Author Topic: LOST: Caversham (near Reading, Berkshire) - Beloved black and white moggy  (Read 9690 times)

Offline StuartV

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Re: LOST: Caversham (near Reading, Berkshire) - Beloved black and white moggy
« Reply #16 on: November 05, 2008, 17:37:13 PM »
Hi Julia, let the mysterious return of my cat 'Louis' after 24 weeks be a source of encouragement to you and fellow sufferers. I have no idea where he has been. He has lost at least half of his body weight, but his coat is in relatively good glossy condition. He has had a full medical and awaiting results of blood test. Fingers crossed, but I am optimistic that he will return to good health. He is 12 years old.  So, come home Moriarty. Stuart V 

Offline Juliab

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Re: LOST: Caversham (near Reading, Berkshire) - Beloved black and white moggy
« Reply #15 on: September 26, 2008, 14:04:37 PM »
I am so sorry StuartV...yes it really haunts me. I am not sleeping either...that strange hope at 1am. But cats go on adventures - it is their nature.

Good luck to you too..........

Offline StuartV

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Re: LOST: Caversham (near Reading, Berkshire) - Beloved black and white moggy
« Reply #14 on: September 26, 2008, 11:03:03 AM »
Hi Julia, good luck with your search. I know the feeling..... still looking for my black cat, 18 weeks and 3 days. Its a wretched time! Best wishes Stuart. :(

Offline Felida

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Re: LOST: Caversham (near Reading, Berkshire) - Beloved black and white moggy
« Reply #13 on: September 18, 2008, 17:14:54 PM »
Hi Julia,

Don't send them away... maybe they just feel your sadness and want to comfort you. They maybe just want to cheer you a bit up and want to bring you so much cat-love that you will feel a tiny little bit better? Think about it. Cats have a great spirit and also a group spirit. And always when a human heart is breaking and not willing to stop bleeding or willing to heal, this heart will be heard. And even if your furball is still in his little adventure, they want to love you with their purring deep into your heart. This pain what you have now in your heart can only get a little bit comfort through the mysterious and deep purring love from cats. They know that.

I can feel how you feel. Allow this wonderful cats to be in your garden. Moriarty's place is and always will be in your heart until he is back, don't worry, no cat will take that place.

The deal you made with the lottery... hmmm, try to be happy about it. It is just another sign to cheer you a bit up. Take that money and keep it until your furball is back to buy him some toys and the yummiest food you can find for him when he is back :) And buy something good for you as well. You do need a little goodie for you after this hard time. Even if it is just something tiny.

I send you good vibes and a lot of sunshine.  :hug: don't give up and 'shoo' only bad thoughts away ...  :hug:
*hiding under the sofa*

Offline Juliab

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Re: LOST: Caversham (near Reading, Berkshire) - Beloved black and white moggy
« Reply #12 on: September 18, 2008, 10:11:54 AM »
Thank you all - I keep having tearful days and particularly tearful nights, when I am waiting for that flick of the cat flap. Other cats keep coming into my garden now and much as I love all animals, I have to shoo them away. They also trigger the security light and I think it is Moriarty. My heart leaps, then falls.

Last night when the lottery numbers were being called I made a pact that I wanted him, not a lottery win. I actually had four numbers and I was so upset...material things are so meaningless without animals.

Good luck though everyone with their searches. Burn love bright in your windows.

Offline Skates

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Re: LOST: Caversham (near Reading, Berkshire) - Beloved black and white moggy
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2008, 13:25:11 PM »

I haven't been registered on this site long but just wanted to say that my thoughts are with you.  My little baby went missing for a week a couple of weeks ago and it was the longest week of my life.  I felt like my heart was breaking with each day that he didn't come home.

Definitely do as others have said and leaflet lots and lots.  I did my own leaflets and then used a company through my insurance company for leaflets as well and that's how I got him back.  He was about 6 miles away but they saw my leaflet up in the vets when they took their pet and realised they'd seen him around their street.

Will be checking back every day and really hope you find your baby soon x

Offline Felida

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Re: LOST: Caversham (near Reading, Berkshire) - Beloved black and white moggy
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2008, 22:02:47 PM »
We are with you Julia, we all share that with you and wish so deeply that you will get your sweet angel back.

