Author Topic: How Healthy IS your cat's Diet?  (Read 7367 times)

Offline Lyn (Slugsta)

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Re: How Healthy IS your cat's Diet?
« Reply #39 on: September 17, 2013, 13:06:33 PM »
That's really helpful, thanks guys!

Cleo has only 17 teeth left and none of them are molars. She has previously refused to eat anything that is not 'pap' , licking the jelly off chunky food but leaving the rest. She stays with the raw until it is gone, even if it takes a while. I'm glad to think that we will be helping protect what teeth she has left  ;D.

Offline Kay and Penny

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Re: How Healthy IS your cat's Diet?
« Reply #38 on: September 16, 2013, 21:03:16 PM »
a firm I have bought rabbit and turkey from

all free range too
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Offline onyx

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Re: How Healthy IS your cat's Diet?
« Reply #37 on: September 16, 2013, 20:24:28 PM »
nutriment do raw. they split off from natural instinct. it is expensive, but apparently 'complete' so you dont need any supplements.

i get my raw from manifold valley meats and then supplement it as necessary (liver, kidney, and heart).    my two are fatties and house cats, so they each only get about 80g a day. currently both are a bit fat, as they've been having mostly tripe mixes...!!!  chloe should be about 4kg and fonzie about 4.5  (though he looks like he should weigh a lot more).

if you do decide on manifold, there is a facebook group set up so you can coordinate delivery - i pay under £2 each month to have mine delivered. (normal delivery charge is £10).

think you can also get food from

Offline Alcatraz

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Re: How Healthy IS your cat's Diet?
« Reply #36 on: September 16, 2013, 16:49:24 PM »
Not sure which other commercial brands there are (I think maybe Natures Menu do raw) as we make up our own (it's dead easy) but I'm sure someone on here can advise you.

Ours get a mixture of human meat from the supermarket or butcher.  They get chicken, lamb, beef, heart, liver and kidney daily, and various treats such as pidgeon, rabbit and quail when I can find and afford it.  It's easy to prepare (cut into chunks, portion into daily sized bags and freeze) but takes about an hour for 3 weeks of food (with two cats that fills the bottom drawer of my little freezer).

Not sure if it works out cheaper than commercial brands but I think I worked it out at about £5 a week per cat.

Offline Lyn (Slugsta)

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Re: How Healthy IS your cat's Diet?
« Reply #35 on: September 16, 2013, 16:35:14 PM »
It's too soon to see any results, but I'm glad that the cats seem to be taking to it well.

Where else should I look for commercially prepared raw food?

Offline Alcatraz

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Re: How Healthy IS your cat's Diet?
« Reply #34 on: September 16, 2013, 09:08:30 AM »
Alfs is used to eating a full tin (300g) a day, but 200g of raw is recommended. I know that, when I eat something that is calorie dense my tummy feels empty even though I have had more than enough nutrients. Will Alfie be feeling the same?

Hey Slugsta

You can generally feed less as raw is just goodness whilst commercial pet food is bulked up with veg, carbs and additives.  Likewise, there's more water content in raw meat so you might find they drink less water.

Regarding amounts to feed, generally you should aim to feed around 3-5% of the cat's body weight per day.  So for a 4kg cat you'd feed between 120g and 200g per day.  You can adjust as you see fit...if they always clear their bowls and aren't putting on weight...up the amount slightly.  If they're getting thinner and you can see their ribs...up the amount more.  If they always leave food or are starting to put on weight...drop it a little.

Glad they took to it well though.  Hope you're finding it worthwhile.

Offline onyx

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Re: How Healthy IS your cat's Diet?
« Reply #33 on: September 15, 2013, 21:14:37 PM »
i know a few people who get their food from nuturing by nature :)

and yes, you feed much less food on raw than you would on either normal wet or normal dry.

it is slightly more expensive than other companies, and the foods seem to be mostly chicken base but it is a good place to start :) glad they like it!

Offline Lyn (Slugsta)

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Re: How Healthy IS your cat's Diet?
« Reply #32 on: September 15, 2013, 20:16:28 PM »
Thanks Jo!

Alfie needs to loose a bit of weight and Cleo has just had 8 teeth out, so I'm hoping it will do them both good. Alfs loves to chew, so I will try and get some lumpier food in too. I've got some chicken wings in the freezer for them and will probably get some necks next time.

