Author Topic: Murdered greyhounds in Scotland  (Read 2446 times)


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Murdered greyhounds in Scotland
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2007, 22:24:53 PM »
If anyone  can crosspost onto other sites so many the better

Please circulate to all your contacts and write to complain





Police motley crew tell vet to dispose of murdered greyhound!!!!!

South Devon Greyhound Action have received this very disturbing news from our sister branch of Greyhound Action in Scotland. We have been awaiting contact details for people to send their complaints.  Please read the story below and send your protest to It is appalling that the Police told the vet to destroy the evidence of a brutal murder of a greyhound, if this was a person this would never have happened. Please ask for your email to be forwarded to Inspector Jim Drennan who is based at Cumnock Police Office for his attention. Alternatively, if you wish to contact him by telephone, please do so on-  01290 306653. Strongly urge Insp Drennan that the greyhound killer is found and prosecuted. Justice must be served otherwise what is the point of having laws! Please keep all emails and calls polite.
Many thanks for your support
                                                                                 SDGA team (Photo is of 'Jamiedan Flyer' now dead!).

Subject: Second Greyhound Found Dead - Shot in Ayrshire, Scotland. Possible killing site

More information to follow...
Second greyhound found dead
Jul 18 2007
THE GREYHOUND found shot in the head and left dying ran at Ayr Greyhound Stadium the previous night.
The dog finished last in its race, says vet Lorna Lazenby, who put the dog down after being called out.
A cottage-owner near Dalrymple heard the dog’s yelps of agony, and Lorna found it had been shot in the head with an airgun.
Lorna knows who owned the dog, from a racing tattoo number she found on its ear.
But the SSPCA says it can’t prosecute – because police told Lorna to dispose of the dog’s body, without doing a post-mortem.
SSPCA spokesperson Doreen Graham said: “We want to prosecute all cases of animal cruelty. But our legal experts tell us that without a body we can’t make a case.”
Doreen added: “The bottom line is that the decision by the police was entirely inappropriate. We would have taken the dog’s body to a Glasgow University expert for photographs and a post-mortem. And we would have been confident of a prosecution.”
Vet Lorna said: “I asked the police if they needed a post-mortem. But 15 minutes later they phoned me back to say ‘No, just dispose of it’.”
However, a police spokesman insisted this week that inquiries are ongoing, and the case could be prosecuted.
The matter is now in the hands of wildlife officer, Constable Sam Clark, based in Dalmellington. Anyone with information is asked to contact her on 01292 550322 or
Ayr Greyhound Stadium staff are helping police with their inquiries into the dog’s death.
A spokesman said: “We’ve showed police the owner’s records. And he won’t be allowed to race his dogs here until this matter is fully investigated.
“We have a zero tolerance policy to anyone being cruel to dogs, and we have a vet on call if any dogs are injured while racing.
“Sadly, this wee dog won’t be the first to meet this kind of end. And we really need to make an example of people who would do this or be involved in it.”
Lorna Lazenby went back to the Dalrymple area this week with volunteers from Greyhound Rescue Scotland.
And they found a second dead greyhound lying in the thick undergrowth.
Lorna said: “There’s no way of knowing how many dogs could have died there.”
Scottish Daily Mail Newspaper Report:

A greyhound was shot in the head and dumped in a ditch only hours
after losing a race.

Jamiedan Flyer came last at a meeting earlier this month, despite
being heavily favoured by punters.

Later that night, the terrified animal's howls were heard by a
couple who later found him lying against a tree in a pool of blood.
A local vet was called in an attempt to help the dog, but it was so
badly injured it had to be put down.

Last night vet Lorna Lazenby said she was disgusted when she arrived
to help the stricken animal as it lay in the ditch near Dalrymple,

She said "when I got there, the dog was in real distress and was
howling-he was completely out of it. All he had was a little hole in
his temple, as if he had been shot by an airgun, and there was a lot
of blood.

It was so sad because there was nothing I could do to help him. I
was just glad I was able to ease his suffering and put him down."

Later the dog was identified as Jamiedan Flyer, from a tattoo on his
ear and it emerged that he came last at Ayr greyhound stadium on
July 8th.

An insider at the track said "There had been heavy betting on the
dog and a lot of money was lost. There were rumours this was going
to happen and everyone at the track was disgusted when we found out
what had happened."

Alan Shaw, the owner of the dog, has since been banned from racing
at Ayr.

Outside his home in Dalrymple yesterday, construction worker Mr Shaw
said he only had the dog for a couple of weeks and sold it after the
race. He added "I was sickened when I found out what had happened to
him. The only reason I sold him was because I was building a new
shed in my back garden to keep my greyhounds."

Mr Shaw refused to reveal to whom he sold the animal.

A spokesman at the track confirmed that all of Mr Shaw's dogs had
been banned from future race cards pending further inquiry.

It is now feared the remote spot in South Ayrshire has been used as
an execution site for failed racing dogs over a long period of time.

Days after the attack, workers at Greyhound Rescue Scotland found
the remains of a second dog lying just a few hundred yards away at
the bottom of the same ditch.

Charity worker Carol Scott said "It looks like this dog had also
been taken to this ditch to be killed and that it died the same way.
It was found further down and close to a stream, as if it had been
crawling to get a drink of water.

We work so hard to rehome greyhounds and most owners will work with
us to get their dogs a good home when their racing days are over.

It is very distressing that some owners cannot work with us or even
have their dogs put down humanely."

A spokesman for the SSPCA said it could not take any action because
the body of the dog had been disposed of before a post mortem
examination could be carried out.

He added "In any potential case of animal cruelty, we would advise
that the body is kept as evidence. Unfortunately the police advised
the vet to dispose of the body and there was nothing further we
could do."

Charities estimate that thousands of greyhounds are killed every
year, they outlive their racing usefulness

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« Last Edit: July 28, 2007, 22:05:04 PM by RatiesRule »


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