Author Topic: Cleo - six months missing today  (Read 5397 times)

Offline JennyLynn

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Re: Cleo - six months missing today
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2010, 18:41:04 PM »
its completely understandable that you have taken it so hard losing a member of your family, its a normal process to go through when you lose someone close to you. Its especially difficult to accept because you cant get any closure, just to know she was ok would possibly make the difference. Its bound to have made you more protective of your other cats, i would be exactly the same.
However if its completely taken over your life have you considered getting some counselling to try and deal with your feelings? Anyone who would suggest that losing one of your animals is 'just a cat' has obviously never opened their hearts and homes to one - and everyone on here can appreciate that. Even if you move it wont definitely give you the closure you so desperately crave, and its so so hard to let go.
You have ten other beautiful babies who come home to you and know where they live, and you just have to trust in them knowing where home is. If i remember correctly Cleo managed to get out and was not used to the outside world. And i'm sure if there was any way to have her home, you absolutely would have tried it.
Thinking of you Lorraine at such a difficult time. Give the kitties a cuddle from me.

Jenny xxxx
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Re: Cleo - six months missing today
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2010, 23:42:53 PM »
Hi Lorraine

My heart goes out to you, I am sorry that Cleo is still awol.

I know the pain believe me, my Gizmo disappeared four years ago, it was as if she just vanished off the face of the earth never to be seen again.

I suppose the worst of it is not knowing if she has been killed in an RTA but with the absence of any body that can never be determined.  She could have jumped into a car/van and jumped out miles away and either be living somewhere else with somebody or living feral.  Alternatively not all cats are very loyal and it could be possible that she has found herself another home.  My working colleague had a Siamese cat that went missing and she found her cat two years later two streets away, she had simply chosen to go and live somewhere else, however I believe her cat went missing after a greyhound was introduced into the house, could it be that Cleo did not get on with one of your other cats.

I have a cat Spotty that came to me as a stray, he just walked through the cat flap (twelve years ago) and made my house his home.

I do urge you Lorraine for the sake of yourself and your family try to move on.  I know that you will never forget Cleo and I don't blame you for doing a head count because I do that myself quite often.

I hope you are ok - thinking of you   :hug:
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Re: Cleo - six months missing today
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2010, 21:40:27 PM »
Thinking of you x

Offline pinkpandora

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Re: Cleo - six months missing today
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2010, 17:30:05 PM »
It is too open where I live - I back onto a big overgrown field and there are lots of ways the cats can get into the field. It is impossible. I may have to move. I do think that realistically they are safe as it is very quiet around here but I can't help being anxious

Offline Kay and Penny

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Re: Cleo - six months missing today
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2010, 17:06:57 PM »
is there any way you could cat proof your garden, Lorraine?

whatever the cost, it would be worth it for your peace of mind and the cats' safety

you would never have to worry about their whereabouts again
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Offline pinkpandora

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Cleo - six months missing today
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2010, 15:36:35 PM »
Cleo has now been missing for six months and it has had a terrible effect on me. Apart from missing her so badly and worrying
about what happened -
I have 10 others and
can't relax in my home because they all go out (some are ex-feral but now tame and loving with me). I have to keep checking
 every half hour that they are all in sight and am waking up at 5am every morning  to do a head count.  I have made myself ill and am driving my family and myself crazy and would welcome any suggestions as to how I can get better. They are aged 4 years to one year. 
Many thanks


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