Offline Kittybabe (Ruth)

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« Reply #26 on: January 20, 2007, 23:16:53 PM »
Some people are indeed strange but then I think inexperience with animals says a lot. My OH never had pets growing up in London and never really had any exposure.

His first interaction with a cat was a ferral his ex had inherited!  So when Lexy squeaked at him for the first time it was wonderful to see his face just melt.

She loves her dad.

But until I brought her home he had visions of the house being torn apart. And his hands too! :rofl:

On the other hand if he had not taken to her...well can't really say but me thinks he would be living elsewhere at this point.

We had dogs and cats growing up and the dogs were normally of the large variety mainly German Shepherds. When we had visitors my mum locked the dogs in the back garden so that people felt comfortable. But what annoyed me most was my stupid horrible boy cousin (yes we still don't get on to this day) who used to chase my mums cats Sasha and pull her tail. He wasn't ignorant....he's just a mean spirited bully. Still is.

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« Reply #25 on: January 20, 2007, 22:42:05 PM »
LOL ....I think you have to be a certain type of person not to like animals parents for example say they dont like animals anyway whenever they come around Yumi walks all over them and you can see that they love it ...

although have to say they dont 'understand' animals ..I think that is something completley different !...
Fuss me Fuss me ..Come on I have things to do like Eating and sleeping !

Offline JackSpratt

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« Reply #24 on: January 20, 2007, 22:34:11 PM »
I am actually very wary of people who say they don't like animals .... I think it shows a lack of a caring nature.  I remember being introduced to a gorgeous bloke once who was, in my opinion and most of my friends opinion, an adonis!!!  We really hit it off and things seemed to going really well until I mentioned I had cats.  He replied he didn't like cats ... I automatically thought this meant he was a Dog person, however when I aksed him he replied he didn't like anything with fur!!!!!!!! Giving him the benefit of the doubt I asked if it was because he was allergic ... No, he replied he just didn't like them! Freak!

Needless to say this Adonis rapidly went down in my estimation and  my opinion of him changed from phwoar to repulsion  :rofl:

I love it! :) I definately do that to a degree. If people don't like animals, I don't immediately disregard them, but I find their way of thinking hard to understand! My partner had no pets when I met him(although he doesn't dislike them!), and has adapted to being surrounded by animals over the eight years we've been together.(Albeit begrudgingly at times!)

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline Littlebobo

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« Reply #23 on: January 20, 2007, 22:28:25 PM »
I dont even like have people round the house as i worry about how my cats are lol..

I think she is completley ignorant I am so fed up with people not understanding animals ..we need to open their eyes ..only cats ...grrr good job i wasn't there think i would have lost the plot ..especially today feeling very down and angry with the world ..
Fuss me Fuss me ..Come on I have things to do like Eating and sleeping !

Offline Kelly

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« Reply #22 on: January 20, 2007, 21:45:26 PM »
I have children and animals, I love them both the same. At the end of the day Benjy (my little boy) always comes first, but my kitties always come straight after - I've had some weird responses when I say I'm a foster mummy, but at work I have 2 confidents who love cats so its nice to know not everyone has such a closed mind when it comes to furbabes
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« Reply #21 on: January 20, 2007, 20:45:58 PM »
I am actually very wary of people who say they don't like animals .... I think it shows a lack of a caring nature.  I remember being introduced to a gorgeous bloke once who was, in my opinion and most of my friends opinion, an adonis!!!  We really hit it off and things seemed to going really well until I mentioned I had cats.  He replied he didn't like cats ... I automatically thought this meant he was a Dog person, however when I aksed him he replied he didn't like anything with fur!!!!!!!! Giving him the benefit of the doubt I asked if it was because he was allergic ... No, he replied he just didn't like them! Freak!

Needless to say this Adonis rapidly went down in my estimation and  my opinion of him changed from phwoar to repulision  :rofl:

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Offline smudgepickles

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« Reply #20 on: January 20, 2007, 20:29:04 PM »
well I'm glad you all agree I'm not the only one (thats needs help) lol  :rofl: :rofl:

She does actually leave her children with whoever will look after them........NOT ME THOUGH!!!!!!

I must say that a lot of my friends are not scared but a bit wary of my horses especially my big guy he is 17.3 hands I'm 5' 8 and Baileys back is at the top of my head so I understand people being wary of them  but even then all 3 of mine are kind and gentle but they were not when I got them they were rescue cases and very nervous of people
but all of my friends love their kind nature and love to see the dogs around the horses and the occasional cat on the horses backs

My animals are an extension of my children and I love them all the same and I could live all my life without most people as long as I have my animals and close friends that love their animals and mine too


Offline Debbie

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« Reply #19 on: January 20, 2007, 20:05:05 PM »
My friend is not the only one that doesnt like cats.  My dad said a few months back he didnt know where I had picked up the liking of such animals as none of his or my mums side like them.  I think they are the odd ones, I like most animals if I am honest but I am pretty scared of horses.  My only experience with them was a mild trek on an outbound course once and the horse bolted and sped down the hill then tipped me over his head!  It doesnt mean I like them any less.

