Author Topic: the most memorable cat(s)  (Read 1941 times)

Offline CurlyCatz

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Re: the most memorable cat(s)
« Reply #12 on: February 22, 2008, 12:48:37 PM »
I don't feel inclined to write his story, i have on here in the past but as much as i love my current babes and any in the future non will ever come close to what i felt for my sooty, truly my one and only  :Luv:

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Offline monstermom

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Re: the most memorable cat(s)
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2008, 20:55:43 PM »
A friend of mine was going on vacation to visit her kids for 2 weeks and she mentioned to me that she was probably going to have their older cat put to sleep because she thought it would be too stressful to kennel him. I immediately said no I'll take care of him for you. I had seen him around her house and had given him a pet or two but wasn't really around him all that much before she dropped him off with me. He very calmly hobbled in and settled right down. His back legs were crippled so he walked kind of funny and he couldn't clean himself properly so he was pretty matted. He was a black persian named Marvin which i usually called Marve Kitty. I decided to take him to a groomer to get him sorted and they just shaved his fur off. He didn't mind too much even riding in the car. When his fur was gone i could see how terribly thin he was. He hadn't ben getting enough to eat because my friend also had a dog that would eat all the food and it was hard to see how bad he was because of his fur. I took him to the vet and bought some good cat food as well and his bowl was never empty. He put on some weight but never to an extreme. When my friend came home i called he up and laughed and told her she couldn't have her cat  back cause I had fallen in love. She was actually relieved because she knew he would have a good home with me. He was a quiet kitty and very gently even when he played. He didn't like to be picked up, I think it hurt him,  but would follow me and lay beside me on the couch and sleep with me every night and greet me when i got home from work. He loved crawling in paper bags ad boxes and laying in the sun in the doorway.  I had him for about 4 wonderful years. He sadly died 2 weeks before i moved from the USA to England. He must have been 14 or 15 by then. I have his ashes in a special little box and he will be with me always. RIP my sweet Marve Kitty I miss you and Love you.

Dark Moon

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Re: the most memorable cat(s)
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2008, 22:05:11 PM »
What incredibly beautiful stories!

As for Reynard's reputed lack of 'dispatching' skills - maybe it wasn't so! I have had several of my kitties - all excellent and proven hunters - bring me 'gifts' of live whatevers (usually mice) - and refuse utterly to kill or even harm them. I have decided that it is the ultimate gift. A 'kill-it-yourself' treat, as it were. Either that or they consider me so incredibly stupid as to not know what a real mouse looks like as I am always giving them those 'fake' things. Perhaps they are simply trying to educate us!

As for their loss - you blame yourself too harshly. I live in fear of doing exactly what took Reynard. Edgar trots across roads and such and at night.... Ozzie, on the other hand, simply refuses to move. Literally, I'm afraid. And dear Claudius - which of us hasn't had similar experiences? Looking back at some of mine, I don't know if I honestly didn't notice the little changes because they occurred gradually, or simply refused to acknowledge them because to do so.....  And, of course, cats rarely complain and never, ever give up so it makes it all the more difficult to see...   

You had two such incredible boys. Thank you for sharing their stories. It has generated a lovely warm glow in my heart which, up til now (today) had been icy cold.

Offline blackcat

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Re: the most memorable cat(s)
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2008, 20:14:33 PM »
Mine were both boys. Reynard, a havannah oriental, and Claudius, a ginger aby cross. Reynard had the most incredible green eyes and a russet coat (hence the name - he looked like a fox) huge ears and a pointy nose that was always getting into mischief. He would hunt avidly, but never quite came to grips with what to do with his prey. So I would come home to find a bathroom full of completely unharmed baby rabbits, bandicoots or whatever else he had found, while he was weaving around my legs begging to be fed. He also used to bring me special treats whenever he went out, like a pebble or stick or some other treasure that was ceremoniously presented to me. He would place fetch for hours and was a total treasure who I adored. He went missing for two weeks once and I was so frantic that I was in discussion with the television station about an advertisement to be aired on day-time television. I came home one night and a brown cat ran up to me. I thought it was Sarah, by brown burmese, initially, then realised that against all hope it was Reynard, back from wherever he had been. I was soooooooo relieved I wept. I killed him one night, coming home after dusk. It was his habit to run from where-ever he was and to escort my car up the drive. That night, the light must have made him misjudge the distance and the wheel of the car just clipped him. I found his body beside the drive with not a mark on it except a drop of blood on his teeth. It was only when I collapsed on my way back to the house with his body in my arms that I saw the matching drops of blood on the tyre of my car. So loved, and so regretted. He was only two years old.

