Author Topic: 2yo rescue tabby with very nervous disposition, any advice?  (Read 2464 times)

Offline Markos

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Re: 2yo rescue tabby with very nervous disposition, any advice?
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2015, 16:03:53 PM »
Two weeks is nothing!

Mary has a cat who has been with her 6 weeks now and is only just coming out of her shell.This is the link,45913.0/topicseen.html

I have a semi feral who still runs if I walk by nher and she has been with me 10 years.

Do you know anything about his history cos sometimes this gives a clue why he is so scared?

I think time is just what is needed and a warm loving forever home which he now has.

Presumably he is neutered?

Zico is very handsome and am sure in another month you will wonder why you were worried  ;D ;D

Thank you for all the replies everyone! We will definitely be giving Zico much more time, so I'll keep you all posted. He is neutered, but no idea of his history: might ask my mum to enquire with the rescue centre... The 10 year semi-feral comment is a worry, let's hope Zico is more of a 6 weeker! I'll have a read of that thread this evening, thanks for the link!  :thanks:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: 2yo rescue tabby with very nervous disposition, any advice?
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2015, 15:37:29 PM »
Two weeks is nothing!

Mary has a cat who has been with her 6 weeks now and is only just coming out of her shell.This is the link,45913.0/topicseen.html

I have a semi feral who still runs if I walk by nher and she has been with me 10 years.

Do you know anything about his history cos sometimes this gives a clue why he is so scared?

I think time is just what is needed and a warm loving forever home which he now has.

Presumably he is neutered?

Zico is very handsome and am sure in another month you will wonder why you were worried  ;D ;D
« Last Edit: July 20, 2015, 15:40:37 PM by Gill (sneakiefeline) »

Offline Mymblesdaughter

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Re: 2yo rescue tabby with very nervous disposition, any advice?
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2015, 15:28:29 PM »
You could try a feliway plug in lots of people find them helpful. Jackson Galaxy always seems to recommend high places for them to escape too where they can see what's going on. I think as others have said though he just need more time two week is nothing. I know it's frustrating when you want to just give them a cuddle and have them relaxing around you but they keep doing that low running and hiding. 

Offline bickhamwitch

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Re: 2yo rescue tabby with very nervous disposition, any advice?
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2015, 14:38:52 PM »
Yes I agree. It's all very new to him. All cats are different in the time it takes to settle. He seems to have found himself a loving caring home and hopefully will soon reward you with his love and affection.

Offline Dawn F

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Re: 2yo rescue tabby with very nervous disposition, any advice?
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2015, 14:31:55 PM »
sounds like you are doing everything right, I think time is probably all he needs

Offline Markos

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2yo rescue tabby with very nervous disposition, any advice?
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2015, 13:45:47 PM »
Hi all. My parents have just taken in a rescue cat which we've named Zico: 2 year old male tabby, a very handsome chap but he's incredibly skittish and nervous. We've had him for 15 days now. FYI, we've had two cats before (both tabbies but with very contrasting personalities: one very independent and the other very much a lap cat) and both lived to around 15 so we've had cats for 30 years all in, and my sister has two of her own, so I'd say we know cats and their behaviour quite well. Zico was understandably nervous and cautious in his new surroundings when he first arrived (my parents live on their own and the house is generally quiet and peaceful) but he's shown little progress in the subsequent 2 weeks. Overall he:

– generally hides behind the sofa or under a bed
– often walks with his back very low to the ground
– often runs away if someone comes into a room
– only very, very occasionally will approach my parents
– he's got lots of energy and plays with his toys in the evening
– he will – surprisingly – run to whoever is feeding him even someone new, and rub himself on them
– he is happy to be stroked whilst eating
– uses the litter tray perfectly apart from yesterday when he defecated in my parents' bedroom around 7.30am after they were up

Overall I've never seen a cat so timid and jumpy in it's own home after 2 weeks, he's always on edge, always alert to perceived danger. Progress has been very, very slow and so was wondering if anyone can offer advice? I've read a few articles online about rewarding him with a treat when he plays or comes out from behind the sofa, or on the rare occasion he might approach my parents. Of course I've no idea how his first 2 years were, but he's in a very stable, comfortable environment and just wonder if he'll ever be able to feel relaxed?

Thanks in advance all!



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