In Loving Memory Cats > Rainbow Bridge - In Loving Memory

Missing you more than ever today

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Linda (Bengalbabe):
Lisa, so sorry about Snarf, I remember how desperately you tried to find your baby when she went missing and how upsetting it was for you when you found her.  Please don't feel guilty, you did everything you could.  Try to remember the good times . x

She was found in my neighbours garden ( we have shared access so almost like our garden really ) placed down by the gunieapig did not look like she had made it that far she has in my opinion been in that state for a while ..was almost like someone had found her and put her there ..all so confusing for me  :(

That's so sad, where did you find her?

Thanks I am feeling much happier today, Not sure that the guilt will ever go away as she was so close but i never managed to find her is the not knowing and the weird circumstances about everything that drives me crazy ..

I will never stop missing her but hopefully i will be able to not feel so down about at times

Desley (booktigger):
Lisa, hope you are having a better day today, and I do hope the guilt stops soon - you did everything you could, and more than some people would, you truly have nothing to feel guilty over.


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