Claudius was an accidental cat. I had accompanied a friend to the RSPCA in Brisbane where they run a dog-washing service as a fund-raiser. It was a long queue and I got bored waiting so went to look at the pens. Was feeling quite smug as had managed to get to the secondlast pen without succumbing. And there was Claude. He was lying on a cat hammock with his back to the visitors. I arrived and he turned his head, reached out a paw in a long welcoming stretch and turned around to greet me. Of course he came straight home with me, to the tune of considerable mocking from my friends. We had to dump him and run as there were other commitments. When I got home a couple of hours later, Bob and Pavarotti, the resident cats, were sitting in the hall staring into my bedroom looking non-plussed. Stretched across the bed, in full sun, was Claudius - lord of all he surveyed. He loved lying along the top of doors with all his legs dropping down like a lioness in a tree. he was such a loving, cheerful boy. Then one day, several years later, I noticed he was losing weight. I booked an appointment with the vet and spent the intervening days tempting him with food like poached trout, and other delicacies, all of which he sampled but did not eat completely. The day of the appointment the vet asked for a urine sample and so I shut him in the bathroom with an empty litter tray and he gave me the sample I needed. It was a strong deep orange brown colour. As he had managed to open the door of the bathroom before I got back to him, I was not entirely confident that it was his sample, but the vet, in the kindest and most sympathetic tone told me that it was. He had gone into complete liver failure from metastatic cancer and he was PTS that day. Apart from the weight loss I had seen no signs of this at all, although looking back at some of his last pictures it is clear to me that he was ill. I will never forgive myself for either death. Both were avoidable, both were something I could have helped prevent, although with Claude it would have only been a delaying tactic. But I miss both of them so much and loved them so dearly. They will remain in my heart forever ...

Offline lucy

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Re: the most memorable cat(s)
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2008, 12:47:38 PM »
They are all special, but for me Binky was extra special. A siamese with huge personality, he draped himself over me and I could walk around the house with him clinging on like a brooch. He would open the fridge and help himself when we were out, once we came home to find bread from the breadbin half way up the stairs and pate from the fridge under the table. He never did get the hang of the toaster though.. :rofl:. At night he liked to sleep on the pillow with me facing him, if I rolled over he moved too. I could rest on his side while he purred away. At meal times he would jump on a chair and sit with us at the table, and he loved playing fetch with scrunched up paper.  He was the most affectionate, loving cat I have known.

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Offline Maddiesmum

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Re: the most memorable cat(s)
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2008, 12:35:02 PM »

Oh what can I say about my beautiful boy?  I had him from four weeks old until he was 17 years and 5 months.  We had a very special and close bond and he talked to me all day long.  He was gentle and sweet, I never heard him spit or hiss save for once when he was very very sick and had to go to the vet.  He always wanted a cuddle, never too busy.  He loved his food, he loved his little furry house and he loved me.  I was so very very lucky to be loved by this special cat whose last act was to save my house from irreparable water damage.  I hope he is happy at the Bridge with his friends and family and I have cried every day for my loss. 

Dark Moon

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Re: the most memorable cat(s)
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2008, 11:53:23 AM »

A DLH B&W lad who arrived here out of the mist one morning....  A most loving cat. And one I have been furious with sooooooooooo many times. Yet.... 

How can I tell you about Edgar?  He rides horses. Not with humans. Just he, perched atop the horses.... They don't seem to mind....   He has also torn out every screen in my house - several times over.

