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Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: caz1979 on June 19, 2012, 20:56:54 PM

Title: food brands
Post by: caz1979 on June 19, 2012, 20:56:54 PM
Evening all
Just wondered what food you all feed your furries? X
Title: Re: food brands
Post by: Liz on June 19, 2012, 22:02:35 PM
Here at the Clan we feed Royal Canin - 15 varieties of dry, 8 Hills dry, Purina, Iams cause they like it and some we get on offer from Zooplus no idea as they come with non English labels but they like them

On the wet side we feed Felix, Whiskas, both cans and sachets/foils, Schmusey, Bozita Cartons and lots of the the foreign stuff off Zooplus

Title: Re: food brands
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on June 19, 2012, 22:13:12 PM
I used to buy loads of different foods, mainly from zooplus but these days I tend to stick to supermarket brands.  Jaffa is fussy now and loves his supermarket senior foods so I buy him a variety of those and he's happy - sainsburys is his favourite but he also likes morrisons, asda tiger and tesco!  no supermarket loyalty from Jaffa!  He also has felix.  Mosi is a hi life boy supplemented with a small amount of Applaws dry and I'm happy with that for him as hi life essentials is pretty cheap and not bad quality.

I supplement both their diets with applaws wet (usually a friday treat) and bozita or toplife (toplife is like bozita but available from Asda) and they both like butchers classic occasionally (but will not eat it regularly).  I occasionally buy Lily's kitchen (I think that's what it's called?) when I go to a certain pet store that sells it but it's way to expensive for anything other than an occasional treat.

Cost is a big thing for me right now so I look out for anything that is cheap.  I just check the labels to make sure it doesn't contain cereals or soy.  I don't mind Jaffa having cereals as long as it's senior food - he's 15 so I like to stick mainly to senior and just want to give him something he enjoys.  I'm not going to start worrying at his age about his food as long as it is wet and relatively low in phosphorus.   Mosi has never eaten foods with cereal (except for when he pinches some of Jaffa's) so my main aim with him is to feed a good quality food that does not contains cereals.
Title: Re: food brands
Post by: Dawn F on June 20, 2012, 09:30:15 AM
felix as good as it looks, royal canin dry or purina one depending on where i'm shopping and for amber some kind of pate food
Title: Re: food brands
Post by: caz1979 on June 20, 2012, 09:32:56 AM
Thanks for the replies! So I am guessing its ok to give diffrent brands and not stick to one x
Title: Re: food brands
Post by: Dawn F on June 20, 2012, 09:37:52 AM
unless they have tummy issues I don't think its a problem, amber is funny and goes on and off things so she can have 5 different things in a week and doesn't seem to trouble her
Title: Re: food brands
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on June 20, 2012, 12:52:49 PM
Whatever is there in choice at present..........groan

4 cats and all eat different, gourmet oceam fish pate for ducha, sheba miini fillets of chicken and something for Lupin. Sheba rabbit and something terrain for Misa and Sasa is very fussy and is currently eating Pro Plan fish biscuits mainly after Gourmet stopped making the food she ate.

Also have Felix in jelly fish or poultry and Tesco chicken in jelly pouches, they were the only thing that Lupin could eat for ages and think that Ducha, Sasa and Lupin all nibble it cos awlways have some out upstairs where Ducha lives.
Title: Re: food brands
Post by: mad_lilli on June 20, 2012, 22:36:41 PM
My 2 senior laydees resolutely refuse to eat anything senior - grrrrr. But they eat felix wet or meaty loaf seems to go down well. When they have dry, they have Vets Kitchen, Orijen or Affinity Ultima (I can only ever find that in Morrisons). Crystal and Ted eat whatever they get given pretty much, although Ted has a tooth for salmon flavour!!!! 
Title: Re: food brands
Post by: Alcatraz on July 11, 2012, 15:52:36 PM
We like to give our boys a real mixture so they don't get bored (and more importantly) they're used to differed flavours and brands in case we ever need to change them (a brand stops selling in our local shop or becomes too expensive, etc).

For wet food we give them equal portions of HiLife Kitten as it has a good percentage of real protein (c60%) and is not too expensive, to a mixture of Felix and Whiskers as they offer fish recipes, are cheap, and are sold in the supermarket.

