Author Topic: Introducing little mo- (pics may upset)  (Read 44981 times)

Offline alisonandarchie

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Re: Introducing little mo- (pics may upset)
« Reply #170 on: March 05, 2012, 21:27:10 PM »
I am so sorry Jo :hug: Mo could not have been loved more or cared for :hug:

Thinking about you :hug:

Offline sheilarose

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Re: Introducing little mo- (pics may upset)
« Reply #169 on: March 05, 2012, 21:05:31 PM »
Oh Jo, I am so sorry. Little Mo was in the best possible hands with you and you did her proud.  :hug: :hug:

RIP little girl, safe at the Bridge by now, no more gunk, bright eyes and fluffy fur. Good night and God bless. xx

Offline thekittensmittens

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Re: Introducing little mo- (pics may upset)
« Reply #168 on: March 05, 2012, 20:47:03 PM »
thxs all :hug:

sadly mo was pts at 7.30 today.

I wrote a big letter to the vet (in case she didnt know mo) and she phoned me up to discuss mo, as mo was so young she said she could try again with the anti biotics but mo would never be well enough to have her teeth out so it would always be a problem.
she also said mos leg had collapsed due to weakness ....
I couldnt keep mo in pain any longer im afraid , my daughter willow is devastasted and thinks the house is cursed or we could have done something different etc.
the vet was lovely on the phone and agreed it was a kinder option :(

I loved Mo for her quiet determination, her gentleness when she had not received much before..the vet was kind and said It sounds like Mo had been the happiest in our house with not sure thats true when she hurt so much but she never seemed unhappy though her eyes were pained and without the sparkle, i do hope she is happy  & healthy now though. if there is afterlife then she deserves to be the kitten she never had chance to be...
rest now my little mo mo , will miss those pretty blue eyes xxx

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Introducing little mo- (pics may upset)
« Reply #167 on: March 05, 2012, 18:02:10 PM »

Topping up the thoughts for Little Mo  :hug: :hug:

Offline Skiddaw

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Re: Introducing little mo- (pics may upset)
« Reply #166 on: March 05, 2012, 17:15:50 PM »
I do so hope that something can be done for her  :(. Will keep everything crossed.

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Re: Introducing little mo- (pics may upset)
« Reply #165 on: March 05, 2012, 16:55:50 PM »
Loads of healing vibes and special cuddles for Mo.
 :hug: :hug: :hug:

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Re: Introducing little mo- (pics may upset)
« Reply #164 on: March 05, 2012, 16:54:12 PM »
Love from all of us little Mo   :(
Dogs have owners. Cats have staff.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Introducing little mo- (pics may upset)
« Reply #163 on: March 05, 2012, 16:44:10 PM »
This is heartbreaking and feel so sorry for the little girl.

Sending all my best wishes  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline CarolM (Wendolene)

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Re: Introducing little mo- (pics may upset)
« Reply #162 on: March 05, 2012, 16:41:26 PM »
 :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  Nothing positive to add I'm afraid other than to be guided by the vet as others have said.  She's so young so maybe they will think its worth trying steroids/ABs again.  I have everything crossed for her and for you.  :hug:

Offline thekittensmittens

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Re: Introducing little mo- (pics may upset)
« Reply #161 on: March 05, 2012, 16:36:19 PM »
shes already had the fortnight anitbiotics, they worked at first to a degree ie ulcers cleared but mouth still not clear (all her teeth are rotten and need pulling).....
Her lips are now all puffed up, she looks really bad
oh is taking her and daughter ..the vets are really good , i know richard is away who knows mo most but there was a lady vet there last time so im sure she will know mo as  richard told her mos story.
rosella knows the vets well , they arent the type to pts for no reason etc , richard has been brill with mo.

oh.. i feel physically sick with it today,  poor mo mo... not too long till vets opens :scared:

Offline bunglycat

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Re: Introducing little mo- (pics may upset)
« Reply #160 on: March 05, 2012, 15:57:23 PM »
Poor Mo .
Try asking about a long lasting pain killer injection and a long lasting steroid injection, that will make her eat more and hopefully put some weight on.
Maybe a scan would see what's going on .