The shop people were great, very enthusiastic and seem very knowledgeable too. However, I didn't think to ask whether I should continue giving mixed for a while. Alfs is used to eating a full tin (300g) a day, but 200g of raw is recommended. I know that, when I eat something that is calorie dense my tummy feels empty even though I have had more than enough nutrients. Will Alfie be feeling the same?

Offline maddercow

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Re: How Healthy IS your cat's Diet?
« Reply #31 on: September 15, 2013, 19:27:33 PM »
Brilliant, glad they liked it. Nothing wrong with a bit of tinned as well.

Lamb is definitely the favourite raw meat in this household.  Cashie, who was a junkfood addict, really loves it, the bloodier the better and is chewing the chunks really well now, his teeth were pronounced "beautiful" by the vet recently, I was SO proud.

They also love a bit of raw steak.

It is pricey but alternated with junk food it seems to keep my two happy and they look fantastic.


Offline Lyn (Slugsta)

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Re: How Healthy IS your cat's Diet?
« Reply #30 on: September 15, 2013, 18:10:42 PM »
Well, we tried them on their first raw meal this evening. I didn't expect much trouble with Alfie who loves his food, but wasn't sure about Cleo who is rather more fussy.

They both wolfed it down as if they were starving! Unfortunately, I have had to top them up with tinned because I didn't defrost enough. Norty meowmy!

Offline Lyn (Slugsta)

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Re: How Healthy IS your cat's Diet?
« Reply #29 on: September 14, 2013, 19:55:33 PM »
I read this thread when it was current - and I have to admit that I thought you were all just a little bit crazy!

Then I started to read the labels on the food I was giving mine. Cleo likes pate type foods and we have been feeding Whiskas Supermeat, while Alfie eats Whiskas in jelly.

I have just been sent some 'complete' food to test and saw that it is just 4% meat, while Whiskas is 8% (4% featured flavour and 4% other).

Yesterday we went to see some friends and their 2 gawjus kitties and learned that they are feeding raw. They were especially complimentary about a local company called 'nurturing by nature' that produce a variety of raw food for dogs and cats.

So today we visited this company and came home with a selection of raw food, including some whole sprats, hearts and livers, as well as a variety of mince. We will start Alfie and Cleo on it tomorrow and let you know how we fare...

Offline ReeBz

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Re: How Healthy IS your cat's Diet?
« Reply #28 on: May 29, 2013, 19:44:22 PM »
We bag ours in freezer bags (per portion) and once defrosted put the bag in a bowl of warm/hot water for 10-15 minutes.  This warms the meat to room temperature without cooking it and releases some of the sells...

I do the same with raw chicken, turkey and beef if it's on the bone. Just boil the kettle and give it a hot water rinse, so that the bones aren't cooked,
but the outside is cleaner. I'm not a huge fan of giving them raw chicken, we always have it drilled into us how dangerous it is after all.

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Re: How Healthy IS your cat's Diet?
« Reply #27 on: May 29, 2013, 19:38:35 PM »
We also had Lamb chops on the bone for lunch today, the bones were very well received.
Moshi dragged his off to the kitchen floor, and growled at Yuki, even though she was eating hers in the lounge!
Now that's passionate eating.

Yesterday I discovered that Nature's Menu do raw lamb hearts, and poultry necks for around £3.00 a bag from the pet shop down the road from me.
I know what we're having next week.  :sick: :Luv2:

Thanks to all who've submitted some great food ideas in the thread, very inspiring!
« Last Edit: May 29, 2013, 19:40:42 PM by ReeBz »

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Offline maddercow

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Re: How Healthy IS your cat's Diet?
« Reply #26 on: May 29, 2013, 16:25:05 PM »
We have lamb today which I got cheap in Tesco and it is going down well.  They are very lazy with the chunks, just shows how processed food stops them having to use their jaws. 

Weight wise Cashie is perfect which is odd as he in the junk foodie but Izzy has a bit of a tummy... she is downright greedy to be honest but is SO cute.

Anyway, the portion I gave them has all gone, I am going to bag bits up and freeze it. I don't mind them having junk as long as they eat good stuff too.  I like the odd bag of chips or a Veggie burger myself!

Thanks for the advice Alcatraz, I am expecting a change in bowel habits with the introduction of raw but hopefully it won't be too significant, I am not changing their entire diet, just varying it.  They are still having applaws and royal canin kibble and they like harringtons too which is quite decent in terms of content. 

