Author Topic: Maincoon Cross needing urgent foster home, Currently in Nottingham (HOMED)  (Read 22355 times)

Offline WadeGarret

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Re: Maincoon Cross needing urgent foster home, Currently in Nottingham
« Reply #20 on: March 21, 2010, 14:21:29 PM »
Aww, the poor pups, Thomas sounds a lot like my Wade, he's half scottish wildcat, so he can be pretty aggressive. My dog is also called Tara, she's a very old, very lazy lurcher. Luckily she tends to give the cats a wide berth. Garfield hates dogs, with a passion and is always intimidating Tara, but she's so laid back she just doesn't care.  :) Wade took a lot of adjusting to get used to her, but because she's so relaxed she just let him get on with it. She has had him fly at her face a number of times, which scared the life out of me. But she just spins round so he attacks her backside. Nowadays, when Wade is in a good mood, he'll even give her a kiss on the way past. Hard to believe when you see him in a grump! We dog sit quite often for friends, and Wade has these two huge labs terrified, after a couple of days, he just struts past them with a look of disdain on his face. Typical cat i guess.

Offline RACR

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Re: Maincoon Cross needing urgent foster home, Currently in Nottingham
« Reply #19 on: March 21, 2010, 09:43:57 AM »
Aww thanks :)

Well i thought I would see if I could do a bit training and working on taming Thomas around dogs (normaly I try and tame dogs that come in around cats lol) Not going very well tbh. Slight progress in the fact he isnt lunging when they pass the cage.

I put my dogs on the lead, this is in case they get attacked as they would snap and fight back if they got attacked badly, as would any animal. Sat on the sofa and asked my son to go let Thomas out. He came pollling down and saw the dogs were in the room. The dogs were laying at my feet nice and calm and Thomas had a weary sniff at the edge of the room, then scuttled out to sit and watch them. I thought id try a general walk past calmly with dogs, Kye my Male staffie refused to  move he was to scared of Thomas, he anchored back shaking. So I let my lad hold him and took tara. Tara was perfect and stayed right at my side and calm. I wasnt going to stress Thomas by asking Tara to go up to him and kept a boundary of respect for Thomas, but before we could even try any of this, Thomas launched across and had a go at Tara, Tara went back at him once but I had lead to control her and correct her. She doesnt normaly do that, but Thomas is the size as her and proper went at her :( Now  Tara is petrified to go any where near him, to send her out the room I had to hold onto Thomas and she slowly walked out with head down low.

I definatly don't think Thomas will ever accept dogs. I am not pushing it no more and just wanted to see if it could be worked on in a calm way where non felt threatened or trapped, hence me not using Kye my male staffie as he was scared stiff lol..

Thomas much to his disparoval has to go back in the crate up stairs for the day, think the thought his luck had come in having the down stairs all day too bless him.

Offline JackSpratt

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Re: Maincoon Cross needing urgent foster home, Currently in Nottingham
« Reply #18 on: March 21, 2010, 00:06:03 AM »
He really is lovely. I talked to my partner about fostering but he feels it wouldn't be a good move at the moment. (One of us has to be sensible, I suppose. :tired:)

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline WadeGarret

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Re: Maincoon Cross needing urgent foster home, Currently in Nottingham
« Reply #17 on: March 20, 2010, 22:53:16 PM »
He is such a beautiful boy! I really don't understand why someone hasn't jumped at the chance to help out and look after him!  :shocked:
He looks a lot like my first cat, i brought him home from my grandparent's farm, he was the runt of the litter and the only one who survived,(they all had cat flu) But he turned out a little smaller than your boy, but with a white bib and paws. He was my best friend for 14 years. :Luv: I cant imagine ever being without a cat now, though i went 3 years without one after Blackie died. I didn't think i'd ever find another cat with his personality. How wrong i was! They all have them! I really hope you find someone soon, Like i said, if i was closer i'd be there in a heartbeat.

Offline RACR

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Re: Maincoon Cross needing urgent foster home, Currently in Nottingham
« Reply #16 on: March 20, 2010, 22:22:03 PM »
Typical weekly groom. Once each week I do a thouragh groom with him using a shedding furminator comb where it strips out the under coats dead fur. Then do  his top coat aswell. Dailey he gets a general brush all over.

This is half of what comes out weekly bless him..