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Introducing little mo- (pics may upset)
« Reply #159 on: March 05, 2012, 14:53:54 PM »

Jo, am so sad to hear this.    :hug:   Wait and see what the vet thinks.    If nothing else, at least you've given her love, care and attention since you got her  :hug:

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Introducing little mo- (pics may upset)
« Reply #158 on: March 05, 2012, 14:49:56 PM »
poor little mo and poor you  :hug:

Offline thekittensmittens

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Re: Introducing little mo- (pics may upset)
« Reply #157 on: March 05, 2012, 14:48:13 PM »

some big prayers needed for Mo today.....
Mos weight has been bouncing up and down from 2kg since jan with 2kg being the lowest weight, in herself though she was allways eating and her furr etc was in good condition ..she seemed happy too.
since i came back from my hip replacement though Mo seemed to be getting gunked up again quite easily and she felt skinnier so on her last bath at the weekend she weighed below 2kg  :(
she also started bleeding from her mouth yesterday so hae been waiting till my vet opens tonight to get her in.
now shes started limping and not sure if thats related or not, she doesnt do anything athletic or climb etc and the other cats leave her be in general so not sure whats going on.
daughter has just washed mo again (i cant bend due to hip op...not being lazy :-:) and it was impossible for daughter to get near her mouth as Mo is in pain...her eyes look so sad too and sick.
Im thinking its time for her to go now..... :(
when mo arrived despite everything her spirit showed through and she was lively and inquisitive, she seems to have lost that today.
how does a person know its time to let their kitty go to the bridge... I know this sounds soo negative but it seems to be such a battle for mo, antibiotics just dont help enough to clear the abcesses in her mouth so she cant gain enough weight to have her teeth out which cause the absesses.

I love mo to peices but seeing her today is enough to break anyones heart in two....she 4 this month and suffered so much :(

Offline thekittensmittens

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Re: Introducing little mo- (pics may upset)
« Reply #156 on: January 17, 2012, 00:54:13 AM »
thxs ella, i do have some leave in foam stuff and talc, wipes etc....problem with mo is her mouth as due to the teeth pain/ulcers etc she absolutely hates it been messed with and likes to give me warning bites...unless in the bath :innocent: i clean her face daily as best as she allows then she has a weekly dunk to get out bits under her chin.
shes now actually not my friend cos im bath/torture woman :-[ and has taken to stalking my teen daughter instead :innocent: she still isnt friends with Miyagi but has made alliance with Georgia since Miyagi ran away last week, since then her and Georgia have been mates  :Crazy:

i will get a pic soon as i get a new laptop as card slot is broken on this one :-:
Mo still has two squares cut out where she had the ulltra sound bless her so her furs a bit odd at the moment :evillaugh:

Offline Ella@10

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Re: Introducing little mo- (pics may upset)
« Reply #155 on: January 16, 2012, 22:45:05 PM »
I havent been here for a while and have read the thread through - I've now adopted 2 rescue persians, and I'm amazed at Mo's story and how well she's done.
My newer cat was 2kg at her worst, shes around 3kg and is a small cat anyway, but 1.2kg is unbeleivable

Well done you!

she had a bath today as was in her usual smelly state, its that mouth as doesnt seem to get any better at all so she has all this pus like gunk which she then licks her paws with and tail..they all get gunky and smelly as well. I dont really like bathing her all the time but she gets a bit irate if i try wiping it off all the time so she has to have a weekly dunk to make sure its all out of her furr :innocent:

Is she ok with brushing/grooming?  I just wonder if as an interim you could use a grooming / talc type powder to brush through ( a bit like a shake and vac where you shake it on and brush through).  It can also help the brush go through the fur, but also will help dislodge gunky stuff too.  Also P@H do a foam/mousse that is a leave in shampoo - so no washing with water, just brush out when dry - and they smell nice too!!!  It may help cut down on the full shower/wash (that said, my last one liked a shower as long as I didnt splash his face)

I'm looking forward to seeing more pics

Offline thekittensmittens

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Re: Introducing little mo- (pics may upset)
« Reply #154 on: January 09, 2012, 23:06:06 PM »
Mo,s not too bad ..thanks for asking :hug: tbh shes not got any bigger but seems to be constantly grazing at food. she Guards it now and the other two purrballs have to try to get round her as if she sees any going in their bowls she trys to eat it too :Crazy:
she had a bath today as was in her usual smelly state, its that mouth as doesnt seem to get any better at all so she has all this pus like gunk which she then licks her paws with and tail..they all get gunky and smelly as well. I dont really like bathing her all the time but she gets a bit irate if i try wiping it off all the time so she has to have a weekly dunk to make sure its all out of her furr :innocent:

all the kids are all back to school thankfully, i kept mine locked up whilst they had the plague/pox :evillaugh: i didnt want to be the spreader of shingles to the old folk :shy:
on the plus side Mo seems to have make better friends with Georgia since Miyagi stayed out all night and now fights for a place on the windowsill along with the other two and has started going walkabouts around the house with miyagi and Georgia ;D shes not a playfull cat though, really uniterested in playing any kind of game etc but she seems content and is now not shy in meowing when she wants some food :innocent: she also must have been fed cows milk at some point as she gets excited at cartons and tried to jump in my cereal bowl :Crazy: I had to go and stock up again on catmilk today as she was giving me evils as i wouldnt let her have my cereal :evillaugh:

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Re: Introducing little mo- (pics may upset)
« Reply #153 on: January 09, 2012, 22:02:24 PM »
How's our lovely girl Jo?

I saw a lady with dark hair wheeling around a young lad in pushchair in Asda this morning. Thought of you Jo as young feller was covered in spots  :) :hug:  Hope he's OK now and his eye is back to normal, poor lamb  :(
« Last Edit: January 09, 2012, 22:07:24 PM by Rosella moggy »

Offline thekittensmittens

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Re: Introducing little mo- (pics may upset)
« Reply #152 on: December 26, 2011, 12:16:18 PM »
boxing day turkey awaits :wow:
thanks all.  :hug: xmas was eventfull as got 3 kids in various states of chicken pox, my son is hit worst and has more pox than skin :sick:
one eye is now gunky on him too so got to go get drops, it doesnt help that he screams if you go near him :innocent:
Miyagi and georgia are stoned on catnip drops, ie miyagi came to bed and seemed to fall in love with my arm :Crazy: then georgia came up giving me kisses  :evillaugh: mo refused them, she prefers ham shaped treats from the fridge :innocent:
daughter had given mo a lovely bath though so she looked delightfull for xmas day :Luv2:

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Re: Introducing little mo- (pics may upset)
« Reply #151 on: December 26, 2011, 10:54:06 AM »
Hope you all had a good one Jo  :)

Am amazed that Mo is holding up as well as she is. 

You and your daughter have done a very good thing and I hope with all my heart that 2012 will see Mo fully recover and put on more weight  :hug:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Introducing little mo- (pics may upset)
« Reply #150 on: December 24, 2011, 22:59:57 PM »
Happy Christmas to all of yours from Me and my Gang of Four, and Mo sounds like she is oiwning the place  ;D ;D

Offline sheilarose

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Re: Introducing little mo- (pics may upset)
« Reply #149 on: December 24, 2011, 17:28:28 PM »
Merry Christmas to you, Mittens, and your enormous household. So pleased Mo found you.

 :xmas 7:

Our headcount is slightly simpler. Just me and the OH and seven furbs.

One huge turkey should just about stretch to feed all 9. The Purrs shop (and auction winnings) has supplied all our pet presents which are in hiding waiting for Sandy Paws. Tel your OH that Dreamies are cheaper in the Purrs shop than Sainsburys!

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Re: Introducing little mo- (pics may upset)
« Reply #148 on: December 24, 2011, 17:16:52 PM »
you too sue  :hug:
and an update about oh..i caught him eying up dreamies in sainburys :Crazy:, hes already planning their xmas lunch too :rofl:
our head count in the house is 7 people
3 cats
9 lovebirds
one cockatiel
and one rosella
all have presents , my daughter was so chuffed that i bought the birdies presents too that i dont think she has considered her xmas gifts, she was too busy wrapping them up and arranging the cat stocking :rofl:

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Re: Introducing little mo- (pics may upset)
« Reply #147 on: December 24, 2011, 17:11:07 PM »
And a very merry Christmas to you, Mo, Miyagi and Georgia   :wow:

Sounds like a typical family, and a typical dinner time, doesn't it?  :hug:

