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Please Help stop cruel factory cow farms in UK - just 1 day left!

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Tiggy's Mum:
Signed  :(



We have just today days to stop the UK's first US-style cow factory farm being built. Our pressure is building, but the firms behind the farm are still pushing hard to get their plans rubber-stamped.

The deadline for the petition is the 11th January - on that day we need to present the local council with a sky-high pile of signatures! The more signatures we have, the more chance we have of stopping the mega-dairy. So let's spread the word and tell everyone we can to sign the petition now.

Please forward this e-mail to your friends and ask them to sign the petition to stop the Nocton mega-dairy here:

If we want to stop US-style factory farms being introduced to the UK, we need to make sure this planning application is rejected. If this mega-dairy goes ahead, it will be 30 times bigger than anything the UK has ever seen. It could open the floodgates for more cow factory farms across the country. [1]

Please forward this e-mail to your friends and ask them to help stop the mega-dairy by signing the petition at:

You could also tell your friends on Facebook:

Or tell your friends on Twitter here:

Factory farms like this are bad for cows, bad for climate change and bad for other farmers. The cows will be shut up indoors and not allowed to eat grass. Smaller family dairies in the area could be put out of business. Factory farms rely on imported feed, and often this feed is grown on land where rainforest has been chopped down. [2]

We know we make a difference when we speak out against cow factory farming. Our pressure has already persuaded one of the companies involved to drop out and forced the scheme to be scaled back for now. The firms behind the farm tried to sneak their plans in  just before Christmas, hoping no one would notice. But we did! Since then 20,000 more of us have signed the petition against the mega-dairy. Let's spread the word and stop the cow factory farm plan in its tracks.

Please forward this e-mail and ask your friends to help stop the mega-dairy by signing the petition here:

Thanks for being involved,

Hannah, David, Johnny and the 38 Degrees team

[1] http://www.independent.co.uk/money/spend-save/consuming-issues-do-we-want-cheap-milk-or-family-farms-2138921.html
[2] http://www.ciwf.org.uk/news/beef_and_dairy_farming/nocton_dairy_summary_of_key_arguments.aspx


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