They both look smashing I have to say and I am very proud of them      :Luv2:.

Offline Alcatraz

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Re: How Healthy IS your cat's Diet?
« Reply #25 on: May 29, 2013, 15:28:33 PM »
to start with, you could try flash frying the food to bring out the flavour?

We bag ours in freezer bags (per portion) and once defrosted put the bag in a bowl of warm/hot water for 10-15 minutes.  This warms the meat to room temperature without cooking it and releases some of the sells...

Offline onyx

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Re: How Healthy IS your cat's Diet?
« Reply #24 on: May 29, 2013, 15:22:01 PM »
bozita, grau, smilia, animonda carny are all available on Zooplus.

it's a shame no one lives in newcastle as I have loads of food left over from when I swapped!

its taken chloe a while to appreciate raw food, and even longer to understand she should chew it and not just stare at it.   unfortunately, I have to cut the pieces into smallish chunks or else fonzie will swallow it whole because he has no teeth  : / and, trying to keep them from swapping bowls back and forth is a bit of a nightmare!!

to start with, you could try flash frying the food to bring out the flavour?

Offline Alcatraz

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Re: How Healthy IS your cat's Diet?
« Reply #23 on: May 29, 2013, 15:16:26 PM »
Well, spurred on by this thread I got lean beef mince for my two today. Izzy ate a fair bit of it and clearly enjoyed it, Cash condescended to allow me to feed him little bits by hand but not a huge amount, he is so precious he really is.

Still, I am encouraged by the fact that h ate some and am going to persevere with it. I have tried chicken liver before and it ended up being fed to Mr Foxy because they wouldn't touch it!  They do like lamb and steak so I will get them some of that.  As long as I mix it up and they don't get bored of anything it is better than junk food 24/7.

I have heard good things about Bozita too, you can get it on Zooplus can't you?  I will give it a go, it won't get wasted anyway because if the cats won't eat it the hedgehogs or foxes will!


That's really positive news!  Remember that cats need fat content in their food so you don't need to go for lean meat and can leave skin on chicken (obviously if your little furrballs are tubby then maybe lean is the way forwards).

Also...if they have their own teeth, I'd suggest getting actual meat chunks rather than mince.  Not only will it give their teeth and jaws a good workout, but it also gives their stomachs time to create stomach acid and saliva, meaning the food gets broken down better and their stools are less smelly (our two make lovely poos compared to when they ate brand petfood :sick:).

Also, by mincing the meat it exposes more surface area to the air and creates more opportunities for spoiling and also diminishes the taurine in the meat.  I hack ours into 1 inch chunks but you can start smaller to make sure they can eat them ok.

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Re: How Healthy IS your cat's Diet?
« Reply #22 on: May 28, 2013, 22:27:52 PM »
I've tried Bozita in the past with little success but pretty sure that was before current hoard lived here  :innocent: 

Have therefore taken advantage of 10% discount on pet supermarket to order again with a couple of collars and another feliway and will report back as to success or otherwise.

Currently the hoard eat Felix AGAIL with either Science Plan biccies or Harringtons biccies depending on the cat ..........

Offline maddercow

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Re: How Healthy IS your cat's Diet?
« Reply #21 on: May 28, 2013, 19:59:12 PM »
Well, spurred on by this thread I got lean beef mince for my two today. Izzy ate a fair bit of it and clearly enjoyed it, Cash condescended to allow me to feed him little bits by hand but not a huge amount, he is so precious he really is.

Still, I am encouraged by the fact that h ate some and am going to persevere with it. I have tried chicken liver before and it ended up being fed to Mr Foxy because they wouldn't touch it!  They do like lamb and steak so I will get them some of that.  As long as I mix it up and they don't get bored of anything it is better than junk food 24/7.

I have heard good things about Bozita too, you can get it on Zooplus can't you?  I will give it a go, it won't get wasted anyway because if the cats won't eat it the hedgehogs or foxes will!


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Re: How Healthy IS your cat's Diet?
« Reply #20 on: May 28, 2013, 15:39:27 PM »
My older cat Rheenie (RIP) was extreeeemely fussy from the day we got her, I think she was about a year old by then.
She used to eat at least 8 different foods, but by the time she reached 10, she would only eat Tuna, prawns and Felix.
So they were on rotation!
With this pair, I'm not even going to let them SNIFF Felix.  :rofl:

As long as we all find the balance that's right and our cats are happy and healthy, we should be content.  And of course a loving home is just as important.