We are here when ever you want to talk about it.

I hold my fingers crossed and wish you all the comfort, all the love, all the warmth you need now.
Always think that your little one will come back, it is just an adventure he has. Cats are living in 'now' not in the 'tomorrow' but they will never forget the 'yesterday'. 'Now' he is in an adventure and he will miss the 'yesterday'... maybe 'tomorrow' you will hold him in your arms, smell his lovely fur, feel his purring again and all your happiness will be back with you both.

send you a big hug and wish you all the energy you need  :hug:

*hiding under the sofa*

Offline Juliab

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Re: LOST: Caversham (near Reading, Berkshire) - Beloved black and white moggy
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2008, 23:36:19 PM »
I cannot tell you how much your words help me at the moment.

Thank you.

Let's hope for us all and think of our wanderers having the adventure of their lifetime, only to remember eventually where the love is most.

Offline Felida

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Re: LOST: Caversham (near Reading, Berkshire) - Beloved black and white moggy
« Reply #8 on: September 09, 2008, 20:14:48 PM »
Oh dear,
Don't be ashamed of that. Don't ask how I did. I had this feeling that I wanted to scream ... but I didn't because it would not bring him back to me.
It feels as somebody would rip out a big piece of your heart.
And then you are just left in your home and this huge hole in your heart ... seems not healing.
I already had physical pains after I lost my angel. For days I could not use my left arm. When I was laying in my bed, trying to sleep, my heart was beating irregular. Then I started to talk to my heart. Comforted it and told him he will come back.

I know so much how you feel. Try to speak to your heart and tell you that he will come back. Your angel will come back. Do not believe anything else. Hold on to this, no matter what others say.

Even my best friend told me that she thinks he will not come back after 12 day and I should take another cat. How can she? They are not just cats they are deeply in our hearts and they are the sweetest they share our hearts... Great personalities with strong characters...

I still know mine will come back even if he is away for a long time. I know he is missing me as well. He is my dearest heart I have.

So, don't give up. Your angel can feel it. Keep the connection to him strong and full of love as it always is.


*hiding under the sofa*

Offline Michelle (furbabystar)

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Re: LOST: Caversham (near Reading, Berkshire) - Beloved black and white moggy
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2008, 19:43:22 PM »
A very wise friend of mine said recently that I should not be ashamed for crying over this more than the death of my father - the loss of a pet brings grief from the past to the surface and allows it to escape. Food for thought.

I am glad you have some good friends, rather than friends who say "its just a cat"  :censored:

I hope you find him fingers are crossed for you xxx

Offline Juliab

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Re: LOST: Caversham (near Reading, Berkshire) - Beloved black and white moggy
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2008, 08:15:39 AM »
Thank you all - I am sadder now than I have been at any time of my life. Moriarty is not 'just an animal' - in him I see my partner bringing him home with his sister curled together in a box, his white theatrical eyebrows that made him look so handsome (Professor Moriarty) but later fell out, the birth of my daughter. All that history - bad events too - all seen through his eyes. A very wise friend of mine said recently that I should not be ashamed for crying over this more than the death of my father - the loss of a pet brings grief from the past to the surface and allows it to escape. Food for thought.

I am still hoping but it is becoming very hard.....

Good luck all you seekers - hope to read some more reunions soon.

Offline MrsR

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Re: LOST: Caversham (near Reading, Berkshire) - Beloved black and white moggy
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2008, 20:39:50 PM »
Sam's fantastic advice if you have lost your babe:-

Here are a few things to try:

1. Posters, Posters, Posters with picture and details with contact number.....hand out to neighbours and anyone you see. Put up in local shops, pubs and supermarkets. Stick to all local lamp posts. (If it rains go and collect them and replace however it's best to put posters in plastic wallets so if it rains they don't go all soggy - the neighbours and council don’t mind you putting them up so much that way).  Also put one in your and friends cars - it amazing how many people see them this way. Make smaller flyers and push through every letterbox on your streets and the surrounding area.   It is a good idea to offer a reward … of course this doesn’t have to be money … a box of cho-colates or a bunch of flowers is just as good.