For dry food it's Iams, Advanced Nutrition and Whiskers.

I know I'd get bored eating the same thing every day so I don't see why they should?

Have certainly noticed less smell from their poo since giving them the HiLife too.  I think when it was just the other brands it came out pretty foul!

They don't really like the dry treats but love the long chewy sticks.  And chicken and fish of course!
Title: Re: food brands
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on July 11, 2012, 16:05:18 PM
Is that high life a complete food?
Title: Re: food brands
Post by: Alcatraz on July 11, 2012, 16:50:14 PM
Not entirely sure what that means... :-: but if you're asking if they can have that on it's own, yes.

The kitten food is about £5 for 12 pouches and they do a poultry selection. (Chicken, chicken & liver and chicken & beef)
In normal cat age (?) it's fish (tuna, salmon and seasonal seafood) or poultry (as above).
Adult cat is just the poultry.

All have 60% meat or fish.  It's a nice mix of meat and light jelly and our boys really like it (to be honest...they eat most things!).  The only bad reviews I've seen are from people who say their cats are fussy and only eat "junk cat food" with sugars and additives...apparently HiLife is "too pure".

Only downside for me...we have to go to Pets at home to get it (which is one reason we alternate it with the other brands).  There's a list of stockists on their website though, including Amazon, although I'm not sure how comfortable I am buying food on Amazon?

The main thing for us is the cats are healthy, so 60% meat is a big plus, but at £5 for 12 pouches (some others are as much as £12!) and with shiny coats, less smelly poos and happy cats, it's win, win, win, win, win for us!

Can you tell I'm having a slow day in the office?
Title: Re: food brands
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on July 11, 2012, 16:57:47 PM
It will tell you on the packet,

A full cat food gives them everything they need to stay healthy and a complimentary is like a food treat and another complete cat food needs to be fed as well.

I am pretty sure that this is a complimentary one but cat remember. If so as long as they eat complete biscuits or some other complete food they will be fine
Title: Re: food brands
Post by: Alcatraz on July 11, 2012, 17:02:39 PM
Just had a look on their website...COMPLETE!  Phew!  Actually felt guilty for a minute there, ha ha!
Title: Re: food brands
Post by: mervyn7451 on July 12, 2012, 15:40:22 PM
Well Miss Daisy always gets either Purina One or RC Exigent Savor dry but her wet can vary between Whiska's (her current favorite) but can sway to Felix or Butchers BUT only in jelly!..She won't eat anything in Gravy..She's such a fuss pot!
Title: Re: food brands
Post by: jezebel on July 12, 2012, 16:30:45 PM
My two will only eat Felix - and only the pouches (not tins or trays - I don't know how they can tell the difference but they can).

But their favourite varies, almost on a daily basis - currently it's AGAIL Duo, but by tomorrow they might regard that as some sort of poison and will go on hunger strike until they get Meaty Loaf, which a week ago they wouldn't touch.  :Crazy:

They do love Purina One though. Oh, and Gourmet Gold, which seems to be on permanent offer at six tins for £2 at Waitrose and PAH.
Title: Re: food brands
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on July 12, 2012, 17:41:19 PM
I reckon we could open a Supermarket of cat food between us, cos of the little monsters changing their minds  :rofl: :rofl:
Title: Re: food brands
Post by: Mymblesdaughter on July 12, 2012, 18:46:25 PM
Yeah cat protection did well from me and my fussy two. I took all their unwanted food down to the local shop where they have a bin for food.

Title: Re: food brands
Post by: Skiddaw on July 14, 2012, 12:16:35 PM
Tell me about it!

The Mumchkin would only eat Nature's Menu wet (and only the chicken & turkey version) for over 3 years. He wouldn't give house room to anything else. Then, just after a huge (20 box) delivery, he decided it was yuk and he wasn't going to eat it ever again. That lot all went to the local cat rescue, as did boxes of James Wellbelove, Purina and Royal Canin wet which I bought as an alternative (they were yuk too). He's currently settled on Iams wet (but only the meat selection boxes as fish is yuk) and I'm praying he doesn't decide it's yuk any time soon.