Sam is pretty easy going and will only react if teased or trapped which I guess is normal for cats.  She definitely wont want to stay overnight though, she will have to share with Sam  ;D

Offline JackSpratt

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« Reply #18 on: January 20, 2007, 19:59:38 PM »
I've been bitten by cats and dogs, yet definately prefer animals to people. Animals can't tell you exactly how they feel, so  they have to show you.

I'd let your friend visit, Debbie. She can either deal with the fact you've got a cat or sod off really!I used to have ferrets in my backyard and one of my friends recently admitted he never used to want to come to BBQs at our house due to the smell of ferret being so strong. I just told him he was a wimp! :)
« Last Edit: January 20, 2007, 22:25:35 PM by JackSpratt »

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

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« Reply #17 on: January 20, 2007, 19:49:07 PM »
I wouldn't mention anything and just invite her over, Sam is so cute I can't see how she won't fall in love with him. 

I'm not really a doggy person and if I'm honest am actually quite frightened of them (was bitten by a collie who chased me as a child while I was testing out my new trainers running up and down the street >:().  A friend recently got a rescue dog, in theory I should have been frightened of him especially as I had no knowledge of his background, for all I knew he had been rehomed for being aggressive.  I wasn't frightened of him and felt immediately at ease and actually quite liked him, hopefully Sam will work his charm on your friend too  :Luv: 

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« Reply #16 on: January 20, 2007, 19:42:49 PM »
I have a different predicament but it is similar in some ways.  I have a friend who does not like animals, she thinks they are smelly horrible things  :o I have just moved house and adopted a cat.  She has not been to my new house or seen my new housemate but keeps saying she wants to come visit.  I am not sure what to say really.  If I tell her I know her reaction will be 'eurgh a cat?!' and make me feel like I am odd.  Tbh though, I would rather have my cat than her and she is a bit of a fairweather friend.  Shall I just keep putting her off or tell her and face the nasty and rude comments?

Offline JackSpratt

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« Reply #15 on: January 20, 2007, 17:49:49 PM »
Yep, all my pets are members of my family too. I definately prefer spending time with my pets to people as a rule! :)

As said in my earlier post, though. I don't expect people to LIKE everyone or everything I do, just to show a little respect to the person or animal in question. It's called good manners!

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x


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« Reply #14 on: January 20, 2007, 16:29:08 PM »
She seems like 1 of those people who would go on holiday and leave her kids behind.

It's your house so if she doesn't like it  :censored: her. And I'm sure her child has more control over her than your cat's do over you! But you would never say that to her would you!

And speaking of kids and cat's/ other animals, I have 4 cats, rabbit and a bird, my son is great with them all. When I take him to others houses and they have animals he just wants to stroke or play with them. He never teases the cat's.

You should see him when 1 of the cat's is meowing at the door, he meows back at them, I think he actually thinks hes a cat! LOL, he's 2 btw.

Offline Michelle (furbabystar)

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« Reply #13 on: January 20, 2007, 16:09:34 PM »
Well if her "Brat" knew how to behave there wouldnt have been a problem !!!

I gotta agree with Sam - My response would have also started with an "F" and the next word ending with an  "F" and proberly would have had a  "B"' starting the next word !!

Its your house and you run it the way you see fit, if people dont like it then tough "S"

Offline JackSpratt

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« Reply #12 on: January 20, 2007, 10:17:16 AM »
I agree, if more people cared about their pets the way that most people on this forum do, there'd be a lot less work for animal rescues.

With regards to people who visit having to like my pets; I don't agree with that. They just have to show them respect. Some people (for whatever odd reason!) are just not comfortable around animals.

Rude woman!

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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« Reply #11 on: January 19, 2007, 23:11:24 PM »
Smudge so sorry to hear this women spoke to in such an awful way!  I can imagine what you said to her ... if it was me it would have begaun with F and end in F .. cheeky cow who does she think she is.

With friends like that who needs enemies!  :rofl:

I think it's safe to say we are all behind you 100% and there is only one person who is weird ... and it ain't you hun. :)
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« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2007, 22:39:27 PM »
So sorry Smudge, but |I reckon you are better off now

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« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2007, 22:24:18 PM »
Thankyou all for your comments and agree totally with you all... this is my animals home and I expect people to either LOVE or at least LIKE my cays,dogs, bunnies or dont visit.

Things unfortunatly came to a head today as I was alreadt feeling touchy because of Milo being sick and My daughters cat.
My so called friend telephoned and said " right we need to sort this out you seriously need help yo ur  :censored: poxy  animals rule your life, house and home, who in their right mind wouldnt have a holiday because they dont like to leave their  :censored: animals your mad.. GGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR she then went on to say that my horses beds are not natural as they are always clean and I should see a shrink.

