Author Topic: Calling all independent rescues - want to try for a TV show?  (Read 4311 times)

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Calling all independent rescues - want to try for a TV show?
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2007, 08:15:26 AM »
This sounds like a great opportunity if it comes off, Angie - will keep my fingers crossed.  ;D

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Calling all independent rescues - want to try for a TV show?
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2007, 20:55:04 PM »
Gooooooooooooo for it Angie  ;D

Offline Angiew

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Calling all independent rescues - want to try for a TV show?
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2007, 19:16:13 PM »
Hi all, I am linked to the askcharity network and they send out requests for information (Usually people related) but I respond when I can. Today , the following request went out -

My request: Hi there,
My name is Jennie Greenwood and I am working for the TV documentaries company V Good Films.  We are currently working a new documentary which concentrates on charities in financial trouble. The program aims to provide them with new fund raising initiatives and help to keep them afloat. We are still in the very early planning stages but at the moment are looking to get in touch with charities who are trying to expand or recover from financial difficulties.
Many thanks and kind regards,

To which I replied -
Hi Jennifer,
If you fancy including some animal charities then I would love to get involved. I’m part of Coventry Cat Group and we have a real problem fund-raising. I also am in close contact with other small independent cat rescues locally and in other parts of the country so if you wanted to do a few as a job-lot! That could be arranged.We all have problems with fund raising, partly due to the lack of helpers. Very often the same people are organising, fostering, trapping and trying to fund raise. It’s especially hard for the smaller groups as even though we do more than the national rescues between us we don’t get the same help or legacy funding.
We’ve tried tin-rattling, table top sales (sometimes just about managing to cover the £5-10 fee!) for a days work, occasionally applying to trust funds and even Ebay.
Apart from that we survive on homing fees.
Would love to see what else we can do!!

and have now received the following reply -

Hi there Angie,
Thank you so much for you response to my AskCharity email. I had completely underestimated the response rate, so to make things a little simpler at our end I would really appreciate it if you could answer a few questions so we can get to know a bit more about your organisation.
How long has the charity been established for?
How big is the charity?
What kind of work do you do?
How long have you suffered from financial difficulties?
How do you think these financial difficulties came about?
How long can you continue with your current funding?
What’s at stake if the charity goes under? > Who will be affected and how?
Do you have any public figures who support your charity or who have helped with your fund raising in the past?
As mentioned, the program is still very much in the early planning stages and awaiting proposal to the commissioners. However, your charities details have been put into a profile sheet which we will work from to find contributors if the program gets the go-ahead.
Thanks again for your email, it is much appreciated.
All the best, Jennie

which isn't a no!
So, if any of you lot out there would like to reply to ME , I'll bundle it together as a cat consortium and send it on with my reply later this week.
I always work on the basis that most publicity is good publicity (and I ain't been on telly for 4 years now ;D)


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