Cat Health & Behaviour > Health & Behaviour General


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Team Svartalfheims:

--- Quote from: Ela on December 12, 2006, 17:29:22 PM ---We still worm our indoor cats 2 - 3 times a year.

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My vet said that there isn't any need to worm them several times a year as they don't mix with other cats or eat wildlife.


--- Quote ---If she's indoor then once a year is fine.
--- End quote ---

We still worm our indoor cats 2 - 3 times a year.

Team Svartalfheims:

--- Quote from: Kittybabe on December 12, 2006, 16:33:14 PM ---I don't think Lexy has been dewormed since her first treatment. Vet didn't say anything about doing this regualrly....I have Bob Martin Dewormer (like a spot-on traetment)....oh my, as she's indoor is this ncessary? Worried now!!

--- End quote ---

You'd be better off with drontal or milbemax tbh. If she's indoor then once a year is fine.

Kittybabe (Ruth):
I don't think Lexy has been dewormed since her first treatment. Vet didn't say anything about doing this regualrly....I have Bob Martin Dewormer (like a spot-on traetment)....oh my, as she's indoor is this ncessary? Worried now!!


--- Quote ---Or am I worming them too much..........
--- End quote ---

Pass, it depends on what treatment you are using, I suggest you ask the vet.


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