Cat Rescue & Rehoming > The Rescue Room

re homing stray cat


Gill (sneakiefeline):
great  ;D

Just to tie up loose ends.  This lad has a lovely new home now  :)

Thanks.  He's been with us a couple of weeks now so will start to get the ball rolling.

Lyn (Slugsta):
When I found Alfie CPS said 2 weeks although I know other places suggest just 1 week.

I took in what appeared to be a stray cat a couple of weeks ago.  He was ravenous, coat unkempt, ear scratched raw with ear mites.  I took him in so we could treat his ears.  I've postered the area, contacted local vets, listed him as found on rspca site, animal search, local pet owners forum, facebook, everywhere I can think of.  And of course kept checking lost pet ads.  He's not microchipped and no sign he's ever had a collar.  He's neutered and  very friendly though.

At what point would people think it was ok to start process of trying to re home him?


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