Warm Welcome to Purrs! > Welcome to Newbies :)


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Hello all,
been popping into C.C and now Purrs since sometime in October so am fairly new, thought it about time I introduced myself and my boys. Live in Manchester with my O.H, also Ginge, 11 year old ginger and white who migrated from next door when they were having troubles, Lurkio, 10-ish tabby and white who was living in our shed with a manky collar matted into his fur, he was so timid it took us months of coaxing to get near enough to get his collar off, he's been with us now for about eight years and has turned into a big softie house cat, Pepe, b+w 8 year old, our cheeky boy, another stray who decided to move in when he was about six months old and wouldn't take no for an answer, and Oliver, ginger and white who crawled throught the cat flap when he was 12 weeks old and we found him hiding under the stairs full of fleas and not well, he has remained small and dinky and still looks like a kitten even though he is now 8, and he may be small but he's a tough little cookie.
Last but not least is Dave who is now residing at the rainbow bridge, he was our first and we had him since birth, he passed on 4 years ago at the age of 12.
Look forward to chatting, here's some piccies and will post more on the photo section soon :)

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