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Help! Tiny kittens no mum.

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I'm not a kitten person but I do know that after they've fed you need to rub their bottoms gently with something like a cotton wool ball dampened with warm water. This will make them poo. For some reason, without this stimulus, they won't go. Normally, a mother cat will wash their bottoms after feeding them.

The ideal situation would be to find a mum with kittens. Cats are wonderful mothers.

That article is really interesting but it says if they are under a week they need feeding every two hours. I presume that's day and night?  :Crazy:

I know when I was fostering Mum and kittens they wanted to take Mum away when the kittens were a certain age as they wanted to use her to fed some more kittens. Really glad it didn't happen in the end.

Also we added a kitten that's Mum had rejected him and he fitted in right away it was amazing. We just rubbed him and another kitten all over each other and put him in with the others and Mum let him suckle straight away. So definitely worth trying to find a mother cat that will take them on.   

Thank you so much Jiji!  I've had a look, very helpful.   :)

This may be of some help


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