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Database - Animal Shelter Manager

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we use ASM here too and it is very helpful for tracking care of the all the cats. We also use it to generate our paperwork for adoptions which does help save some time writing everything manually.


--- Quote from: Angie (covcats) on March 31, 2012, 15:26:24 PM ---all our cats are photgraphed for the web. I have a strict computer file order so cats needing homes are on my D drive

ccg/homeswanted/1234 fluff/ where 1234 is the cat number.
each cat then has its photos stored in there and any notes i want to make on it.

when they are homed i move the directory (usually when i remember!) to ccg/homed/..... so that its still all there for me to access if i want/need to.

It works as long as there is no confusion over cat numbers!

--- End quote ---

yes i would be totally lost without photos! the database is useful though when someone renames their cat and have forgotton what its rescuename was.

If anyone does want to make use of the database I am happy to try and help with any questions.

Sam (Fussy_Furball):
Wow ... that looks like a really good tool for any rescue.  As someone who uses databases all day every day ... I'd say that looks like a good one.

all our cats are photgraphed for the web. I have a strict computer file order so cats needing homes are on my D drive

ccg/homeswanted/1234 fluff/ where 1234 is the cat number.
each cat then has its photos stored in there and any notes i want to make on it.

when they are homed i move the directory (usually when i remember!) to ccg/homed/..... so that its still all there for me to access if i want/need to.

It works as long as there is no confusion over cat numbers!

it is a bit confusing to start with (and we have a couple of computer phobics who wont go near it!) but we are only fairly small and still find it really useful. I don't know about you but I know all the cats here and can tell you about them but once a cat has been adopted they all start to blur a bit and I can have trouble remembering them properly  :-[


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