In Loving Memory Cats > Rainbow Bridge - In Loving Memory

Purrs Bridge cats Dedication and memorial section in the Gallery

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Thanks for that Tan, it's a lovely thought - trouble is I could be in there all day putting my Bridge Babies on there.  I will do it gradually but thought I would start with my baby boy Tarka, he was always so behind in development, it will be nice for him to be ahead of everyone for once.  :Luv2:

We have a new section in our Gallery dedicated to all our wonderful bridge cats.  A section to always remember our babes on the bridge  :Luv:

Plese click the gallery button on the top menu or click here

To add your babe in our rememberance page, click on the Purrs Rainbow Bridge Memorial section and  click "add a picture" There you can upload a pic, write a title and your dedication / memorial tribute in the description box.

It broke our hearts to lose you, but you did not go alone.
For part of us went with you the day the Bridge called you home.



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