Author Topic: Found cat - neighbour tells me it is owned but neglected by another neighbour. Help!  (Read 10111 times)

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Maybe he is very young but good idea to have him checked over.

Sending him loads of love and cuddles  :hug: :hug:

Offline spoons

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I've had another look at his genitalia...and I did find balls this time, although quite small. I'm not an expert on cat balls I also just checked Simba to see if anything was "left" from his neutering. Nope. Charlie definitely has balls! Doesn't explain the lack of tom smell though :/ Especially as Simba still had SOME smell long after he was neutered. It's so weird :/

I guess if I use the voucher to have him neutered a vet will check him over to find out why he doesn't have it/how old he is/any sign of brain damage. Although, like you say there could be other reasons for this. I want to get him checked anyway, just so I know at least something about him :/ Poor little guy.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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This all sounds strange doesnt it.

I wonder if he is neutered?
He may have some brain damage but he may also just be taking time to suss out his new home after a bad experience before and maybe doesnt want to go out cos its getting colder and he is worried about not being allowed back in

The vet nurse would be guessing as much as you or us and if he hasnt seen a vet.

She maybe wrong about him not being neutered. I would ring and ask to speak to a vet and you could mention the blankness and lack of tom cat smell.

Offline spoons

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Not much to report owner wise I'm afraid. I put up posters but haven't been contacted. Unfortunately a lot of them were deliberately vandalised - I assume by local teenagers with nothing better to do, but there are still a few up. He's on a lot of different websites, but nothing so far, apart from one but it turned out not to be the same cat :( I contacted Cat's Protection about having him neutered and it seems like they will help with this, but I am not sure whether it's too soon to do this or not in case the owner comes forward? What do you think?

Charlie has now stopped leaving the house completely. He's possibly the strangest/quietest cat I've ever come across apart from my very first one who spent most of her days hiding under my bed (she was a stray). I'll try and explain what I mean, but there's a few really strange things about him that just don't add up;

 He just stopped leaving the house. I was worried he was going to start messing indoors as he hadn't been out for over 24 hours so I put down the old litter tray my other cat stopped using when he started going outside. He eventually used it. But for an uneutered male? His urine doesn't smell in the slightest! Even after the cat I have now, Simba, was neutered, his urine smelled stronger than Charlie's, which is completely odourless. Being that he's so tiny as well (the picture doesn't show it very well) I assume he's maybe really really young? Would a cat that young be going off looking for females as the nurse suggested?

There's more though - he's so...blank :/ He has started following me around a lot now, whereas initially he was just sitting in one space the whole time or sleeping (he still sleeps a LOT), but he mostly just sits next to me staring vacantly into space. My husband keeps remarking on it. My mother who visited remarked on it. My husband suggested brain damage whereas my mum suggested neglect. I can't even describe it very well, but it IS odd.

I tried playing with him a couple of times with Simba's toys/string and he just looked blank. It's like he didn't know what to do with them. Most cat's I know, even one of my old strays, would chase string when it was moved. The only time he showed much sign of life was when he was growling at Simba, or when I put food down for him. Other than that, he's clingy, but blank!

Having said that, there was a couple of breakthroughs. Simba was quite scared of Charlie (despite being twice his size). Charlie would often growl at Simba if he came close, and then Simba would hiss and run out. But yesterday they both sat on my bed at the same time without any aggression, and they also sat in the hall together "chatting" - ie not growling, but making little noises (not aggressive ones lol)

And then he suddenly responded to a younger relative, who is notoriously great with getting animals to respond to him (he taught my mum's dog agility for example). He got him chasing a ball. He has since started playing "fetch" with my husband and actually responding/running. But it's only been 1 day.

He has really puzzled me, I wish I knew his story.

Offline sheilarose

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Hows it going spoons?

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Yes I think that is best  :hug: :hug:

Offline spoons

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Oh my gosh Gill, really? I've already taken him up to the vet nurse to be scanned, so I really hope I haven't put him at risk!!!  :scared:

I guess if he's not claimed and I get help having him neutered, the best thing to do is say I've rehomed him then??

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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I think its lovely that you will take on this young man permanently and at this time of year he really needs a home where he is loved for ever.

In my humble opinion I dont think you will find an owner and RSPCA would give him 7 days and then PTS most likely.

Make sure you tell the vet he is your cat just to be sure they dont do anything sneaky, if he turns out to be someone elses cat then that can be changed but its the safest way to make sure he doesnt get into the hands that kill.