Thankfully, he's never gone off Royal Canin dry (but only the 'Outdoor 30'. He won't eat any of the others because they're yuk).
Title: Re: food brands
Post by: Rosella moggy on July 14, 2012, 12:34:25 PM
Our youngest two ate Hi Life kitten Alcatraz for ages.  It is a devil to source so I was grateful that PAH opened a branch near us. 

A couple of months later of course Hi Life kitten became poison  :sick: and neither of them would touch it   :-:  They did like the Hi Life adult that their auntie Judith sent them but their mom is horrible and feeds them Felix AGAIL with Science Plan dry food on the side to save some dosh  :innocent:
Title: Re: food brands
Post by: Alcatraz on July 16, 2012, 10:13:51 AM
Oh good, I'm sure I have all this to look forward to.  I'm just greatful that at the moment the hoover up anything put down for them...except cat treats!?!?!?

Have found a number of online sources for HiLife so am going to give that a try.

Does anyone have any suggestions on when to start them on adult food (rather than kitten)....a few friends have suggested there isn't much difference and it's just a gimmick to charge you more...is that true?
Title: Re: food brands
Post by: clarenmax on July 16, 2012, 11:27:17 AM
Poot has to have mostly wet food, but is a fussy wee thing and won't eat any of the better brands like Nature's Menu etc.

He generally has Whiskas steamed or braised pouches, and will eat the ones in gravy.  But give him chunks in jelly, forget it, he'd rather go hungry lol!

He also loves Felix AGAIL and Sensations :)
Title: Re: food brands
Post by: maddercow on July 16, 2012, 13:29:39 PM

My two will eat whatever is least good for them.

They won't eat cooked or raw chicken, mince, fish or steak. (They will however eat lamb because they know it is expensive).

They are junk food addicts and will only eat Felix Sensations or AGAIL. Izzy will sometimes eat Purina one tuna and Hi Life tuna.
It drives me mad that they won't eat the better quality wet foods I have offered them like Hi Life, Almo, Applaws (although Izzy will sometimes eat the chicken and
cheese variety if I refuse to give her anything else.)

On the dry food front they have Royal Canin, Hills and James Wellbeloved and one I can't remember but it had a high meat content.  I have also used Purina One and the Ultima stuff. All of it seems to go down well, in fact any dry food seems acceptable as they have stolen the cheap Wilkos kibble, Spikes Hedgehog Kibble and Ferret food that I put out for the hedgepigs. Therefore I tend to give them the higher meat content ones as I know they will eat it.

They will eat what they want to eat and won't eat what they don't want to eat and there is nothing that we can do about it and yes, it is a VERY sore point in our house!

Title: Re: food brands
Post by: emmmy_lou on July 17, 2012, 11:46:02 AM
the hoover up anything put down for them...except cat treats!?!?!?

My 2 used to love their dreamies, but since having the new Felix treats (goody bag or something?) they wont touch the dreamies  >:( wonder what that secret ingredient those Felix people use.....  :shify:

Does anyone have any suggestions on when to start them on adult food (rather than kitten)....a few friends have suggested there isn't much difference and it's just a gimmick to charge you more...is that true?

I would feed kitten food til they are 6 months. Kitten food is much higher in calories which they need for all that energy they use up!
Title: Re: food brands
Post by: Alcatraz on July 17, 2012, 11:51:48 AM
Thanks Emmmy Lou.  Maybe I'm eating kitten food...seems like I'm getting too many calories!
Title: Re: food brands
Post by: Hippykitty on July 22, 2012, 03:27:39 AM
If you don't have lots of cats or can afford it, I highly recommend Whiskas Supermeat in cans. I used to give this to Polly and Samantha and they lived to be elderly cats.

Now I've got 6 cats, they have various cat food, depending what's on offer. They've learned not to be particular.
Title: Re: food brands
Post by: Janeyk on July 22, 2012, 07:53:45 AM
I always have tins of Classic in and Whiskas Supermeat, they're Peps main foods because he has a bit of a sensitive tum and few teeth.  He's usually fine with any pate type foods which he also loves, so Gourmet pates and any in the foil trays i.e. Pets at Home and Coop and other Supermarket brands, and also Natures Best Pouches.   Sooty doesn't like Classic much but can eat most foods, but gets bored so she has a variation of Felix (but only likes the basic in jelly), Whiskas, any pouches or trays from B & M -  Feline Fayre and the foreign ones etc.