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new rescue cats - help i don't know what i am doing

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There is a food you can feed them which is Hills feline ID Recovery, it works very quickly and mine enjoy the taste as well. I was advised by the vet to give it to my 2 kittens when I brought them home in July, and now I have it as a cupboard necessity.

The covering the foods is wanting to protect it from predators so that they can come back for more later, they are telling you to leave it there mum I will be back later for it.

They are too lucky furbabies, to have mum so concerned, don't let the diarrhea go on too long though they can deterirate fast.

Good luck and enjoy them


My Charley sometimes tries to bury her food, we've found allsorts on top of the food bowls and had to switch to a non-tip drinking bowl too..

And my Sammy hated being picked up when he was little. It took a long time, but we started by getting him used to stroking, then we'd gently pick him up - but put him down as soon as he struggled. To begin with, that was pretty much instantly, but it gradually took longer and longer before he panicked and before too long he didn't want to be put down at all (in fact he goes up over my should and sits on my back purring now, little monster) :evillaugh:

Don't give up, as Kittybabe says - the first furry headbutt or kiss or paw up the nose in the morning makes it all worthwhile...  :Luv:

One of mine does the food burying thing all the time! Every time he eats or drinks, and if he smells something like food: he's even done it with a cloth that was sprayed with Feliway! It's very cute (although I had to switch to one of those non-tip water bowls because he was making a mess!) and I've discovered all sorts of stuff in the bowl - toys, string, a piece of paper that he'd completely covered the bowl with, a pair of pants from a washing pile in the kitchen! Anything that is near risks getting flipped into it but mostly he just does the motions. His brother has started copying him too - he only does it occasionally though! It's very funny.

Kittybabe (Ruth):
Welcome to Purrsssssss  :welcome:

So sweet you got Barney a mate to keep him company.

Take your time. Lots of patience with both of them. The Feliway diffuser is great. I have one and it helps keep the peace so to speak.

It can take months sometimes to help a kitten become more confident, but once you get that first little head butt or a purr in your ear when you're sleeping, its so worth it.

You sound like you're doing a good job for a new mum!  Well done and post some piccies!!!


--- Quote --- kept them off food for 12 hours and they have not been sick after eating the past day or so.  they do however have diarrhea so i have changed  their wet food to see if it helps.
the rscpa doesn't think they have worms.
--- End quote ---

If the little ones are still loose I think you should ask the RSPCA to authorize a vet check, yes, when cats/kittens moves homes it is a time of stress, but better to be safe than sorry. If you have a cat from Cats Protection some branches give free insurance  for 6 weeks (in the hope that you will continue), this of course would not cover a 'normal' vet visit as you have to pay the first £50 or so. All CP branches must pay for any treatment not covered by insurance for the first 4 weeks.

I Although The RSPCA many have wormed the  wormed the little ones, sometimes initially they are little b :censored:ers to clear, I assume that have advised you when they last had flea and worm treatments and when the next treatments should be due.


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