Offline spoons

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Hmm, yes this is true, I don't believe he's feral either. It's been in the local newspaper that there is a bit of a problem around here with people abandoning their cats though, and this is why Cat's Protection can no longer take any more in. I hope this was not the case, but might explain why they're so eager for myself/the guy down the road to take him in. Apparently the particular area of Winchester we live in is notorious for unwanted births as well.

As Charlie seems so young, isn't chipped or neutered I'm wondering if he got out by accident. So I'm not giving up hope that someone is out there looking for him. I remember how it felt when I lost my last cat, and would hate anyone else to go through that :(

Yes, I did change the listing last night and added the picture. I am also now in the process of submitting his description and picture to every site listed in the Found Advice section.

Ok, I'll let you know what happens about the neutering thing. I have told Cat's Protection that if the owner is not found then I will take him on permanently - hopefully they will still help knowing that though.

Offline sheilarose

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He's definitely not feral, Spoons, you'd never have got a collar on him if he was. He's a lost pet, that much is almost certain, as he's very much socialised and not fending for himself too well in the wild.  :(

Great news that you've identified his other carers  ;) and now you can relax about offending any begrudged owner. :phew: Leave the collar on, though - he may yet have other carers you don't know about and one could turn out to be an angel who can keep him forever. (We found just such a thing for George here).

I trawled through four of the main lost cat websites last night for the region within 30 miles of you and although there's some close lookalikes, they're not your Charlie. I saw your post on NPR, you might want to re-post now with the change of gender and your brilliant photo.

In a week's time, if there's no news, you can start taking decisions for him. Have a chat with CP about neutering him on a TNR basis (Trap, Neuter, Release) with you acting as his feeder and see if they are willing to help, then come back to us with their response, OK?

Offline spoons

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Another update:

I put a real collar on "Charlie" before letting him out last night with a number to call on it. This morning I had a phone call from a young guy who said the cat is stray and has been stray for at least a month as it has been coming to him. The guy said he would have taken him in/let him in/fed him more regularly but that he is in a student house and that his landlord does not allow cats.

This guy was pretty definite that Charlie does not have a home - at least not locally. This is the house that my other neighbour thought was "neglecting him". They have been trying to help him out" for a long time, but there's only so much they can do.  I guess all I can do is try looking further afield but apparently Cat's Protection said he was more likely feral.

Oh also - the guy thought Charlie was a "she" too lol!

I'll stick with the original plan and put up posters, make more listings etc, but beginning to think we'e never going to find where Charlie comes from.

Offline spoons

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I know, he's very cute! Yes, I noticed the ears too lol awwww. The nurse didn't say how old he was so I'm wondering if maybe he isn't full grown yet? He's certainly tiny for a male. Oh you're a black and white boy fan? There's heaps of them around my area haha!

Thank you so much for all your help! I really do appreciate it, and hope whoever he belongs to does too. Let's hope for a happy ending!

Yes I will certainly act as a feeder for him, it's no trouble at all, I would hate to think he was shut out in the cold with nothing to eat. Poor little thing :(

Thank you again!

Offline sheilarose

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Gosh, Charlie is a handsome young man. Looks like he has some growing to do by the size of those ears, mind!  :Luv2:

OK, lets see what we can do to help out here. You won't be left to do this all by yourself, spoons, we'll help out where we can. I'm not a million miles away in London so we can cover a fair bit of ground between us.

Most local rescues have co-operative vets who will neuter for cut price even if they don't accept vouchers, but I think your local CP will be happy to help on that score if you let them know you're going to try and find him a home once he's been neutered. Meanwhile, are you OK to act as a "feeder" for him? He'll still be free to roam but would come to you when he gets hungry (provided he doesn't sniff out a ripe female in the meantime and disappear again, that is).

OK I've got an hour free, going to spend some meaningful time looking at cats on the internet  :shy: see if there's anything resembling Charlie reported as missing out there.  ;D Did I mention I LOVE black and white boys?  :)

Offline spoons

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LOL I love that description "fluffy trousers" haha! Yes, he has quite a pretty face, but also he's sooooo small! My cat looks like a lion next to him! I also err "felt around" yesterday and couldn't find anything, but didn't want to do it too much so guess I missed them haha!

Oh thank you, that really would be a good thing if he's not claimed to at least be neutered. I am fine to rehome him, but would need him to be neutered obviously, if it came to that.