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Re: Introducing little mo- (pics may upset)
« Reply #146 on: December 24, 2011, 17:03:25 PM »
Mo, Miyagi and Georgia say Merry Xmas :wow: :hug:
i havent been able to upload pics as the part on laptop where memory card goes in now doesnt work :innocent:
but Mo is settled in and adopted a shoe cupboard rack as her nest, it has a cushion on top and as its in the tiny part between kitchen and front room she can watch us and her food at same time :innocent:
Miyagi tried to make friends with Mo but she was having none of it so hes given up now and taken to chasing her if she hisses at him, she doesnt seem too bothered and strolls about like they are the newcomers, not her :Crazy: Georgia just ignores Mo like she doesnt exsist unless i give Mo food then Georgia refuses hers and wants Mos :innocent:
basically it is the same as the children so am not that phased by it...Mo still in same state with mouth but seems to be happy in the house so thats a bonus.
they have been trying to break in a bag of catnip assorted toys and treats too, i found Miyagi trying to eat open the bag so now i know who cleaned out the last bag of them :innocent:

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Re: Introducing little mo- (pics may upset)
« Reply #145 on: December 17, 2011, 01:08:47 AM »
thxs for that info Gillian, the articles online and vet didnt describe if it was painfull or not  :hug:

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Re: Introducing little mo- (pics may upset)
« Reply #144 on: December 16, 2011, 17:59:27 PM »
and i am going to take life with mo as it comes, as the vet saidit could happen in weeks or years so no point spending each day in fear :shy:
oh thought she would just collapse and die on floor..i said hopefully that if she showed bad signs and was in pain then pts would be a kinder option

Its not one of those diseases that take them suddenly - and if her bloods are showing normal kidney function at the moment, then its certainly very unlikely to be happening in weeks. They are usually born with the cysts which then grow throughout their life, but as with Suz and Jasp, they were slow growing and only impacted their health later in life. As the cysts grow they can eventually impair kidney function , but as far as I'm aware there is no pain from the cysts themselves.  :hug:

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Re: Introducing little mo- (pics may upset)
« Reply #143 on: December 16, 2011, 16:44:50 PM »
just typed in a lenghty reply and miyagi pawed keyboard and deleted it before it was posted :Crazy:
so in short :innocent:
i will post pics later..
and i am going to take life with mo as it comes, as the vet saidit could happen in weeks or years so no point spending each day in fear :shy:
oh thought she would just collapse and die on floor..i said hopefully that if she showed bad signs and was in pain then pts would be a kinder option but told him not to worry, its something that cant be helped so all we can do is love mo like the others.

miyagi by the way has now became the ohs new best friend :Crazy: :rofl:

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Re: Introducing little mo- (pics may upset)
« Reply #142 on: December 16, 2011, 15:51:00 PM »
Time for some pics, then I think, Mittens?  :evillaugh:

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Re: Introducing little mo- (pics may upset)
« Reply #141 on: December 16, 2011, 14:16:33 PM »
Glad to hear Mo's blood tests were negative for FIV and FelV  :wow: I've had two cats with PKD, both Suzie and Jasper came to me as adult cats, Suz was about 10,  and was diagnosed about 3 yrs later, so her cysts hadnt grown rapidly as she lived till she was about 14 until I lost her to kidney failure. Jasper was about 11 or 12 when he came to me and was diagnosed not long after he arrived as I noticied straight away he was drinking loads - again he was around 14 when he succumbed to kidney failure due to the PKD. The usual treatments for kidney failure arent of much use in PKD as although it ultimately causes kidney failure - the usual treatments don't have any effect on the size or speed of growth of the cysts unfortunately.

But both cats lived good, longish lives despite their PKD, and I'm sure if Mo's bloods show that everything is ok at the moment, she will too  :hug:

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Re: Introducing little mo- (pics may upset)
« Reply #140 on: December 16, 2011, 13:08:40 PM »
Wonderful news. I'm so pleased for her.

:yayyy: :narna dance: :yayyy: :narna dance: :yayyy: :narna dance: :yayyy: :narna dance:  :yayyy: :narna dance:

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Introducing little mo- (pics may upset)
« Reply #139 on: December 16, 2011, 08:18:36 AM »
that is great news, pkd is something that persians do seem to have a problem with, I bet Gillian Ambercat knows all about it

I bet once her teeth are sorted you will see a huge change in her, I'm so happy for her that she has you to care for her

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Introducing little mo- (pics may upset)
« Reply #138 on: December 16, 2011, 07:05:16 AM »
Well, on the whole what a positive outcome.  No wonder Mo is feeling like chatting and having belly rubs.   :)   Thank goodness she was lucky enough to come to you, because you couldn't be faulted in your care of her.   :hug: :hug:

Am sure Miyagi and Georgia will settle with her just fine.  What a lovely little Christmas you're all going to have.   ;D

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Introducing little mo- (pics may upset)
« Reply #137 on: December 15, 2011, 23:29:27 PM »
I think this is a really good result and well done you  :hug: :hug: :hug:

I know nothing about PKD and have to guess that in most cats it wouldnt be discovered until later in life, so in a way she is lucky cos its been found early.

