Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: Beccles on November 28, 2006, 13:04:05 PM

Title: Ollie...
Post by: Beccles on November 28, 2006, 13:04:05 PM
Well Ollie and I have just been to see Nice Auntie Vet again and... well... not so good news, really. Basically they're 99.9% sure he's got a brain tumour, which is currently causing the circling/behavioural changes. Steroids are still relieving the symptoms (and returning him to a wobbly version of more-or-less normal) but they're lasting for less and less long each time - so it sounds like our Olliecat may not have all that much longer with us. We've agreed for now to keep going until the steroids are not able to improve his quality of life, at which point it will be time for him to move on to a happier hunting ground.

He's had a hell of a good run - from life on the streets, to a month in a tiny cage at the vets, to six weeks (and counting) at Chez Becca with central heating to cuddle up to, carpets to wee on and kittens to box with.

There's life in the old boy yet...

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Title: Re: Ollie...
Post by: Liz on November 28, 2006, 13:14:18 PM
I hope Ollie continues to have a good quality of life and he may just surprise you yet and be around for a little longer now he has his own slave this can make all the difference

I'm sure he knows he is loved and wanted and this always makes the difference.
Title: Re: Ollie...
Post by: LuLu on November 28, 2006, 13:59:41 PM
Sorry to hear of Ollie's trouble.  It is so distressing to seem them when they have a seizure.  I am currently going through evaluation with my 12yr old girl to see if she has a neurological problem, brain tumour has been mentioned, so I understand completely.  Fortunately her behaviour change is not consistent & is limited to 5-6 hours every couple of days.  It sounds as if Ollie couldn't have found anyone better to see out his days with, however many more there may be.   :hug:
Title: Re: Ollie...
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on November 28, 2006, 14:05:28 PM
What sad news  :'( At least he will spend his last months being loved to pieces, warm and snuggly.
Title: Re: Ollie...
Post by: chrisleitz on November 28, 2006, 14:42:01 PM
I'm so sorry to hear the news.  Is there anything that could be done for him with surgery?  Not sure if you saw SuperVets recently but they had a cat in with a tumour and they tried the surgery and it worked.  Give the little black teddy bear a hug from me.

Lulu, I keep my fingers crossed for your little girl too.  I hope they can find out what causes the seizures and be able to help.
Best wishes, Chris

Title: Re: Ollie...
Post by: Beccles on November 28, 2006, 14:48:59 PM
Chris - I'd not be averse to the concept of surgical treatment BUT Ollie is a very unknown factor - we have no idea of his history or even really age, although he's clearly not a young cat. He's a long-term foster of mine and comes under the remit of the local Cats Protection branch and for that reason I am pretty sure anything invasive is not really an option :( he's also clearly had the tumour for a while and so it would be excluded by any insurance etc.

Thanks Liz, LuLu, Helen, Chris - he's not miserable at the moment, far from it, and I'm determined that his last weeks or months will be as good as they possibly can be.
Title: Re: Ollie...
Post by: Ela on November 28, 2006, 16:01:53 PM
He's a long-term foster of mine and comes under the remit of the local Cats Protection branch and for that reason I am pretty sure anything invasive is not really an option  he's also clearly had the tumour for a while and so it would be excluded by any insurance etc.

One of my cats had this problem however she had a good quality life for months on steroids.

Cats Protection cats in care would not be covered by insurance anyway. We in Chesterfield would pay for any invasive surgery if the vet thought the prognosis good and that the cat could go on to have a quality life however, I think perhaps surgery on  a cat who has a brain tumor is perhaps clutching at straws and I think I would question going that far.

I am sure Ollies last few weeks/months and hopefully years will be spent in the lap of luxury.
Title: Re: Ollie...
Post by: Christine (Blip) on November 28, 2006, 16:04:09 PM
I've just seen this and am saddened to hear the news. However Ollie does have someone to care for him, fun companions and a nice warm home to spend his time in. I hope he has a good while of happiness left.
Title: Re: Ollie...
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on November 28, 2006, 17:43:17 PM
I am so sorry to hear about Ollie Becca, hope that he does not deteriorate too quickly.