I am in Winchester, Hampshire. for a name...maybe Charlie as in Charlie Chaplain being that he's black and white and possibly a tramp lol. I'll attach a pic of him here:

Offline sheilarose

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Ha you're not the first one to be caught out by a pretty face, only to find those fluffy trousers contain more than you bargained for, spoons  :rofl: :rofl:

It also explains why your own boy was stand-offish - another bloke in the house  >:( And an entire one at that  >:( >:( I'm pleased it hasn't come to blows thus far.

Yes, let him out and see how you get on with the collar, posters and internet postings. If there's no takers in 7 days we'll see if there's a vet doing neutering vouchers for strays on the RSPCA's C4 scheme or if CP can offer you a voucher to have his peas podded as they're clearly ripe!
As he's friendly, and sociable, we may be able to find a rescue for him either here or on Catchat, or at least a foster home where he will be safe for a while.

Where in the UK are you, Spoons? And can we have a photo so we can start checking Lost sites as well?

Well done so far. You're doing good things for this little guy. Thought of a name for him yet?  :sneaky:

Offline spoons

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So I took the little cat to the vet. "She" turned out to not only be a "he", but a completely intact he! How on earth did I miss that one?! LOL! But anyway, he is not chipped, and the vet/nurse thinks he's probably wondered off looking for females as male cat's do. He is underweight but otherwise healthy. She didn't give a lot of advice other than put up posters and then come back if nobody contacts - not sure what would happen then? I already told her Cat's Protection can't take him, so I assume it will be a case of either rehoming or giving to RSPCA.

The vet nurse said to not keep it in though, to let it out as normal. I assume this is wise advice?

Offline spoons

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Thank you so much Sheila! :)

Offline sheilarose

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There's a whole section on introductions here, Spoons. If there is no solution for her in rescue, start at the beginning as if she's never been in your house before and it should work out just fine.

So glad she found you.,4789.0.html

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Lol Angie! No actual fighting, although I've seen my cat chase this one away outside.

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theres nothing wrong with growling, i think i would if someone took my favourite spot. as long as there's no proper fighting they will sort themselves out.

Offline spoons

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Hmm, yes maybe I should have used a real collar. Well I'll go and find out if she's chipped or not tonight, and go from there. It's ok, I won't hand her over to the vet. The vet already said they can't take her. Sadly though, Cat's Protection have also said they can't take her either. So I guess IF she's lost, it's a choice between RSPCA (who will probably have her put down as they're overcrowded), or I'll rehome her myself.

However IF I do rehome her, I need to find a way to get her and my other cat to get along. My cat hasn't been TOO bad these past two times, until she got in one of my other cat's favourite spots. Then he got angry and was growling and bearing his teeth. He sat close by in another favourite spot swishing his tail, staring and both were growling at each other. The little cat seems to growl more than my cat though. Not sure what to do about that, I just try and keep them apart atm.

Offline sheilarose

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The collar may have broken off or the "owner" may not have had chance to call you yet, Spoons. I'd hang on until tonight and see if anyone has made contact by then. If not, pop another paper collar on her and see if that one disappears too. A disappearing collar is not necessarily a sign that the owner is taking it off. As she's cute and friendly, it may be local kids removing it, so do try again. They usually say paper collars for three days, this is more than enough time for an owner to get in touch, a cat loose and uncared for for more than three days is at serious risk of harm.

I stuck a "proper" saftey collar on my last unchipped stray with a note taped to it's fastener overbanded with pink highlighter so no-one could possibly miss the note or remove the collar without knowing it was there. It worked, I got a response and we managed to establish he was being generally cared for by a number of would-be "rescuers" like me and you but had no real owner. 

If the vet says she has a chip and the owner is nearby, ask them to contact him/her to make sure the chip details are in fact up to date. I have heard many tales of cats (and dogs) returning to their previous address but the owners have moved away and not updated the chip records, so remain without care despite being in the area they are chipped to.

Make sure the vet knows you are happy to care for the cat if no owner is found, and not to pass her on to anyone else. We have had sad tales on here of folk doing the right thing by taking a stray to the vet only to find out later that the vet then passed the cat on to RSPCA and was euthanised, despite the rescuer expressing a wish to take the cat on. Utterly devastating but unfortunately true.

