Cat Rescue & Rehoming > Adopt/Give a home to a cat

Would love to give a forever home

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Have two kitty's aged 7 one a Maine Coon other a very very timid shy tiny grey tabby she her mother didn't get right food while she was pregnant so Minnie is 7 but size of a 1year old and still wears a kitten collar which are still a little big sadly I lost Shania in 2012 and since then Minnie has no female back up and as Mocha has grown in confidence Minnie no longer has Shania to protect her and put Mocha in his place so am looking for a shy maybe timid female as vet advised a female cat with confidence would not help Minnie but when looked after friends kitty(aged 1) as she is too scared of Cattery's so stayed was so nice to see Minnie play and be her old self so would love to find her some company that she sadly is missing after the passing of


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