Well said! Not much to add to that.  ;)

bozita in jelly has very similar consistency to whiskas food, so if you do want to transition it may be worth trying that? I think the bozita gravy is more meaty but my cats didnt like it as much.

Yes my two aren't keen on gravy really either. Yuki tends to be quite sensitive, so I might switch her to a mostly raw diet, like she was before.

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Re: How Healthy IS your cat's Diet?
« Reply #19 on: May 28, 2013, 15:14:39 PM »
No Jo I dont think so and have had a cat that would starve herself completely rather than touch anything she didnt like..............have to say Lupin is the same!

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Re: How Healthy IS your cat's Diet?
« Reply #18 on: May 28, 2013, 14:25:08 PM »
I tried to change felix to bozita and only one out of four complied!

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Re: How Healthy IS your cat's Diet?
« Reply #17 on: May 28, 2013, 13:41:58 PM »
bozita in jelly has very similar consistency to whiskas food, so if you do want to transition it may be worth trying that? I think the bozita gravy is more meaty but my cats didnt like it as much.

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Re: How Healthy IS your cat's Diet?
« Reply #16 on: May 28, 2013, 13:39:26 PM »

I think I will gradually go raw, Cash will sometimes eat raw beef or lamb mince and steak but won't touch raw chicken... typically expensive tastes.

Hi Jo - Have you tried kidney or liver?  Both are really cheap (about £1 lasts me a month per cat) but need to be used sparingly (too much offal can make their stools runny as have high nutrient content). 

My two boys ALWAYS eat their offal first, then their red meat, then their chicken and finally their bones (sometimes the bones come first but that's a rarity).  It's like they know what's best for them (or smelliest?).

Their 80g portions generally consist of 4g liver, 4g kidney, 4g heart, 8g bone, 8g red meat and the rest (52g) of chicken.  This way it's affordable (mainly chicken and offal) but with a few red meat treats thrown in.

Offline maddercow

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Re: How Healthy IS your cat's Diet?
« Reply #15 on: May 28, 2013, 13:28:13 PM »

Wish mine would eat something a bit healthier, Iz will eat applaws and sometimes they will eat Hi Life which has a high meat content but Cash is, I am afraid to admit,  a junk food addict, I blame myself but when you see so much wasted and they steadfastly refuse to eat what you put down it is so much easier to go back to felix! Seriously, I think Cash would starve rather than eat something healthy... I need to be cruel to be kind and persevere, if he's hungry he'll eat something... won't he?

I think I will gradually go raw, Cash will sometimes eat raw beef or lamb mince and steak but won't touch raw chicken... typically expensive tastes. But then you offer him raw again the next day and he looks affronted, tricksy creature.

Great article thank you.


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Re: How Healthy IS your cat's Diet?
« Reply #14 on: May 28, 2013, 12:41:20 PM »
Our two get a raw food diet.
Chicken, lamb, beef, liver (various), kidney (various), beef hearts, and various oily fishes.

We also give them cooked fish on occassion.

(and Watson LOVES to eat cardboard when we're not at home  :sick:)

Neither like pouches when offered anymore (we use them as a backup) but will eat them if hungry.  We use HiLife.

Although I think having high protein (meat based protein) content is important, I think we also need to consider the cat's preference, price of food, convenience, etc.

As long as we all find the balance that's right and our cats are happy and healthy, we should be content.  And of course a loving home is just as important.

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Re: How Healthy IS your cat's Diet?
« Reply #13 on: May 28, 2013, 10:18:11 AM »
I feed Buffy applaws (encore) and high life sachets and she eats porta 21 dry as a top up as the applaws is only complimentary. I feed Xander porta 21 dry it isn't the best but it's I think about 40% meat and wheat free. He's very stubborn, I'm not happy with him eating all dry, he used to eat the applaws but now he will only eat dry. I keep trying him with various wet, he will take a tiny bit of cooked chicken but isn't very keen at all. He drives me mad. He acts like wet food is really weird and moves his mouth in a way that says what is this muck  :rofl:     

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Re: How Healthy IS your cat's Diet?
« Reply #12 on: May 27, 2013, 21:53:02 PM »
They have been guilty of 'Chicken Flavour' cat and dog food, and in subtext 'chicken' is not even listed in the ingredients.