NB just as an aside we got back from holiday recently to find one of my cats had been collared (we have a cat sitter who had noted his absence). They didn't put any contact details on the collar though so although I have an idea where he's been holing up, I'm not going to march over there as it might be seen as confrontational. I'd actually love to discuss him with them because I need them to know he does have medical issues and would actually love to re-home him as an "only" cat if possible. I've put my own collar on him now and am waiting for them to get in touch with me, hopefully. It's tricky, isn't it?  :hug:

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Bit of an update, I made her a paper collar and let her outside. She made a beeline for the other neighbour who had been feeding her, but he wasn't in. I'm not sure where she went after that. She however, turned up this morning again minus collar. Nobody had tried to contact the number I had written on the collar.

I'm not sure whether she got it off herself (she didn't seem bothered by it, in fact I've had far more trouble getting collars on my own cat, and afterwards he never leaves them alone), if someone else who is feeding her took it off or if her owner took it off. The only thing I find highly suspicious is IF the owner took it off and yet didn't contact. If this had been my cat, the first thing I would have done would be to call and assure them he has a home, and probably thank them for caring. Why wouldn't an owner contact?

Anyway, I'm taking her to the vet at about 4pm. If she is not chipped I will hang onto her and take the other adviceto find out who she belongs to. I feel way too concerned to just let her out again now.

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Hi spoons.
i think all the advice is good as if you can prove that you have done everything to reunite the cat with an owner there should be no problem with your neighbour thinking you have stolen her at some point later. if the neighbour does own her and hasn't been feeding her then they can be prosecuted as the animal welfare act states that people have a 'duty of care' to their pets. the problem with prosecution is that usually it is the RSPCA that does that kind of thing, as independant rescues (and local cats protection groups) dont usualy have the rescouces or experience to do anything. with a 'cruelty case' the rspca will hold the animal and later try to rehome it. there is then a possibility that the cat is put to sleep if she proves hard to home. and yes your neighbour may decide to hold a grudge against you. you can hope that if the neighbour isn't looking after the cat then they wont be bothered if she stops turning up.

the nuzzling is not a sign of abuse although i have found a similar reponse in young cats/kittens that have not had complete security when they were young. so stray kittens, tamed feral kittens and kittens taken from their mums early. she is probably finding some security in your closeness that prompts the burying her head into you.

good luck
:) Please text CATS22 £5 to 70070 to feed a cat for a week :)

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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So very hard and hope that maybe she can stay with you.........she sounds very tired and hungry  :hug: :hug:

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I had a similar experience with a local cat, very skinny neglected, camped outside my house everynight in pouring rain.... till i ended up popping her in basket taking her to vets and she was micropchipped and owned by some one near to mine.
It was hard turning my back on her but had to really x

Offline sheilarose

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Great stuff, Spoons. The vet won't charge you for a chip scan (usually the vet nurse does this so no chargeable time is lost). Ask if they will weigh her too, and give you an assessment of how old she may be, and whether she has had a litter (she may be skinny and yelling because she's been feeding kittens herself and is back in heat) all this will help to put together your "Found Cat" poster. You might also ask if they can tell whether she's been spayed or not - this is obviously going to affect how you keep her at home.

Whilst she's with you make sure you keep her away from the front room windows. If there is a risk of reprisals before you've got her publicity campaign fully underway, seeing her sitting in your window may prove to be a red rag to a bull.
If you know the vets well, they might even offer to put a picture of her up in their reception area, and possibly even offer to act as primary contact point for prospective "owners". Worth asking the cheeky questions if you feel there may be a risk to you,

The National Pet Register has an app for composing and printing a poster, you already have been on the site so you know how it works. Pop her picture on there as "Found" but don't put a phone number on, they have a privacy mechanism which means folk can contact you through the site but never get your personal details, similar to here on Purrs.

If you don't know your local RSPCA policy on stray animals re euthanasia, I'd steer clear of them and stick to Cats Protection or your independent rescue. Here's how to find your local heroes...

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I agree with what Sheila has said, check for a micro chip and maybe even put some found posters up but it sounds like this poor fur baby has just been surviving on instinct!

The cat is in a strange house and yet has slept all day - that's one very tired cat.

If your putting up found posters then the owner can get in touch - it might be the kitten got lost if its very young. I wouldn't put it back out if your in a position to offer a home either temporary or otherwise.

