I :catluv: CATS

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Offline snarf

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Re: some help please!
« Reply #15 on: March 07, 2007, 20:59:28 PM »
oo and probably shouldnt admit to this but last night he had me ( all his idea of course :-:) reading lord of the rings aloud to him.....
well he kept getting up and sitting on the book as i was trying to read so i had to do something...

Offline snarf

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Re: some help please!
« Reply #14 on: March 07, 2007, 20:55:51 PM »
:Crazy: Mwahaha!  Lucifer cat has you under his spell and you are powerless against him!  ;)
thats partly why hes lucifer! i feel like the lodger in his flat, ive rearranged furniture, put stuff in storage, brought toys,changed work hours!!!

:rofl: sorry, red tabby,red tabby not ginger maybe thats why noones responded to the found ads?!!
i cant believe noones looking for him yet? if id lost him id be frantically walking the streets and calling all ads in britain!

 :thanks: hes looking very smug about all the compliments, i have to say its an all round package, the purr, the constant chatter, the play and the cattitude!

Offline Baggy

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Re: some help please!
« Reply #13 on: March 07, 2007, 20:51:15 PM »
im having trouble thinking objectively?
:Crazy: Mwahaha!  Lucifer cat has you under his spell and you are powerless against him!  ;)
He looks gorgeous, and it looks like he's fallen on his feet.....

Offline CurlyCatz

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Re: some help please!
« Reply #12 on: March 07, 2007, 20:26:47 PM »
He's GORGEOUS... and ahem.. i thnk you'll find the politcally correct term is "red tabby"..we'll have none of this ginger labelling  :rofl:

I would snap him up aswell.

Offline carl (billy and baggys dad)

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Re: some help please!
« Reply #11 on: March 07, 2007, 20:10:39 PM »
What a star! I reckon it was fate Snarf, you have indeed been chosen  :)
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What it is I know
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Offline sheryl

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Re: some help please!
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2007, 20:02:08 PM »
Wow what a handsome boy, I can understand you wanting to keep him - mmm Nottingham is not far from me - might have to do some cat napping.
He looks well chilled and happy, think he may have chosen you to be his new fur baby slave
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Offline snarf

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Re: some help please!
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2007, 19:42:39 PM »
only here would someone understand that i "need" a cat! i feel completely balanced just being in his prescence if that makes sense? well incase anyone wondered, here is the little furbaby, for the time being he is being refered to as lucifer (from when he was walking back and forth across my face while i was trying to sleep!! :tired:)

[attachment deleted by admin]

Offline Hippykitty

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Re: some help please!
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2007, 17:58:43 PM »
I agree with Mark.
You're moving and need a cat. A cat came.
Try to find his owner; but most probably this cat is now yours.
Cats were once gods; they have never forgotten this, nor have the people they own.

Offline snarf

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Re: some help please!
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2007, 21:27:17 PM »
  :-[ you got me
he spent last night kneeding my head ( wailed when i shut him out of the room i was in) and hes been on my lap or following me round since i got back from work. but however attached i am, i WILL do my best to find his family if he has one, they must be missing him
im thinking of putting on the posters something along the lines of "if he was yours and is no longer wanted please let me know" then i can get him fixed etc?? bad idea/good idea/open to scams?? im having trouble thinking objectively?

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Re: some help please!
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2007, 21:13:33 PM »
It's fate, you know you love him and he won't be claimed  :Luv:

I believe I am not interested to know whether Vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it.  Mark Twain

Offline snarf

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Re: some help please!
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2007, 21:10:56 PM »
thanks for the help Teresa, he had the fairy and towel treatment last night, the crazy thing purred the whole way through?!. got him to the vets, no chip, hes definitely un-neutered, about 7 months old and apparently whatever it was hes none the worse for it. i found my head later last night and posted in lost and found- hes listed in words on every site i could find, when the camera charges ill go back through them all and add photos.

Thank you Ela  for recomending the CPL and for your kind offer, i let the CPL know today and im happy to look after him until hes claimed and if he isnt i think id be happy to look after him permanently. ive brought a house and moving in end of march (fingers crossed) the plan always was to adopt a few oldies when i was in my own place but im weak willed! im in forest fields at the moment but moving to hucknall, do you know either area?

thank you Sheryl, ive checked my moggy and sent an email to add him to found, i was thinking of ringing the RSPCA to see if they have him listed as missing? but not for them to look after, ive been lurking to long, i dont trust them!

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Re: some help please!
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2007, 20:25:46 PM »
Have you checked on Mymoggy to see if anyone has lost him? Your local RSPCA is Radcliffe but PLEASE dont take him there - they are awful people!!  Good luck with cleaning him, tea tree shampoo is good but he may not like the smell.
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Re: some help please!
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2007, 08:00:37 AM »
I personally would ciontact the CP Telephone:
0115 938 6557

Web Address:

I would tell the about the petol and ask if they can put the cat on the list of cats waiting to come in and in the mean time arrange for a cet check, clean up and neuter.

Which part of Nottingham are you in? I was born there and lived in West Brisgford and come  a lot to place flower on my Brothers grave and where mums ashes are burried at Wilford Hill.

If Notingham CP will not help if you can bring the cat to Chesterfield I will deal .


Offline Teresa Pawcats

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Re: some help please!
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2007, 22:50:36 PM »
Fairy washing up liquid,good idea to get a vet check up incase he has ingested any of whatever it is

Offline snarf

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some help please!
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2007, 22:29:50 PM »
ive been lurking on here and cat chat for ages so i should know the answers to all this but my minds gone totally blank!!
my neighbours just presented me with a stay. (ginger and purring like a tractor)
first problem, he seems to have rolled in oil or petrol or something, how do i clean this out?- he keeps trying to clean it.
second problem, other than posting pics and discriptions on sites, taking him to the vets to check for a chip and calling AARU (i live in nottingham and not sure if the rspca/pdsa/cats protection here are nice/evil) what do i do? we think hes less than a year (based on my neighbours male whos a year and this ones about 2/3s size) hes ginger with a white colour, hes obviously used to people although the kids round here are very friendly and thers alot of students. and hes not been fixed yet
third problem, hes a little devil! hes using my leg as a scratching post and kneeding or scratching everything! and my flats not cat-proof- i keep having to confiscate rubbish that hes chewing/chasing/playing with!!
(btw, im not in the least annoyed, hes gorgeous, im just worried he'll be hurt)


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