I wont repeat what I said (its not ladylike)  but our friendship is finished she will not step foot in my house again, thats for sure


Offline Kittybabe (Ruth)

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« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2007, 22:10:57 PM »
I like this kind of thread.

I would be very happy to keep my door closed and not have anyone in the house who didn't respect my cat.  Its her home. This is where she feels safe most of the time.

And I know Lexy doesnt like strangers in the house, or anyone actually except me and the family, but often shes just happy to hide in her big bed or in mine and sleep while there are visitors so I don't generally worry.  And if she feels ok she comes out to squeak at us and then goes back to bed..but my visitors now know the me, love my cat...that's it..

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« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2007, 22:01:42 PM »
Agree totally with Liz here! We got Archie as a kitten when Ben was 8 months old. As they both grew we allowed them in with each other - Benjy pulled Archie's tail once and Archie scratched his hand -   Benjy now, 9months on, strokes Archie (repeating 'nice' as he has been taught) and follows him round sometimes because he intrigues him - but he has not touched his tail since!

Having animals around small children is a good thing if you have the time and patience to teach your child, but you shouldn't put up with other people's children who are not taught correctly - I'm very rpoud of you for holding your tongue so well, I must be very outspoken cos I'd have told her exactly what I thought and then asked her to leave!
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« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2007, 11:49:17 AM »
I have been here before and in the end one of the forward ferals had had enough and scratched child on hand - child screamed feral ran but since then child now treats cats with total respect nad only plays with the ones she is allowed to.

Also my nephew was stalked by my Alpha tabby and has learnt not to torment him anymore and the nephew is now a cat lover and does sponsered walks for CP so sometimes letting the cat have a say works!!! :evillaugh:
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« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2007, 09:21:38 AM »
The thing is some people not like us, dont like animals so certainly don't understand them. (I know it seems impossible  :Crazy:).  Therefore their children will not understand animals.  Your friend should accept as a cat lover your cats are your first priority and as her child has not been around animals it would be unfair for him to be there as he could hurt them.  If she is a good friend she should understand, if she doesn't well maybe she isn't, maybe talk to her on neutral grounds, after all you wouldn't tease her child  :evillaugh:why should he tease your pets.  My best fiend of 40 years is terrified of cats, but she still comes round and knows that they will iimmediately sit on her lap  :rofl:, they do it deliberately and she puts up with it. Basically its different priorities, if you think your friend is worth it just try talking it through.

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« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2007, 07:46:51 AM »
I sometimes find things people let their kids do is sick.  A kitten sucking your chin doesn't begin to compare....

Offline Kittybabe (Ruth)

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« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2007, 02:50:27 AM »
If she doesnt like cats, she shouldn't visit or at least have the decency to ask if its ok to bring kids around.

A friend of mine once just turned up at the door with another friend and her 2 year old who I had never met before. Lexy was only with me about a month and VERY nervous. I had told my friend this before but she thought, ok the little girl likes cats so she'll be fine...

Thank goodness Lexy hid, and I didn't let the little girl out of my sight, but it frustrates me that people can be so inconsiderate.

Patience is what I have learnt and the way I see it is if she a friend she will appreciate that you have priorities that are different to hers. If she doesn't understand that then maybe she's not such a good friend after all?  Sorry, only my opinion.

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« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2007, 00:03:10 AM »
Moan away we cat luvvers understand  ;D ;D

Hope you feeling better tomorrow.

Offline smudgepickles

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« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2007, 23:05:30 PM »
As some of you know I have 2 kittens Daisy and Elle as well as the other 7 fur babies of course. They are very bootiful (very small) little girls with lovely individual personalities.

Well, a good friend of mine came to visit today (or so I thought)  I had asked her to come while her little boy of 3 was at nursery as I didn't want Bella upset or the kittns tormented  (he is a little bratt the child and always upsets one of the cats)

She was quite off with me today and said " you need to get your house in order, you pay too much attention to your cats" I asked what she had said it for and she replied "for one I think its really awful that you said for me NOT to bring MY little boy as they are bloody ONLY CATS GRRRRRR     :grr: :omg:and secondly you are sick letting you kitten suck your chin" :(

I  was and am so Bloomin angry as she has known me long enough to know they all come first THEY ARE NOT JUST CATS  :censored: :censored:. Elle has sucked my chin since the day I got her and Daisy and can see no harm in it as its just a comfort for her............and she falls asleep doing it

I'm not easy to make angry but she managed to today, I asked her to leave as I didn't feel well and said I will call her (she might have a long wait) . She doesn't have a single pet in her house and her little boy has no idea how to be gentle. Fortunately my 3 labradors are very kind too but I do let them out the garden when he comes

I really dont understand some people

Sorry to moan

« Last Edit: January 18, 2007, 00:12:54 AM by smudgepickles »


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