« Last Edit: March 20, 2010, 22:23:35 PM by RACR »

Offline RACR

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Re: Maincoon Cross needing urgent foster home, Currently in Nottingham
« Reply #15 on: March 19, 2010, 15:52:18 PM »
No sorry, he is the only Tom here direct. Infact there is only him and my cat who is female as had to move sky to emg foster home as burst pipes and such here :(

Offline YogiDot

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Re: Maincoon Cross needing urgent foster home, Currently in Nottingham
« Reply #14 on: March 19, 2010, 15:48:51 PM »
He is so handsome!

Any exposure yet to other toms? 

Offline WadeGarret

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Re: Maincoon Cross needing urgent foster home, Currently in Nottingham
« Reply #13 on: March 19, 2010, 10:44:14 AM »
I dearly wish we lived closer! I'd love to help. But we're miles away in Scotland. :( Sure our boys would love a friend to play with. Poor boy, i hope you find somewhere for him soon. He really is a handsome boy.  :)

Offline paddypaws

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Re: Maincoon Cross needing urgent foster home, Currently in Nottingham
« Reply #12 on: March 17, 2010, 18:27:11 PM »
Oh NO!!!
I was seriously hoping this post would have been edited to say he had been homed.
I have been checking daily, well more than daily I admit. As I said before, I think he is gorgeous and my heart WANTS him....but I just don't think my 4 scaredy old cats would stand the shock.
Is there anything I can do to help? With transfers maybe as I have a car? I do have a spare room but would that work in a foster situation?? Probably not. I have racked my brains for any potential homes but filled lots of spaces last year.
 :'( :'( :'(

Offline RACR

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Re: Maincoon Cross needing urgent foster home, Currently in Nottingham
« Reply #11 on: March 17, 2010, 13:53:34 PM »
Bump anyone? he is no trouble at all. Poor lad is having to be crated all day long, but let out through the night in the kitchen whilst I keep the dogs up stairs.

Also got pipe problems here and the floors are going to have to be ripped and new piping in which is far from ideal for Thomas to cope with.

He is very playful though can get be rough due to his size lol. Grooming is real easy with just 5 minutes a day and a once over with brush, he laps it all up and purrs away  :Luv2:

Offline JackSpratt

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Re: Maincoon Cross needing urgent foster home, Currently in Nottingham
« Reply #10 on: March 11, 2010, 21:20:04 PM »
Bless him. I had the same thought about his ears too. Hope he gets a new home soon.

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Maincoon Cross needing urgent foster home, Currently in Nottingham
« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2010, 21:08:28 PM »
I know status dogs are cropped to look mean but never heard of it in a cat  :Crazy: madness, people will never stop amazing me

Offline RACR

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Re: Maincoon Cross needing urgent foster home, Currently in Nottingham
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2010, 20:35:41 PM »
Well thats what i though about both being done, im wondering if it was for cosmetic reasons?

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Maincoon Cross needing urgent foster home, Currently in Nottingham
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2010, 20:07:51 PM »
Hes gorgeous  :Luv2: thought his ears looked short! Strange both would be done, local feral tnr wouldnt do both would they? Unless he had a wound to them  :Dont know:

Offline RACR

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Re: Maincoon Cross needing urgent foster home, Currently in Nottingham
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2010, 18:18:40 PM »
Oh Gosh....I think I am in love!
Have you found him a fosterer or a new home yet? I am in London and already have cats....don't even really know how fostering works, but would be interested in knowing more and seeing if I can help.

Hi, nope no foster or home found yet, im surprised as he is sooo handsome and the most amazing personality ever. We have a little routine here which he seems settled with, even though not to my liking really and thats he stays in a huge dog crate in the day out way of dogs and in the evening and through the night he has all down stairs to himself (animal wise) he seems happy with this as in the mornings he toddles right back up to his cage on his own ready bless him. Obviously im not happy with this as I dont like them being in crates unless its for medical/hospital reasons of recovery, or the 1st night coming here so they can adapt to new smells and sounds with out getting scared and hiding away.

He loves dangling toys and cant make out laser pen toys, funny because if you put thelaser dot near his toes he moon walks back thinking its going to touch him lol.