Keep up updated
« Last Edit: October 18, 2012, 19:43:18 PM by caledonia »
Love from Rachael & fur babies Nina & Rio

RIP Bertie 23/12/2007
RIP Oscar 31/08/2011
RIP Edgar 09/11/2011

Always loved, never forgotten

Offline spoons

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Thank you very much for your reply. You're quite right, I need to put her safety before my own fears, and also not just take my neighbours word for this. I'll let her stay for now at least, and will take her to the vet tomorrow for a scan.

Hopefully it will all turn out for the best.

Offline sheilarose

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Best to follow the advice on our "found" page, Spoons, this allows you to remain objective about the whole thing while making sure the cat is actually safe. I'd be cautious about accepting your neighbour's word for this, if he says someone is neglecting an animal HE should have taken steps to report this himself.

Have you thought about taking her to the local vet for a chip scan? If she's not chipped and you get no response to your enquiries (as per the "found" guide) you may want to consider keeping her before turning her over to a rescue.

Good luck. Your willingness to help her is your strength, and worries of being a Grass must take second place when a life is at stake. Your local CP or independent rescue will help you out, call them for advice if you still feel unsure what to do for the best.,31636.0.html

Offline spoons

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Hi everyone. There is a cat that has been coming into my house on and off for a little while now. My own cat originally chased her off but she has been hovering around many times. However, she has stayed here the whole day today, sleeping mostly.

My husband came home a couple of weeks ago saying a tiny cat had followed him up the cul de sac miaowing loudly. He asked me to check it out. I went outside and sure enough this fluffy little thing appeared, making loud, long drawn out miaow's.  She seemed very distressed. I hadn't seen her in the area before (and I'm quite familiar with all the local cat's) I wasn't sure what to do! I work from home and was still on my shift so I had to get back to taking calls, and my husband is not great with handling animal situations. The little cat tried to eat some of my other cat's food and he got very stroppy. The little cat growled a lot at my cat, which obviously angered my cat. He started growling back and chased her outside. I went outside to see where she was but my cat followed me and chased her down the street. I didn't see her any more for a little while.

Then a few weeks later my husband remarked that she was back, not just following him, but following everyone who walked into the cul de sac miaowing loudly. I took a picture of her on my phone and scanned the National Missing Pet's Register. I found one matching her description perfectly - very small and light, black and white with a slight brown mark on her back, fluffy, long drawn out miaow and lost locally. However, despite contacting these people and offering to send a picture of her, I was never contacted back.

Earlier this week she once again appeared outside my house, making long drawn out miaow's, seemingly distressed. I approached her and then one of my neighbour's appeared. He said he thought he knew who she belonged to, but that they don't feed her. He said on occasion he had taken pity on her and fed her bits and pieces, but that he's not in a lot of the time so he couldn't really "look after" her.

And finally today. She entered my house making the same long drawn out miaow sound. I picked her up and had a good look at her. I noticed before she was very light, but when I had a proper look at her (and it's awfully hard to tell just by looking at her, as she's so fluffy) and could see she is VERY skinny. Her sides are hollowed in. She doesn't look neglected otherwise, she looks quite clean but this could possibly be due to the fact she is obviously quite young. She displayed some strange behaviour that I had never seen in a cat before, not even my 2 old adopted strays, one of whom was SUPER nervous - She started nuzzling at my chest, hiding her face, and when I pushed her down she buried her head under where my arm was resting, burying her face into my leg making these long drawn out miaows. Is this any sort of sign of abuse? Or neglect? Normal? She has spent the entire day (from 10am, and it's now 6:30pm with no sign of movement) sleeping. My other cat has slept a lot today too but he has been out to the toilet, wondered about etc. Maybe she's had nowhere to sleep for a while?

I am at a loss at what to do now! Part of me thinks I should do the paper collar thing (with an old mobile number that I can turn on for a while) just to be certain she isn't lost, but now that my neighbour has said she belongs to someone who could potentially be neglecting her - would I be putting her in danger of further/worse mistreatment by "interfering"? If I call the RSPCA or Cat's Protection and they decide she needs to be rehomed...then what? Is she at risk of being put down? I would certainly look after her if she was lost, and rehome her if she was neglected, but the only problem is IF she is being neglected by local people, I will probably be labelled a grass etc and possibly be in danger myself if they see her coming to and from my house. And of course, they might try to take her back. It's so hard to know what to do.

 I am going to discuss this again with my neighbour when he returns home tonight, see if I can find out WHO he thinks she belongs to, so I can further assess the situation. But any other advice would be great.

Thanks in advance.


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