Cat Health & Behaviour > Health & Behaviour General

Cat Flap

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Sue P (Paddysmum):
We had a cat years ago who was the same as this - I had to prop open the flap for her.  She never would use it in ordinary mode.  She could - she just wouldn't!  I would wake up in the middle of the night and hear her crying - would run downstairs and check the flap - she'd be sitting on the other side looking smug until I opened the door.  Tsk!    8)

How about taping or propping it part-way open as an inbetween step between having it totally taped open and him having to push the whole caboodle open himself? Might work, especially with something delicious visible and smellable on the other side...

Hiya, am moving this over to the behaviour and health board 'cos that's where you'll get the useful replies  :innocent:

Hi, my adorable 7 month old cat will not use the cat flap.  Any ideas?  If I tape up the flap he is in and out of it no problem but the moment I take the tape off so he has to push it open himself he goes nowhere near it.  I have tried tempting him through with all sorts but to no avail.
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.



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