Cat Health & Behaviour > Health & Behaviour General

Sore anal sacs?

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Poor Toffee does sound like worms hope they are okay :)

Hope you've got his bum sorted - makes a change to be talking about cats bums! One of my dogs has just had his anal glands removed, so It's been dogs bums chatter for months now. Sorry  :evillaugh:



--- Quote ---Could it be his anal sacs are full?
--- End quote ---

Yes, that type of behaviour is usually your initial thought.

Michelle (furbabystar):
 I would have thought it is worms, However, your vet could give his anal glands a sqeeze (yuck yuck stinky stinky makes me heave :sick:)

Sam (Fussy_Furball):
"scooting" on the floor on their bum is a sign of an itch and this is usually associated with worms!  But of course it could be something else so a trip to Mr vet might be an idea.


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