I hope that your two will get to like her and as she is docile this will help  :innocent: :innocent:

You have done so well for little Mo you should be really proud  :hug: :hug:

Offline thekittensmittens

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Re: Introducing little mo- (pics may upset)
« Reply #136 on: December 15, 2011, 22:59:30 PM »
hey all :hug:
sorry had a bit of a lie down on bed to recover, 12 buses total today to get to somewhere 5/10 mins in a car :innocent:
yes it is good news-well compared to what else it good have been so a few dancing bananas are in order rosella :rofl:
i think the best point for me is i dont have to worry about Mo being isolated now on her own- she can actually be amongst the whole family now :wow:
to celebrate a floor to ceiling cat tree has been put up in my bedroom...although all 3 seem slightly disturbed by it :shy:
Mo had a tin of the A/D , i suspect the vets had sneaked her some dinner as she had a very fishy smell about her when i collected her :sick:
Im ok thanks with it all- i am upset that Mo could take a bad turn at some point but knowing what it is helps me and i can focus on giving her the best i can really, hopefully Mo is happier now than she was before...she is a very loving girl and has just been laid on my bed rolling over so i can rub her belly :Luv2:
Miyagi has tried saying hello to mo but she hisses(well gargles) at him, Georgia is more intent on stalking her and watching her around corners :innocent:

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Re: Introducing little mo- (pics may upset)
« Reply #135 on: December 15, 2011, 20:57:48 PM »
Yes, excellent news. She has a future, that's not up for debate  :) :)

I've done a little research:

The Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is a lifelong illness she was born with (it's genetic not contagious). It's progress is always unique to an individual animal and the number of cysts/speed of growth is variable and unpredictable. PKD cannot be cured. If the cysts are small/few and slow growing she may live a long life yet.

The page here suggests treatment along the lines of CRF. So, good hydration, appropriate prescription food and a close eye on her blood pressure.

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Re: Introducing little mo- (pics may upset)
« Reply #134 on: December 15, 2011, 20:34:24 PM »
This is all excellent .... yes?   :-:   Well I certainly think a dancing banyan  :yayyy:   WTH eh; it's Christmas :yayyy:

News could have been so very much worse and lets just hope for more progress from ABs over Christmas Jo so dental can proceed in 2012  :)

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Re: Introducing little mo- (pics may upset)
« Reply #133 on: December 15, 2011, 20:18:09 PM »
Since the felv test came back clear, I'd leave it at that.  ;D  :1st place:

Congratulations. I've opened a bottle of Cava because although I was fervently hoping for this news, I feared her mouth ulceration was symptomatic of late stage FIV, which should definitely have flagged up in the Elisa test. False negatives are possible but not so common as false positives. And she's not FelV contagious - phew!

Now she's gaining weight and can mix safely with your other cats, she'll start to feel like a pet again (her recent vocal assertions and rubbing up are clear signs she thinks of you as Mum slave) and her mouth will improve slowly with her general health. By New Year she'll hopefully be well enough to cope with a dental. 

Keep up the good work. How are you coping? This has been quite a journey for you, too.  :hug: :hug:

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Re: Introducing little mo- (pics may upset)
« Reply #132 on: December 15, 2011, 19:04:19 PM »
hi all just got back
tests are clear (forgot to ask for glasgow test...dont ask how or why, think i was in some kind of nervous coma or something and my mind went blank as soon as i got in room with vet :-[)
anyhow they did an inhouse test for the fiv? and felv which were clear. ( i know that the glasgow is best) has polycystic? kidneys :(
her bloods for it though were good , so currently shes ok with it.
her teeth cant be done however untill she is in a better state so an antibiotic injection for mouth has been ..a bit of a vicious circle with her mouth really but at least i now know.
life expectancy- weeks, months years...
im taking her back again in the new year to see how her mouth is so its all up to how she fairs really.
i just hope she improves rather than declines but at least she has food and fuss now so im glad i kept little mo :shy:

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Re: Introducing little mo- (pics may upset)
« Reply #131 on: December 15, 2011, 12:37:19 PM »
Hope all goes well for Mo and it is just her teeth
Loads of good vibes from me and my furries :hug:


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