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What to do about neighbours cat - I think is not being treated well

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Sadly no response but some folks treat their cats differently and whilst we may not like it they do have a home of sorts and that at this time of year is better than nothing as so many of us in rescue know that there is no room at the Inn for many more :(

No response to this very honest and heart rending thread from the original poster.

I'd be very interested to know how this one turns out as it produced such diverse reactions from equally dedicated cat people.

It is a rock and hard place situation I have outside ferals who live in the garage at their choice who never come near the house but can be found all curled up in the rafters or on their 3 armchairs with heat pads in the winter where this slave provides food and clean weather and grit boxes when we have 4 foot of snow, they are all in good condition as they eat the same as my own only gets awkward when a newbie turns up and this human needs to trap them then they all relocate to the wendy house at the bottom of the garden, I am the mad woman who treks through 4 foot of snow when this is going on to put food, heat pads and water in their other residence

Sadly not everyone treats their cats as the pampered pets we have and they may love the cat but have different ideas on the slave rules

Kay and Penny:
and is he spraying? they don't sound the kind of owners who would provide an indoor litter tray, and with no cat flap, he may just be peeing indoors because he has no choice

Rosella moggy:
Tricky one this.  Pity owner doesn't have a cat flap.

I think maybe your best approach is to try and become friends with the "owner".    Hate the word "owner" as can't see how you can own a living creature but that's by the by. 

Christmas is coming so maybe an invite to yours for a few drinks?  You say owner is nice enough.  I do wonder if cat might benefit from neutering if spraying is a problem and you could drop little nuggets of info in like that when chatting.  Sometimes owners of pedigrees are reluctant to neuter in case they think they may want to breed later?


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