Author Topic: Worried...  (Read 44876 times)

Offline Liz

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Re: Worried...
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2014, 08:07:22 AM »
Spunds like she has arthritus that stops them jumping my ground hugger Millie diabetic is 17 and on a very high doseage of Insulin and has bad arthritus as well, I give her a Metacam injection as and when required and she is certainly easier for a while once it kicks in, Metacam can also be given on wet food vet prescribed.  She also has an orthopedic bed now which she loves and I think thats helping to

My 2 Hyper T's are also feeling the heat at the moment and are seeking cooler spots I have fans on all day as find that helps to
Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Worried...
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2014, 07:31:19 AM »

These are one example of steps available for pets to use

You could also try a plug in like pet remedy to help calm any nervousness Minty may be feeling when you aren't there.  You can get them online or from pets at home and other good pet stores.

Offline Jiji

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Re: Worried...
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2014, 07:22:30 AM »
Maybe take her for a second opinion, a fresh pair of eyes may pick up on something your regular vet hasn't. Perhaps Minty is finding it more difficult to get up and down from the bed, is there any way you could make it easier for her by putting something she can use as a step? I would probably continue to carry her up and down stairs as this is probably too much for her. What about providing her with a cuddly toy to curl up to in her favourite napping spots and leaving a radio on low on a talk station when you are out?

Sending you and Minty a few  :hug: :hug: :hug: 

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Worried...
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2014, 07:14:30 AM »
Miroslav, there are a few things which occur to me here about Minty, any of which could be the cause of her behavioural change, but let's just explore whether you think any of these may be an option.

When we had Paddy, who lived until he was just over twenty, he experienced a stroke at the age of 15.

As a result, he was left deaf, and it distressed him at first until he got used to the change.  He would seek us out much more, and cry.
He had never enjoyed being picked up, but as these changes occurred, he more and more wanted to be with us, to have us near, and to be cuddled.  It's possible Minty may have had another seizure you're not aware of, and it may have left her feeling confused and distressed.  Paddy used to pace restlessly - almost as if he couldnt quite settle.  If he wasn't pacing, he was sleeping.

Paddy also developed hyperthyroidism.  It's quite common in elderly cats, and can also lead to yowling in cats that haven't exhibited that behaviour before - especially at night, for some reason.  It may be worth asking your vet to specifically check for Hyperthyroidism.  It would normally affect their appetite too, and can lead to increased vomiting, weight loss - especially round the hindquarters, or eating little and often, so hence repeated requests for food.  The food often needs to be fresh to tempt their appetite, so food left out overnight wouldn't necessarily satisfy her (unless it's dried food, and she's accustomed to free feeding)

I wouldnt stop carrying her up and downstairs, if you dont mind doing it - it gives her much needed contact with you, and will help her access her old familiar places, which she might otherwise struggle to do on her own.  I suspect her not jumping on the bed may have more to do with age and agility (or lack of it).  You can get small cat steps from somewhere like the cat gallery (online) and these can be placed at one side of the bed to allow her to access the height more easily.

I dont think she's "whinging" as such, I think it's more likely to be physical changes which are affecting her.  19 years is an excellent age for a cat, but in human years she's almost a centenarian.  If she's feeling poorly she may purr.  It's long been thought that a cat's purr has a healing vibration which helps comfort a cat in discomfort, so can be used to help them feel better when in pain, just as much as being an expression of pleasure when they're happy.  If she's purring when she has her face tucked in to the sofa, this may also be an indication that she's in pain.  Cats hide it very well - as prey animals, they have to.

You clearly love Minty very much, and she loves you.  I wouldnt say she's spoilt - I'd say she's been beautifully cared for - there's a difference.   :hug:

The fact you're not feeling so good yourself won't be helping matters, as you'll need your rest and a good night's sleep.   It's probably worth a call to your vet, to talk through Minty's behavioural changes and asking if they think it's worth testing her for HyperT, or to see if there is anything else which may have changed since her last check up.   Often, your vet may be able to detect physical changes in the thyroid gland just by feeling it. Alternatively he may feel blood tests are sensible.

The  time that you and Minty have left with each other is very precious.  She won't be doing anything deliberately to "annoy" you.  She's only reacting to the age induced changes, which may be impacting her health in ways which aren't immediately obvious.  Elderly cats can be very demanding, but they're worth it.   Their health issues can keep us on our toes, and that's not always easy when you're not feeling great yourself, but I hope that you and Minty will continue to enjoy and benefit from each other's company for however long is left to Minty.

Offline Miroslav

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Re: Worried...
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2014, 05:13:20 AM »
She's purring again but every time I stop stroking her, she jolts her head at me as if to suggest 'how dare you stop'.

Any ideas on how to pick an old cat up. She's spoilt as she is and she doesn't play anymore.

Offline Miroslav

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« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2014, 05:06:57 AM »
My Minty (19) is acting strangely - this in itself is normal, but she's mewwing a lot although she stops when I go over to her and stroke her.

I'm not 100% myself at the moment but tonight she hasn't let me sleep. She'll lay with me for a bit, cuddle in with me as normal, but no purring, then every few minutes she'll move, meww, sleep in one of her favourite spots for 5 minutes, wake up, meww, come and find me and the whole process begins again. The mewwing stops for a couple of minutes when I touch her.

She's eating and drinking fine, although she's stopped eating upstairs so much, possibly as it means she has to get off the bed and then get back, which she struggles to do when i'm in bed as I think she worries she'll land on me.

I've taken some food and drink up to her and it's on my bed (tray, newspaper the lot in the hope she doesn't spit it everywhere!) and she's eaten most of it and had a good drink.

I'm worried she's depressed - she doesn't do anything anymore other than sleep and eat/drink. I even carry her up/down stairs when i'm here as she has little energy although the vet says it's normal at her age, especially as she's had two strokes/fits/seizures. Should I stop carrying her and let her do it herself?

She generally purrs, but always has been a scaredy cat/worrier and has always found great comfort in me. Someone says she's attention seeking as I always go to her, but this seems different, like she's lonely, but I can't be home 24/7 as I need to work to pay for her. As it is , I come home a lunchtimes to feed her and make sure she is ok. When I am home, I rarely go out because of a recently diagnosed condition that means I need to rest as much as possible outside of work, so she sees me quite  a lot and I spend a lot of time with her, but on the sofa she sticks her head in the back corner and never faces forward, but she's been like that for quite a while.

She's calmed down a bit now. Maybe she was waking me up as she was hungry, but she had food on the floor....I can't wake up every night to feed her as I give her a nice lot before I go to bed and in any case she'll start again soon as when i'm downstairs she's quiet after feed for a short while before mewwing again.

This has only started like this within the last week. She's always been a whinger, but this is different.

At least she's eating and drinking, I just hope she's happy.

She's started again........ :scared:


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