Author Topic: Intro  (Read 44510 times)

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Intro
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2013, 08:43:27 AM »

Sounds like you have most of the bases covered.   :)

Food, I would give a good wet kitten food.  Am not a huge fan of dried food, although I acknowledge its practicalities.  Try and avoid anything with high grain percentages.  Grain isnt good for cats. But then again, it depends on what your pocket can afford.   As most rescues will tell you, they'll feed their cats whatever they can realistically get in terms of tinned and sachet foods.

As for whether or not to confine him to one room, a lot depends on his character, and your comfort zone.

For example, we've had three kittens in two years - two of the kittens we let have free roam of the house whilst we were with them, from the outset.  At night, we ended up taking them up to the bedroom with us, and for the most part they would snuggle down (generally lying across our heads on the top of the pillows.)   I know, I know - there will be many who say that's wrong, but it worked for us.  And I like snuggles.  :shy:

The kitten we have now, was a slightly different prospect.  We brought him home after losing our gorgeous Ross back in September.  Because we had an older cat, Tinks, we thought the introductions had to be strictly supervised, so confined Moray to one room initially, which became his den.  he still thinks of that as "his room" and retreats up there for peace and quiet, or if he's sulking (which he doesnt do often as he's a sweet natured cat  :Luv:)

I think a lot depends on the character of the kitten, and the size of your home, and what you like or dont like.    Ours is fairly open plan.  We made sure we went "exploring" each room with him, so he could spend time growing accustomed to them.

Within a matter of a couple of days he was confidently negotiating the whole house, upstairs and down.  Having said that, all three of the kittens we've had have been fairly confident and outgoing.

If the cat is less confident, then it may be an idea to confine him to one room to begin with, making it "his" room.  We used our spare bedroom, and put a litter tray in, with food and water at the opposite side of the room to the litter tray.   We also put his little bed in there, though he ignored it, and snuggled instead on the big bed, but as Yul is still only little, he may not be able to access anything too high up - save of course by mountaineering via the bedclothes, so dont put a good duvet on the bed if that's his game.   ;)

If you dont want him sleeping in the bedroom (and I appreciate some people dislike it, and it may not be practical) but are worried about him wandering about in the night, get him a cage, and pop him in the cage for night-time sleeps.  During the day, the cage can become his bolt-hole.  If you do that though, try and get a cage you can get a litterbox and a bed in, as well as a dish of food and water. 

However you plan it, the kitten usually ends up doing his own thing and confounding your plans in that masterful way cats have of transforming our lives from what we think we want, to what they know we need  ;)

Offline thenewyorker

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« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2013, 08:16:59 AM »
I have most things but the two different beds I ordered haven't been delivered yet. Though I'm getting the cat tree house thing they were using with the litter where he was born so I'm thinking he will want to continue sleeping in there.
I have toys, two litter trays, a tunnel, a cat fountain... I'm still doing research on what to feed though.
Do you confine a new kitten to a single room at first? That's what I've seen suggested.

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Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Intro
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2013, 08:04:24 AM »

Aw - poo!   We've got to wait another couple of days....   :-:    :evillaugh:

Have you got any kit for him yet - I mean a bed (which of course he'll reject in favour yours  ;)) and feeding dishes and toys and stuff? 

Just a thought - you can get a toy called a Flying frenzy toy - its feather on a sort of fishing rod affair.  brilliant for exercising and tiring out young hyper-active kittens.  :evillaugh:  Tan sells them in the Purrs shop if you're interested (no shameless plug, just think it's a great toy - we have an almost-five month old kitten, and he loves it, as does our 18 month old)

Make sure you cat proof everything you can in the house.  Think like a cat - what looks interesting to eat, bite, chew and explore.  If it's electrical or dangerous, secure it or move it.  If it's breakable, put it away fro the time being.  Keep the loo seat down, and the washing machine door closed at all times.  Kittens are like grease lightning - that's fast  :evillaugh:

I like tetras.  We used to have a Neon Gourami who would feed from your fingers.    :)

Offline thenewyorker

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« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2013, 07:53:02 AM »
Actually that was a typo I'm only bringing him home on Saturday. 3 more days of... Quiet. :)
I'm doing tropical fish, small shoaling types, probably a shoal of tetras and a shoal of Corys. Maybe dwarf loaches as well.

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Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Intro
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2013, 07:24:49 AM »

Hi Newyorker - and a very warm Purrs welcome to you and to Yul (very handsome boy is Yul  ;D).

Bet you cant wait to have him home.  Today must feel like Christmas Day !  ;D 

It's so exciting when you get your first pet, and boy you'll be in for some fun with a kitten  :evillaugh:

There's loads of info on here and everyone will be willing to chip in with advice if there's anything you need help with.  And even if there isn't, if you want somewhere to post piccies of your beautiful babe, then this is the place to do it - we love piccies, we do!)

What sort of fish will you have -  Marine, tropical or cold water?   We used to keep fish years ago.  Very relaxing to watch.   Now we just have loads of snails in the garden - and in the garden pond.   The ones int hegarden get rounded up every so often, popped in a bucket or tupperware tub, and are taken a way away from the house and released into the "wild".  I swear to the Gods they all come back again.  :evillaugh:

Anyhoo - let us know when Yul is home, and show us some more piccies (please)  :wow:

Have fun on the forum  :welcome: :welcome:

(And a belated "Happy Birthday too!)

Offline thenewyorker

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« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2013, 21:50:24 PM »

This is Yul. He's turning 7 weeks tomorrow. He will come live with me tomorrow. He was actually born on my birthday. He will be my first pet in my adult life, unless you count the uninvited snails that live in my fish tank (which is not ready for fish).

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