Strangely enough, this is perfectly legal - and it's all in the word "flavour". If the description had said "chicken flavoured", it would have to contain chicken but anything described as just "xxx flavour" doesn't need to contain any of that ingredient.

(Hence vegetarians can eat "bacon flavour" crisp if they want to!)

Oh yes, perfectly legal. Just quite creepy. :P

Today i bought Encore Fish Selection, 80-90% fish product, even tastes pretty good!
I'd only feed them what I'd try myself!
I'm hoping Yuki will be less sensitive to it, unless she has worms..
Perhaps I need to top up on that.

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Re: How Healthy IS your cat's Diet?
« Reply #11 on: May 27, 2013, 21:36:23 PM »
swapped the cats onto raw a few months ago.  prior to that they were on a mixture of high quality grain free food (Acana, origin, taste of the wild etc ) and high quality grain free wet (bozita, grau etc) .

since I swapped fonzie to grain free about 4 years ago his face has been much cleaner. he now only gets his depo-medrol shot every 3-4 months as opposed to every two.   The severity of each 'issue' has also reduced. (he never presents the same thing in a row....!)

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Re: How Healthy IS your cat's Diet?
« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2013, 19:46:04 PM »
They have been guilty of 'Chicken Flavour' cat and dog food, and in subtext 'chicken' is not even listed in the ingredients.

Strangely enough, this is perfectly legal - and it's all in the word "flavour". If the description had said "chicken flavoured", it would have to contain chicken but anything described as just "xxx flavour" doesn't need to contain any of that ingredient.

(Hence vegetarians can eat "bacon flavour" crisp if they want to!)
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Re: How Healthy IS your cat's Diet?
« Reply #9 on: May 27, 2013, 13:07:02 PM »
What we would like our cats to eat and what they will eat are two totally different things!

Mine wont touch raw and are very fussy in what they will eat, so we are back on Felix and as long as I can Lupin to eat something I am happy!

With him we have been to RC and back thro Tescos to Sheba but when Sheba stopped making the one food he would eat I tried Felix again and that went down fairly well. I would love him to eat more but he just wont........sigh

As far as I am concerned to eat is better than not eating and tbh I dont care what it is within reason.

Offline Dawn F

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Re: How Healthy IS your cat's Diet?
« Reply #8 on: May 27, 2013, 12:27:24 PM »
I was told recently by purina the total meat content for as good as it looks was 14% - can't get my  lot to eat anything else though

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: How Healthy IS your cat's Diet?
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2013, 11:23:52 AM »
I feed a mixture of those options and both my cats get fed differently.

Mosi gets fed cereal/veg deriviative free wet food (usually hi life essentials or miamor pate but also some natures menu and applaws/encore in there) supplemented by grain free dry (usually Applaws but sometimes Orijen when I order from zooplus).

I used to feed Jaffa cereal free stuff but now he is almost 16, has kidney problems and really it's just a case of feeding him what he will eat and what he likes.  He has a mixture of supermarket own brand and named brand senior foods plus some RC renal vet diet wet food.  Supplemented by a bit of applaws type food for a treat.  He insists upon a variety and will not eat the same thing every day, hence I buy every own brand there is and alternate them.  The 4% foods aren't the best, but it is 4% of names meat and if a food does not contain cereals, soy or veg deriviatives it pretty much has to be mostly meat or meat products.  I know that what Jaffa eats is not the best quality wise (and is not cereal free) but he has to have what he will eat and my main aim is not to stress his kidnesy too much.  I reckon that to have got to 16 without too many problems (apart from his kidneys now but he is still at early stage crf) he must have a fairly strong constitution and I will just give him what he wants.

I have experimented with raw and whilst Jaffa likes it, Mosi is not impressed and will not eat more than little bits here and there or mince.  So I throw a raw meat meal into Jaffa's mix now and again and Mosi gets little pieces of raw sometimes.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2013, 11:27:21 AM by Susanne (urbantigers) »

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Re: How Healthy IS your cat's Diet?
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2013, 22:00:31 PM »
If a cat food is labelled as 'Beef' and only contains 4% Beef... and does not list any other 'meat', then you can be pretty assured that there is no other 'meat' in the product, either that or they are not confident to state what other types of meat are in it.

