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Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: COSMIC CREEPERS on March 04, 2007, 19:36:08 PM

Title: why show crufts and not supream ???
Post by: COSMIC CREEPERS on March 04, 2007, 19:36:08 PM
crufts is on and i love it although havnt got a dog  :evillaugh:

but why do they not show THE SUPREAM or other cat shows on tv ITS CATTIST  :evillaugh
Title: Re: why show crufts and not supream ???
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on March 04, 2007, 19:40:43 PM
They used to show the London cat show on TV, for a couple of years or so, even saw myself there LOL.

But the cats dont react like dogs and dont like all the people applauding and the lights and noises.
Peeps used to try and applaude nice and gentle so as not to scare the cats but thats not what the TV peeps want.

They want noise. lights and a show. You cant walk the cats around like you can the dogs and the siamese in particular like to hide in their cages and it just doesnt make so called good TV  :(
Title: Re: why show crufts and not supream ???
Post by: COSMIC CREEPERS on March 04, 2007, 19:49:19 PM
yeh i know you can hardly walk  cats round and do agility and that  :evillaugh:  but they could improvise and show the cat show just as a one off program , talking to breeders about the breeds , tips and do it in a special way not in a show ring

with all the cat lovers in this country i think it would be a good thing
Title: Re: why show crufts and not supream ???
Post by: Linda (Bengalbabe) on March 04, 2007, 19:58:46 PM
TICA now do cat agility  :wow:
Title: Re: why show crufts and not supream ???
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on March 04, 2007, 20:00:17 PM
I remember seeing one of the big cat shows on tv one year but not since then.  I guess cat shows just aren't as interesting to the general public as dog shows as the cats don't run around etc and there isn't all the other stuff like agility, obedience.  It's a shame though as I enjoyed watching it.  And like Gill says, cats don't like the cameras as much although there are cameras there so I'm sure they could catch the main competition on film and show that, interspersed with some stuff from club row, new breeds etc to make it interesting.  There's quite a big crowd gathers around the main stage for the finals at the supreme and a lot of applause which doesn't seem to bother the cats.
Title: Re: why show crufts and not supream ???
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on March 04, 2007, 20:01:40 PM
Thats what they used to do Cosmic but then they dropped it..........not spectaculor enoiugh.

I dont approve of cat agility as a public competitve thing. >:(  I prefer cats to be cats and be their normal sulky moody fussy lazy contrary selves  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Title: Re: why show crufts and not supream ???
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on March 04, 2007, 20:03:35 PM
I dont approve of cat agility as a public competitve thing. >:(  I prefer cats to be cats and be their normal sulky moody fussy lazy contrary selves  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Ah but some cats like to be a bit crazy!  ;D
Title: Re: why show crufts and not supream ???
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on March 04, 2007, 20:08:25 PM
The trouble is that the cats dont have a say and its the owners that would try and force their cats to do things that should not be done for aprize!
Title: Re: why show crufts and not supream ???
Post by: Linda (Bengalbabe) on March 04, 2007, 20:09:29 PM
Yes, Susanne, the bengal boys (and girl) are much more easily described as crazy than lazy  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: why show crufts and not supream ???
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on March 04, 2007, 20:13:20 PM
I don't think you could force a cat to do agility.  We all know cats don't do anything they don't want to.

Yes Linda - Mosi is more crazy than lazy!  He loves running around.  In fact I think he's practising for agility right now!
Title: Re: why show crufts and not supream ???
Post by: Team Svartalfheims on March 04, 2007, 20:16:27 PM
Bilbo does agility at home to. If he didn't get so upset by the smell of other boys I'd let him do the icat agaility. Hoping to buy him the weaving poles at some point ( he uses boxes at the moment) and the proper hoop on a stand (save me or my friend having to hold the hoop for him.
Title: Re: why show crufts and not supream ???
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on March 04, 2007, 20:17:09 PM
Mine are all just plain lazy  :rofl:

Misas hunting for mice by sitting indoors on the window sill behind the curtain! Sasa is slouching under the kitchen table and the birman boys have deemed it time for a mid sleep snack about 30 mins ago and have now gone back to bed...............myyyyyyyyy bed  :rofl:
Title: Re: why show crufts and not supream ???
Post by: CurlyCatz on March 04, 2007, 20:58:39 PM
i always always miss the greyhounds on crufts.. >:(

anyone know when they're on ??

guess they'll be in the sight hound section.
Title: Re: why show crufts and not supream ???
Post by: Gillian Harvey on March 05, 2007, 12:25:47 PM
Yes, I miss seeing the cat shows on telly too - although its not as spectacular as Crufts, there are all sorts of things they could include in a tv programme, such as grooming demos (pre-recorded probably!), and new products - we all like to see new cat products don't we? I know I do, specially scratching posts, you can never have too many scratching posts!  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: why show crufts and not supream ???
Post by: Sue P (Paddysmum) on March 05, 2007, 12:45:37 PM
I remember seeing on Freeview this American cat show - this woman had a cat who was - well - unhappy, at being fussed about so much.  In the final scenes, it took off from the Judge's arms like a rocket - lacerating all and sundry as it hurled itself in a frenzy from lap to lap on the assembled audience.  There was blood, and there were tears, and I take my hat off to the woman who finally caught - and held on to - the spitting furious long haired amber tiger she suddenly found  in her possession.  And when the cat was returned to it's less than thrilled onwer, it sat with it's back to everyone having a good wash.    :evillaugh:
Title: Re: why show crufts and not supream ???
Post by: Reynard on March 06, 2007, 14:44:36 PM
Change the colour of the cat to black Sue, and that'd be my Toby boy for you!  :doh: I've never shown him and never will.

Yes, I remember the TV coverage of the National Cat Club show, but it didn't really make good TV. Crufts does, because dogs are such natural show-offs and will happily perform to an audience. Also, a good handler will get the best out of a dog. At a cat show, all the hard work is done beforehand and the cat stands alone on the day. If it isn't in a good mood, then it won't show well, no matter the quality of the cat.

To be honest, as an exhibitor, I'm not so sure I'd want TV cameras at a show; not just because it'd upset a lot of the cats, but also because since the cats are in pens (unlike dogs) it'd get up the dander of the animal rights brigade and I personally wouldn't want to be on the end of their idea of justice, nor would I want to put Pearl in that kind of a situation.

Lastly, because of GCCF rules regarding mentioning one's presence at shows, it'd be impossible to advertise any TV coverage in advance, which kind of rather defeats the point of having the TV cameras there in the first place.
Title: Re: why show crufts and not supream ???
Post by: Dawn F on March 06, 2007, 14:52:29 PM
I love crufts and used to go when it was in London but am I the only one who thinks the woman who dances with the dogs is a bit strange?