Author Topic: Please sign to tell your MEP to help save the seals  (Read 3986 times)

Offline Janeyk

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Re: Please sign to tell your MEP to help save the seals
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2009, 06:24:15 AM »
Received this email:

The 2009 Canadian seal slaughter has officially ended, and we're happy to tell you that this year, about three-fourths of the seals who were scheduled to be bludgeoned or shot to death during the annual war on seals were spared. More than 300,000 of these gentle creatures were scheduled to die during the blood bath on the ice, but more than 200,000 seals did not suffer the cruel fate that Canada had intended for them. They did not have to feel the pain of having their skull bashed in or feel what it's like to have a hook stuck through their eye, cheek, or mouth—just so that their fur could be stolen for "fashion."

This dramatic decline in the number of seals who were killed during the slaughter is largely because the price of seal fur has fallen over the years as the disgust over the slaughter increases. The European Union and the U.S. have banned seal products, and world leaders have spoken out against the massacre. Demonstrations from London to Hamburg and Los Angeles to Toronto have made the headlines, and kind people all over the world have sent a strong, united message that the seal slaughter must end. 

While sealers bludgeoned and killed far fewer baby seals than they have in years past and people around the world are speaking out against the slaughter, our campaign is far from over. PETA will be fighting on for these defenseless animals until the Canadian government backs down and ends the slaughter for good, but we still need your help.

Please seize this opportunity to urge Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the Vancouver Olympic Organizing Committee to use their clout to help stop the slaughter, since all eyes are on Canada as it prepares to host the 2010 Winter Olympics.

Visit our new Web site,, for new ways that you can help save seals, and keep fighting with us until we win this battle for mother and baby seals on the ice!

Very truly yours,

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Offline Janeyk

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Re: Please sign to tell your MEP to help save the seals
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2009, 12:04:02 PM »
Received this email today which is good news  :)

Dear jane,

We just achieved a landmark victory for the seals!

Today, the European Parliament made history when it voted overwhelmingly to ban trade in seal products. This vote means that all three European Union (EU) institutions -- the Commission, the Council, and the Parliament -- are now in agreement, and seal products will no longer be placed on the market within the EU.

Europe has been a primary market for Canadian seal products, and many believe this ban spells the beginning of the end of the slaughter!

We could not have won this victory without you. Your letters, phone calls, faxes, and emails to MEPs, national governments, and other decision-makers showed that Europeans care deeply about the seals, and made it clear that the public expected nothing less than a strong ban.

We know that closing markets saves seals’ lives. Just the prospect of an EU ban on seal product trade was enough to drive the prices for seal fur down to just $15 Canadian per skin this year -- a decline of 86 percent since 2006. Many sealers chose not to hunt seals this year as a result -- and to date, out of a quota of 338,200 seals, just 57,622 have been killed. It is likely that when the seal hunt officially ends on 15 May, a quarter of a million seals will have been spared a horrible death. Now that the EU has banned its trade in seal products, countless more seals will live out their lives in peace from this year forward.

On our trips to the ice, Humane Society International has brought key opinion shapers such as Paul McCartney and Swedish Member of the European Parliament Carl Schlyter. After their trips, neither has wavered in speaking out against the hunt. Shortly after his trip to the ice, Carl drafted the first version of today’s EU ban. Our hunt footage was directly responsible for convincing the rest of the EU to agree to the ban. It gives me enormous satisfaction to know that we haven’t just documented the hunt, we have made history.

But even as we celebrate this amazing victory, we must remain vigilant. Because there is every chance the sealing industry will develop new markets.

That is why we will continue maintaining economic pressure on Canada’s fishing industry through our boycott of Canadian seafood products. We will continue pressing for a strong law in Canada to stop commercial sealing. And we will continue to lobby other nations to ban seal products.

Please join us as we finally put an end to the cruel slaughter of baby seals. Become a monthly supporter of Humane Society International and help us keep the pressure on Canada. We are thrilled by our success in passing this ban today, but there is still more to be done.

We are so close to putting this cruelty in the history books where it belongs -- thank you for being a part of this historic campaign to save the seals. I know we can count on you to stay with us as we bring a final end to Canada's commercial seal slaughter.

Celebrating this moment
« Last Edit: May 05, 2009, 12:04:59 PM by Janeyk »
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Re: Please sign to tell your MEP to help save the seals
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2009, 22:15:11 PM »
Signed and sent
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Offline Janeyk

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