Yep - but I've never seen one that just says 4% meat which is why I mention it, I think it's a common fallacy and quite possibly even an urban myth! I've just looked up the ingredients on whiskas, for instance, and the top ingredient is "meat and animal derivatives (including chicken 4%), or beef 4%, or whatever the listed flavour is.  I totally agree that 'meat and animal derivatives' can mean virtually anything and probably isn't anything that you or I would consider 'meat' but it isn't anything like 4% total meat content (i.e. 96% not meat) in most instances. 

I must admit when I first read the bag of RC 12+ I was horrified though.  It's not even as if its cheap, and I'm not sure why they suddenly thought that cats aged 12+ should have such a large amount of wheat in their biscuits!

Oh! I'm not saying that the cat food only 'contains 4% total meat', I apologise I think you misunderstood me!
My point was that it only contains 4% of what it actually says on the front label. The rest they can only claim as unknown, derivative, or by-product of whichever animals.

Usually the worst offenders are the Supermarket own Brands, Tesco's and Asda do/did types of cat food that really scraped the barrel.
They have been guilty of 'Chicken Flavour' cat and dog food, and in subtext 'chicken' is not even listed in the ingredients.  :P

I know what you mean about the wheat! Terrifying.
So many cats have allergies or upsets on wheat, it always shocks me when they put milk and cheese in pet foods too.
I don't know many cats that aren't lactose intolerant.  :tired:

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Re: How Healthy IS your cat's Diet?
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2013, 21:16:25 PM »
If a cat food is labelled as 'Beef' and only contains 4% Beef... and does not list any other 'meat', then you can be pretty assured that there is no other 'meat' in the product, either that or they are not confident to state what other types of meat are in it.

Yep - but I've never seen one that just says 4% meat which is why I mention it, I think it's a common fallacy and quite possibly even an urban myth! I've just looked up the ingredients on whiskas, for instance, and the top ingredient is "meat and animal derivatives (including chicken 4%), or beef 4%, or whatever the listed flavour is.  I totally agree that 'meat and animal derivatives' can mean virtually anything and probably isn't anything that you or I would consider 'meat' but it isn't anything like 4% total meat content (i.e. 96% not meat) in most instances. 

I must admit when I first read the bag of RC 12+ I was horrified though.  It's not even as if its cheap, and I'm not sure why they suddenly thought that cats aged 12+ should have such a large amount of wheat in their biscuits!

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Re: How Healthy IS your cat's Diet?
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2013, 20:26:43 PM »
I don't think it's true that most pet foods only contain 4% meat.  What is true is that many of them contain only 4% of the advertised flavour of meat, and that's a different thing entirely.  So a 'salmon' cat food may contain 4% salmon, but it may contain 85% other meats (using the loosest definition of meat!) or it might contain 20% other meats...or anything inbetween. 

I used to feed rc until fairly recently. I know it's not the best and they have always been funny about giving away exact ingredients, but mine have always thrived on it better than anything else I have tried.  But last year they launched their ageing 12+ range which I swapped Milly onto from the mature (which they converted to 7+) and have recently worked out that her ongoing overgrooming is due to a wheat allergy.  Upon closer reading, the rc 12+ has wheat as the second highest ingredient - and the highest ingredient is vegetable something or other.  So I've now swapped them onto applaws and Orijen dry both of which are grain free and am slowly swapping them onto bozita too.  They had bozita some years back and didn't get on too well with it but they have expanded their range now to include smaller tetrapacks incuding light/large etc so I am going to try again.

If a cat food is labelled as 'Beef' and only contains 4% Beef... and does not list any other 'meat', then you can be pretty assured that there is no other 'meat' in the product, either that or they are not confident to state what other types of meat are in it.
If the product has '+ other meats', 'misc derivatives', 'misc by-products'.. I'm not really sure if this is different, or better.
It's like they've just said "Pffff.. could be anything in it, just put 'other meat' in the subtext."
Meat that isn't listed could be anything, or have come from anywhere. I don't think that's much different, or better really.

I think that Applaws and Orijen are very good quality foods, it's good to see someone like yourself who's so
interested in offering a different diet, and you've obviously taken care and time to look into those brands.
Never heard of Bozita though, it looks like a very promising pet food, and the ingredient list is the best I've seen!
I might have to switch to it too when they are older.
Thanks for posting about it!
« Last Edit: May 26, 2013, 21:02:06 PM by ReeBz »

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Re: How Healthy IS your cat's Diet?
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2013, 19:42:06 PM »
I don't think it's true that most pet foods only contain 4% meat.  What is true is that many of them contain only 4% of the advertised flavour of meat, and that's a different thing entirely.  So a 'salmon' cat food may contain 4% salmon, but it may contain 85% other meats (using the loosest definition of meat!) or it might contain 20% other meats...or anything inbetween. 