2. Knock on doors and ask neighbours to check their sheds and garages WHILE YOU WAIT … it's surprising how many people say they will check but as soon as the door is closed they forget.   Knock on 10 doors either side of your house on both sides of the street.

3. Register him lost at all vets/catteries/rescue homes within a 20mile radius.  Follow the link and click on the map to find rescues in your area

4. Leave food out and a toy of his

5. Leave out an unwashed item of your clothing

6. Put the contents of your hoover bag on your garden - it’s full of smells that they will recognise and if doesn’t bring him directly to your door will at least hopefully keep him in the area. Alternatively if you have a litter tray that has used put some of the used litter on the garden as this will have familiar smells in it.

7. Contact the local fire brigade and see if they have had to rescue any stuck cats

8. Ask the local children to look - they are great for knowing all the local hidey-holes and love helping. Also have a word with your local post-person and milk man if there is one that delivers in your area.   Also try and enlist the help of people walking dogs as they tend to go “off road” in the fields and parks.

9. Ask the local radio station to announce he’s missing and give out a contact number

10. Put an advert in the local paper

11. Contact your local environmental services dept (bin men) they keep a log of all animals picked on the roadside ... I know this is not a pleasant call to make and hopefully it will come back as negative.

12. Go out after dark when it is quieter with a friend / partner and walk round the local area gently calling every so often (give him a chance to answer you). Keep talking as you walk round that way if he is in the area he will hear you.

13. When you talk to vets and rescues, ask them about any known local feral colonies and where they are based. If Kitty has been missing for more than a few days s/he might have wandered further afield and might be “hanging round” near a colony for security (safety in numbers) and company. If vets/rescues know locations of colonies, these might be useful to get some ideas of where to start looking.

14. If you have Pet Insurance check your policy to see if they will assist with advertising costs or reward costs for a lost cat.  Some policies cover as much as £1000 of local advertising and upto £500 reward.

Finally have a look at these sites - they are all EXCELLENT  contact Sue at mymoggy.

Also don't forget to check ad websites, such as.....

and also your local rescue shelter/s websites too!

Good luck and stay positive.

Hopefully your little one has just got itself shut in a shed somewhere.

And finally ……. IMPORTANT NOTE: When you get your furbabe back remember to remove ALL the posters and inform all vets / rescues / websites etc that they are home.

Offline MrsR

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Re: LOST: Caversham (near Reading, Berkshire) - Beloved black and white moggy
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2008, 20:38:20 PM »
Oh sweetie major hugs, I know what you are going through as I went through it recently for a second time.    My post is still on here for you to read through if you wish - its Poppy's thread .

I cannot say enough how important it is to leaflet and re-leaflet, Poppy came home after I leafleted for a third time the same places and the person who called only saw my third lot of leaflets.

I so understand how you feel and please post here as much as you need as everyone here is such a support  :hug:

Sending out positive vibes hun x

Offline Felida

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Re: LOST: Caversham (near Reading, Berkshire) - Beloved black and white moggy
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2008, 20:00:35 PM »
Oh how beautiful your little one is... I hold all fingers and toes crossed for you.  :hug:

*hiding under the sofa*

Offline Dawn F

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Re: LOST: Caversham (near Reading, Berkshire) - Beloved black and white moggy
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2008, 14:02:09 PM »
keep going with the posters - we've had two cats recently reunited because of posters - l'm sure the owners will be able to reassure you when they see this

Offline Juliab

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LOST: Caversham (near Reading, Berkshire) - Beloved black and white moggy
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2008, 13:55:48 PM »
I feel lost too. On August 27th, Moriarty went missing from our home in Caversham. We have done everything to locate him: registration with all the usual places, leaflets and posters, walking until my feet ache.

He is a black and white moggy - thirteen years old and mainly a house cat, although he likes to potter and sleep in the garden. We had just removed his collar (slight chafing) and he has a rough patch on his back where he likes to pluck out his hair. He has a white bib with a white spot on his nose - will be very scared and probably hiding under something. Has never been aggressive.

I really am in great despair. He is truly truly beloved. I will try and upload an image now but I have had problems doing this. If it does not work, is it possible that I can email to someone to upload.

Love and thoughts to all we searchers. Hugs to the good news reunions.


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