He has a kind loving slave who is giving him a great quality of life and I am sure he is enjoying his time with you after all he has been through.
Title: Re: Ollie...
Post by: Sue P (Paddysmum) on November 28, 2006, 19:37:53 PM
Becca this is sad news.  But, Ollie must be counting his blessings that he came to you and can end his days in a warm, loving home being cared for and cared about.  (((hugs to you and Ollie)))

And to you to  too LuLu.
Title: Re: Ollie...
Post by: Maggie on November 28, 2006, 20:35:30 PM
My heart goes out to Ollie :ahh:

I know he is thankful for his warm home everyday though.
Title: Re: Ollie...
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on November 29, 2006, 08:17:18 AM
i am so sorry to hear this news Becca, but he is safe, warm and loved, so he is lucky. I know you will do everything possible to give him the best life and to let him go when he no longer enjoys life. Re the surgery, I personally wouldn't put an animal through it even if they were insured, it wouldn't be the money side putting me off, it would be the op in an older cat and what kind of life they would have otherwise. Programmes like SuperVets do annoy me slightly, as they make people think that practically anything can be done, but they dont go into the money side of it too much, and as much as we would all do anything for our animals, I personally couldn't justify things like £10k (the heart transplant) - I would end up without a house, and that wouldn't do the cat any good after major surgery. And I haven't found any insurance company pay up to that level, so even with the top insurance level, you would still be looking at £3k.
Title: Re: Ollie...
Post by: Kelly on November 29, 2006, 08:59:02 AM
Wow - I have to say Becca I'm gutted. In fact to say I'm upset is an understatement as I've heard that news twice too many in the last few weeks.
Title: Re: Ollie...
Post by: Claire M on November 29, 2006, 13:56:15 PM
So sorry to hear about Ollie, big hugs to you both,Claire and Felix x
Title: Re: Ollie...
Post by: Eve on November 29, 2006, 15:08:59 PM
Im sorry to hear the news Becca  :-[ :-[
Title: Re: Ollie...
Post by: devilish_ushotmail on November 29, 2006, 19:11:50 PM
Tom Cat and I are thinking of you both xxxx
Title: Re: Ollie...
Post by: Beccles on November 30, 2006, 00:13:28 AM
Wow - I have to say Becca I'm gutted. In fact to say I'm upset is an understatement as I've heard that news twice too many in the last few weeks.

I'm so sorry, Kelly. I was meaning to email and let you know privately first and it completely slipped my mind. Barring miracles on Ollie's part or disasters on mine, Ollie will be staying with me till the end now, but it'd still be lovely to see you... maybe fairly soon as Ollie is still quite chipper, he's a fairly social sort of chap when he's feeling well.

Dare I ask who the other reciever-of-bad-news was? I hope they are doing OK too :(
Title: Re: Ollie...
Post by: Fiona2 on November 30, 2006, 19:34:11 PM
Hi Rebecca, just got back online after my phone and internet being down since Monday evening. So sorry to hear about Ollie  :(, wishing you the best, Fiona
Title: Re: Ollie...
Post by: Emma S on November 30, 2006, 20:56:22 PM
Ohhhh Ollie is such a beautiful boy....what sad news :(

The small ray of sunshine is that he has found a loving home to look after him until the end...and that is all anyone wants. Fingers crossed you have a lot more time left to spoil him Becca - he sounds like he deserves it!

Give him an extra special cuddle from me...and furry headbutts come form my girls :)
Title: Re: Ollie...
Post by: Ela on November 30, 2006, 21:03:17 PM
Ollie's new Crocheted blanket  is in the post, so hopefully it will arrive early next week.
Title: Re: Ollie...
Post by: Sue P (Paddysmum) on November 30, 2006, 21:12:57 PM
Hey - Ollie' gettin' a new blankie....... :wow: 8)
Title: Re: Ollie...
Post by: Kelly on November 30, 2006, 21:26:47 PM
Becca - my 23yr old sister - exactly the same thing - found out not long after I offered Ollie a home when he was better. Her treatment starts next thursday - so its a subject very close to me unfortunately. I'll be there next weds - 330 ish if that is ok????
Title: Re: Ollie...
Post by: Beccles on November 30, 2006, 22:00:04 PM
Oh, Kelly, I'm so sorry. That must be absolutely terrifying for you. My little cousin Joel had one a few years ago which was treated surgically - he's pretty much fine now. I hope all goes well with your sister - please pass on kind thoughts from me.  :Luv:

Wednesday would be fine with us, no worries if you can't make it, I got stung with a stealth staff meeting yesterday and missed meeting a pal.. grr.