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Born Free Appeail Tiger Zoos in China (desperate acts of cruelty)

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Pinkbear (Julie):
You never hear or see much about the way the French still have travelling circuses, where lions and tigers are carted from town to town is small trailers. We have just finished a contract for Eurodisney, and the circus was in the town a few miles up the road. At night, the lions are left staring at the passing traffic through their metal bars in cages 4 foot by 10 foot.

I was so shocked I didn't know what to say.  :censored:

And this is in EUROPE! They are our neighbours!

Unbelieveable....  :brick:

signed the petition  :censored: barbaric  :censored:

When are these so called 'people' (and i use that term loosely) going to realise there is no need in the 21st century for all this cruelty? 

Signed the petition gladly.

How much longer will this be tolerated? Zoos and Safari Parks in this country are just as bad in my view; animals are still taken out of the wild and put into these places and it's absolutely shameful.

As a matter of principle I will not visit Zoos, Safari Parks or Circuses where animals are part of the "entertainment" and I don't for one minute believe the claim [made by zoos and SP's] that the animals are there as part of a breeding programme for endangered species. It's a lie that is used to make the whole unspeakable business sound legitimate.

I may be a teensy bit extreme on the subject but I don't even like the way researchers and naturalists insist on tagging everything that moves...game reserves can be patrolled,managed and protected but otherwise, leave the animals alone and they'll thrive.

I'm sorry but this particular subject makes me really very angry  >:(

Teresa Pawcats:
Mark I watched it all, how I wish those bars would cave in and those evil humans become the bait.

Did you see the other video showing a Chines "Zoo" which has been described as an asylum for animals. The tiger just paces back and forth in a cage  :'(

Its disgusting  >:(


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