Now when he came in I assumed his ears were small to the mixed breed he is with, however when I checked in his ears to clean them I then wasnt convinced as it just didnt look natural and what i thought I could see was scarring. When we had his 1st vacc and chipping done the vet confirmed his ears have been cropped, for what reason we dont know, either cosmetic reasons or medical? The lady who handed him in said they had known him around as a stray for at least 2 years, we guessed his age at about 18 months looking at his teeth and vet said she thought that also, possible 2 years old. he must be around 2 1/2 to 3 years? Neighbours have looked after him for sure apart from the under grooming which was matted.

Offline paddypaws

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Re: Maincoon Cross needing urgent foster home, Currently in Nottingham
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2010, 14:49:17 PM »
Oh Gosh....I think I am in love!
Have you found him a fosterer or a new home yet? I am in London and already have cats....don't even really know how fostering works, but would be interested in knowing more and seeing if I can help.

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Maincoon Cross needing urgent foster home, Currently in Nottingham
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2010, 12:44:14 PM »
he is a beauty - unfortunately oh will kill me if I brought another long hair into the house - he gets through about 10 sticky rollers a week!  :evillaugh:

Offline RACR

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Re: Maincoon Cross needing urgent foster home, Currently in Nottingham
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2010, 12:37:50 PM »

This boy is an absolute stunner and so effectionate! he is good with kids. has hissed at the female cats here but if they hiss back he shuts up. Not been tested around male cats as non in here but the finders said he gets on better with them, though like said I havent been able to test him around non yet.

He is a gem to groom and it doesnt bother him at all, all matts now out and shaved off underneath, one small sore and red skin but nothing bad. he will follow you every where and does this neat trick with me by standing on his back legs and holding you hand with his front paws and walks with you, just like a child holding a adults hand to walk safely  :Luv2:

He is still scared of my dogs so I have to crate him most the day, but evenings and night he has the downstairs when my dogs go up to bed. Very playful aswell :)

Enjoying a belly rub after being dematted  :Luv2:

Offline Janeyk

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Re: Maincoon Cross needing urgent foster home, Currently in Nottingham
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2010, 20:01:32 PM »
 :Luv2: what a stunner! keeping everything crossed someone can help xx
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

Offline RACR

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Hi all.

I had a maincoon cross handed in last. Apperently a local stray that the neighbours clubbed together to get neutered and re released  :Crazy: They said he sheltered in a old ladies porch and went on rounds for food to other neighbours but was laso busting through cat flaps or running through open doors and windows and attacking some of the residents cats and stealing the food?

I would say he is approx a year old, very big! very matted under neath and I have started working on this gradualy removing the matts. He is qaurentined in a XL cate here as un vacced and been living out doors but he is petrified of my dogs :( he meowed a heck of alot last night, up at windows desperate to get out as let him have the kitchen last night and took the dogs upstairs as he kept my kids and me awake in the crate catawalling and trying to get out. I do beleive this was a desperate attampt to just get away from where dogs are. He has seen Sky when ive passed holding him and my Cat (not been near them or in contact though) and he hasnt batted a eyelid to them but cant be sure what he would be like at the moment around other cats.

I am cutting away the clumped matts around the genitals as it stinks of stale urine where its clogged up. One I reach through i will check to make sure if a neutered male as I dont always take on what ive been told.

Now his top coat is in mint condition, double coated. He is one heck of a effectionate cat and tolerates grooming very well, can be picked up, cradled the lot and he purrs away  :Luv2: Excellent with my kids also.

Need a foster home with NO dogs asap as he is stressed here with mine. My dogs are being kept away but he knows they are there. My dogs resepct all cats coming in and dont give eye contact or go p to them, but calmly and slowly walk past cages or cats to let them know they mean no harm. However due to his response knowint they are there im not allowing them near him at all.

Currently in Nottingham with moi.

Named Thomas by local kids, doesnt respond to the name. I am currently searching lost cat sites etc.. Incase some one is looking for him, one thing is, if they ad him neuetered it must of been along time ago as fur would of fully grown back and matted again since, I am doubting this, we cant see of feel testicles so could of been done ages or infact he is a she? I am also wondering if this cat was actualy the little old ladies mentioned but she wouldnt admit it? I want to make sure 1st though he isnt someones loving family pet missing.

Enjoying a belly run

One solid matted mass removed this morning!
« Last Edit: March 27, 2010, 19:59:12 PM by Janeyk »


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