I used to feed rc until fairly recently. I know it's not the best and they have always been funny about giving away exact ingredients, but mine have always thrived on it better than anything else I have tried.  But last year they launched their ageing 12+ range which I swapped Milly onto from the mature (which they converted to 7+) and have recently worked out that her ongoing overgrooming is due to a wheat allergy.  Upon closer reading, the rc 12+ has wheat as the second highest ingredient - and the highest ingredient is vegetable something or other.  So I've now swapped them onto applaws and Orijen dry both of which are grain free and am slowly swapping them onto bozita too.  They had bozita some years back and didn't get on too well with it but they have expanded their range now to include smaller tetrapacks incuding light/large etc so I am going to try again.

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Re: How Healthy IS your cat's Diet?
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2013, 12:12:45 PM »
Excellent post :)
All the more info on what's in the foods we feed our babes the better :)
I've read what the "crappy" meat is and it is shocking :(

I am trying to change my lads food now by it isn't easy when they are used to the crappy foods and addictive additives added to them ! But I will persist :)
Cats need Taurine amonst other things in their food which is naturally in a cats natural diet in prey muscle
If that isn't in your cats food ya need to look for some that has it and the higher meat content the better.

Always best to change your cats diet slowly but it can be done with persistence
Leads to a much healthier happy cat :)

Just check what's in your cats food and there is lots of info on what cats need on the web
This is a good site

« Last Edit: May 26, 2013, 12:15:07 PM by Tan »

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How Healthy IS your cat's Diet?
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2013, 11:49:53 AM »
I don't know if there is a 'Food Poll' already, but if there is, I apologise!
There's always been battle after battle between what's considered 'good' and 'bad' pet food,
and I really don't think animal nutrition is given the attention it desperately needs, for the sake of the welfare of our animals.
Health and Nutrition are VERY important to me, both as a Kitty owner, and as a previous Animal Behaviour/Health student.
And I wanted to know what you guys thought about the quality of Branded Pet foods, when it comes to
what actually goes into them, and how much of it actually benefits your pets Health.

Our animals rely on us to provide for them. What we feed them should be what we would feed ourselves and our own children.
A good healthy balanced diet.

There is a legal limit for meat quantity in pet food. And if I remember rightly, it's around 4%.
Most pet foods only contain 4% actual meat, and unfortunately not usually the parts you would want to eat yourself,
I'll call it 'creepy meat' for the want of an easy phrase.
Pet Food brands that only contain minimal meat quantities, or 'creepy meat', are not allowed (by law) to display
pictures of actual meat on their packaging because they would be lying to the consumer about the quality and quantity of the meat in their products.
That's usually how you can tell a good brand from a 'creepy meat' brand.

If you do feed your kitty food that has only 4% meat, have you ever wondered what the other 96% of the food is made up of?
Some foods do actually contain vegetables, or rice, or corn. Veg isn't so bad! Vitamins and nutrients, etc..
But cats are Carnivores.. and most of that really isn't digestible, they're just not built to eat those things.
But veg, rice and corn make great fillers for the production companies, making the meat go further in their products.

The trouble is, it's hard to wean a cat off of a 'creepy meat' cat food, when they've grown up on it.
Most pet owners have this trouble when they want to convert, but it's always worth checking out other cat foods that contain a
better meat content. Or definitely supplementing their 'creepy meat' diet with some good old fashioned home cooking and raw food!

I've never understood why Vets recommend feeds like Royal Canin and Science Plan, when their meat quantity is so minimal.
And I don't want to say it, because I feel like a terrible person... but!... I guess healthy cats don't pay a Vets rent.
(I am soooo sorry to any Vets who might be on the forum, it's just what I've heard said in various places.)

I feed my cats 'Nature's Menu' because of their high meat content, and general clean quality.
And I also supplement with home cooked fish, prawns, raw lamb (Yuki's favourite!) and cooked chicken.

So tell me, what do you guys think about pet food brands?
« Last Edit: May 26, 2013, 12:24:43 PM by ReeBz »

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