Author Topic: One of my ginger boys is missing - we're devastated - home now!  (Read 7824 times)

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: One of my ginger boys is missing - we're devastated - home now!
« Reply #12 on: September 06, 2013, 13:25:34 PM »
So pleased he is home  ;D

Mice are not even the slighest bit clever, they are stooooooooooopid and Lupin will agree  :innocent:

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: One of my ginger boys is missing - we're devastated - home now!
« Reply #11 on: September 06, 2013, 06:56:07 AM »
Aw Jo - I suspect it's not a case that you didn't bond with them - you were just afraid to open your heart in case it felt like you were being disloyal to Tipsy.  Now, you know (if ever you really doubted it) that you do love these two little furbabes who've joined you.   :)

When Ross was a nipper (rather than the grand old age of 16 months like wot he is now, we used to get him to come to the sound of a dog whistle.  Now however he just ignores that.   :evillaugh:

The two of ours were sat under my car last night where a small field mouse had taken refuge.  The pair of them came in around an hour later with the filthiest dirtiest front paws I ever did see.    :shify: I leave you to draw your own conclusions (as did I) but I do hope the little mouse was too clever for them   :doh:

Offline Jo43

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Re: One of my ginger boys is missing - we're devastated - home now!
« Reply #10 on: September 05, 2013, 22:25:02 PM »
I have never felt such relief and this was 2 wee cats we got 6 weeks ago and I didn't bond with cause I was still grieving for my sweet Tipsy.  Funny how you become attached.  I am going to take your advice and only let them out when we're around supervised.  He is still nervous and he is only coming out at night when my 6 year old has gone to bed.  He doesn't seem to like children and noises, our house is not quiet!

Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Re: One of my ginger boys is missing - we're devastated - home now!
« Reply #9 on: September 05, 2013, 20:54:36 PM »
I agree with everything Sue said.  My lot are all allowed out when I'm around.  If I'm at work they are in (usually sound asleep) and they are all kept in at night.

I have always trained my lot from a very young age to come when they are called ... they all come to the kissey squeaky noise I make.   When they were young I would call them and make sure they actually came into the house .. they would get a little treat and then be allowed to go straight out again if they wanted.  This way they got used to coming to the call and to coming into the house ... it's no good them coming but running off the second you go to pick them up lol.

If I don't see them for an hour or so they are called so I know where they are.

I'm so pleased your ginger ninja is back home safe and well  :hug:
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Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: One of my ginger boys is missing - we're devastated
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2013, 13:42:15 PM »

Am so very relieved for you all, Jo.  I know only too well how it is when cats go missing, having lost two without trace, and one to an RTA.   :hug: :hug:

Our ginger boy disappeared for more than a day, the other day, and like you we were devastated.  Thankfully, he too showed up the following night.   

I suspect in this instance, your little lad took fright and went to ground somewhere until he felt it was safe to come out.  The good thing is, he didnt go far, and he had the sense to come home and to show his face when a familiar family memebr was out looking for him.  I think you can take huge comfort from that, as it sounds like your little lad has some strong common sense.   :hug:

I thoroughly empathise with your dilemma - our last but one cat lived until he was 20, and we only knew one instance where he stayed away from home overnight in all that time.  Then we had Mac, and we lost him to an RTA at just coming up to a year old.  If you choose to let your cats out (and I say that as one who does, even though I'd really rather keep them as indoors, or with a properly cat proofed garden) then it's a risk you have to accept, although to be honest, I think as you say, yours just got a fright, and didnt feel confident enough to show himself once the initial fuss died down.  The fact he didn't go far, and was able to make his way back to safety is a very big plus point.

My OH reacted just as yours did.  So sending a hug for him too, as no doubt his nerves were in shreds.   :hug: :hug:

Offline Jo43

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Re: One of my ginger boys is missing - we're devastated
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2013, 13:01:23 PM »
He has come home! We are all so relieved.  Thought we would never see him again.  My husband went looking for him in a dense lane and he came back up the drive and into the house - his brother was looking out and getting excited.  The next his wee face appeared through the fence next door.  My husband rang me and was literally choked up telling me..he had to ring back when he was more composed.  I was just about to print our flyers. 

Question: we had 2 cats for 17 years they only stayed away one day in all that time - we are not used to this behaviour.  I don't want to keep them indoors but I am petrified this will happen again - can't cope with it tbh.  What now?  or are we just to get used to him going for days (maybe!).   :thanks:

Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Re: One of my ginger boys is missing - we're devastated
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2013, 21:05:20 PM »
Sorry to hear your baby is missing?  Check out our very comprehensive list of hints and tips of things to do:,305.0.html
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Offline Lyn (Slugsta)

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Re: One of my ginger boys is missing - we're devastated
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2013, 16:37:45 PM »
 :welcome: to the site. I am so sorry that you have found us in such sad circumstances. Please don't give up yet, it is early days. My SIL's cat got lost when they first took her home from CPL, but she was found around 1 month later and returned to them thanks to the microchip.  :hug:

Offline Mymblesdaughter

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Re: One of my ginger boys is missing - we're devastated
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2013, 15:51:22 PM »
Jo I really hope he comes home soon.

Here's a list of things you can do to help find him

Offline Jo43

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Re: One of my ginger boys is missing - we're devastated
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2013, 15:38:22 PM »
We have not knocked on every door we have spoken to 2 people in the street..not many people open their garages as most cars sit on driveway.  We are going to deliver leaflets to letterboxes in our street.  Is it ok to do this?  We have also went to the house that backs on to ours

Offline Dawn F

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Re: One of my ginger boys is missing - we're devastated
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2013, 14:52:06 PM »
often they don't go very far, have you knocked on doors or done leaflets?

Offline Jo43

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One of my ginger boys is missing - we're devastated - home now!
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2013, 14:50:30 PM »
We got 2 ginger brothers from Cats Protection nearly 7 weeks ago.  The smallest Jinxy has gone missing.  We are all so upset and devastated.  He was very nervous when we got him but was starting to come round.  Still afraid of noises and he suddenly in the last week took a fear of my daughter and didn't seem to like children - was hiding under the bed and in wardrobes.  On Monday night when the vacuum was turned on and the kids came up the drive and a car alarm went off he bolted out the patio doors which we had opened for them, they were only venturing up the back.  He is gone.  We have went searching for him, calling him, shaking treats, he has just disappeared.  We are devastated.  I don't have a good feeling about this.  I think he has got lost and can't find his way back to us or else he is stuck in some garage/shed but to be honest he was so nervous I can't see him going in anywhere like that.  Will we ever see him again?  My daughters are so upset - my eldest was in tears and out looking for him.  He is a wee dote but frightened little thing.   He is microchipped.  Apart from contacting CP where we got them who else do I contact. :(
« Last Edit: September 05, 2013, 19:15:48 PM by Rosella moggy »


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