Author Topic: Flea Infestation  (Read 4046 times)

Offline Hippykitty

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Re: Flea Infestation
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2018, 20:59:56 PM »
I use Advantage and Indorex.

To stop the little blighters from nibbling you, include lots of garlic in your food. You may be unpopular with humans too!
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Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: Flea Infestation
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2018, 21:25:44 PM »
Since I started using the Advocate religiously in the Summer months fleas are a thing of the past, I used to use the Indorex as well. The only place I get flea bites is at work! >:( I don't bother to use it in the Winter unless someone starts scratching, then I do them all.

I used to use Frontline, but even the improved formula doesn't seem to do much good.
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Offline Sootyca

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Re: Flea Infestation
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2018, 20:08:21 PM »
I seem to be meal time for fleas as well!  I think I sprayed the house 3 times in the space of two weeks before I stopped being bitten!

Offline Lyn (Slugsta)

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Re: Flea Infestation
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2018, 13:32:00 PM »
I hate fleas! Like you, I don't treat my cats every month and, also like you, I do get caught out sometimes! My OH was getting bitten a lot recently, so I treated both cats with Advocate (as your vet said, the little bighters seem to have developed a resistance to Frontline  :() and sprayed the rooms with Indorex.

It might be worth spraying the edges of the rooms with hard flooring - the fleas can lie dormant in the cracks between floor and wall. Also, are you emptying the vaccum - and disposing of the contents outside - each time you have used it? This will ensure that the fleas cannot escape from the dust container!

I really hope you are at the end of this infestation.

ps Please excuse the larger font. One of our members is visually impaired and finds the large font easier.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2018, 13:33:22 PM by Lyn (Slugsta), Reason: edited for clarity »

Offline dawnf

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Re: Flea Infestation
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2018, 10:42:07 AM »
it can take a while for them to go but you should start seeing results in a week - its a horrible thing  :sick:  I'd keep on hovering you sound like you've covered everything else I would suggest

Offline stevo

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Flea Infestation
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2018, 10:39:48 AM »

Myself and the beast (Chuckles the cat) have had a problem recently - FLEAS.

Now, this is mainly my fault. I've been pretty lax on keeping up with the flea treatment, usually only 2 or 3 times a year, never had a problem though until now.  A few weeks ago she seemed to be scratching a lot so I got her with a pipette of Frontline.  This didn't really seem to do anything, she still seemed to be scratching a lot and she looked to be covered in bits, I just thought she'd been rolling around in the dirt outside.

Then I started getting bites on my legs during the night, there was clearly something wrong with Chuckles as she was washing her face almost constantly so I boxed her up and whipped her to the vets.  The vet confirmed, it was fleas!  He said that Frontline isn't working as well as it did these days.

I picked up a brand new Dyson Ball Animal 2 hoover, 3 pipettes of Stronghold and a tin of RIP Fleas Extra (the purple tin stuff), with the vets consultation this came in at £400 :(

I've washed all the bedding, towels, blankets - everything I can on a 70C wash.  I'm also hoovering up most days.  Treated all the rooms (except the kitchen and bathroom, no soft furnishings in these rooms)

Chuckles looks to be flea free now, her fur looks clean and shiny again and she's not scratching or washing constantly. She now appears fine, the morning after the Stronghold treatment she was clearly buzzing!  You could tell she was in a good mood :)

Now, the problem is me, I am still getting bitten on a daily basis.  The vet said it will take about 3 months to get rid of them all, but my ankles and legs are getting feasted upon.

I'm wondering if I should do the house again with another tin of that RIP Fleas Extra stuff, found it online for a tenner a tin. 

You think this is a good idea or am I wasting my time and money?  What can I do?




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