I, like you Delsey, have never been able to convince him to stay home. So, against every instinct in my body, have had to let him go each morning. There have been times when he has gone missing for 3-4 days on end.... Thankfully most folks here know him by now (indeed, he goes for walks with Dixie (a wee dog) and her owner)....  I DO try to get him in at night (I worry about the coyotes) but.... And during these bitterly cold times I insist he stay in - and let me tell you I DO hear about that! He is not at all shy about telling me what he thinks!

But for all he 'says' about me during the day (Cruel. Nasty. Won't let a cat out when he wants to go out. etc. etc. etc.  !)  at night he insists on sleeping on my pillow. From whence he progresses to my head. From whence he goes under the covers, turns around, and then, laying stretched out alongside me, head on the pillow, body under the covers, sleeps the night away.

Gosh, ya know... you have GOT to love them. No matter what they do. ( I have long since kept screen repairing kits in my pantry as standard equipment!)

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: the most memorable cat(s)
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2008, 07:59:01 AM »
I will only focus on my permanent cats, but there have been a couple of extra special fosters too. There are two most memorable out of my 8 permanents, Ginger and Molly. I picked Ginger up off the streets at the age of 11, and I dont think I will ever have as wonderful a cat as him - sadly I never got his street ways out of him, he didnt always see why he should come home at night, nor why he should come home at mealtimes, and would often have to be collected hours after it was food time!! He made me be friends with my neighbours by being in there every single day!! We had 4 years and a month, and while I took him off the streets to give him a home life, he still chose to go on the street.

Then there is Molly, who I took on thinking that she didnt have long left, and wanted her to have a home life, and I very nearly didn't, as I had lost 2 cats that year, and wondered if I could go throug it again so soon - 2 years and a month later, she is still here and in perfect health!! Living proof that oldies can be playful, and have years left in them.
Please spay your cat

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: the most memorable cat(s)
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2008, 01:05:27 AM »
My Kocka was my first cat and changed me from a cat hater to a cat lover.

She was so cheeky and taught me everything I knew about cats, so I was the total slave of this small furry person.

She would sit on my shoulder and ski down my back but never ever hurt me through 10 years when at times she must have been feeling so rough.

She would flap the flap so I would open it and scratch on the window so she could ride in on my shoulder.

She would steal my food and chased me round the kitchen for a sausage in her early days with me. When I thought she maybe just visiting she broke into my house through about 3 inches of window at the top when I was at work, she told me she wanted to stay and was not going to be shut out anymore.

She would sing and trill when she was happy and then go to sleep lying acrosss my heart.

She would try all the tricks in the book to wake me up , licking my ears if loud ourrs didnt work and if all of that did not work she would lick my eyelids, which I hated and when I would open my eyes she would be looking straight in.

I could never be angry at her cos she was so beautiful and so cute and I still miss her so much.

Dark Moon

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Re: the most memorable cat(s)
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2008, 20:23:52 PM »
Thanks for the reply.

It's just that... well... Colours really mean nothing. There are so many different blues and B&Ws and Blacks and and and.... They are all themselves. I have had several gray tabbies since Hannibal - but not another Hannibal. I have had many torties since Ariadne - but not another Ariadne. I have had a couple of blues since Brigit but nothing at all like Brigit.  I know we all know this.

Please don't despair. Easy for me to say at this moment. But I HAVE been where you are now. TOO many times over. It does NOT get easier. Nor should it.

But while the pain of loss never leaves, bit by bit the happy times force their way into your mind. I still cry for my babies gone all these years. But, more.. I remember their lives. Not their deaths. And the love we shared.

And WHO they were. And that wasn't a colour or a physical attribute. It was them.

To you and Willow (in memory). From me and all of mine (present and past).

Offline madpants

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Re: the most memorable cat(s)
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2008, 20:11:12 PM »
Hi Dark moon,
I like the idea of remembering our beloved furries by their personalities.  ;D

I have recently lost my beautiful Willow :'(, but in between the dark moments of despair, i am starting to think about all of her funny, naughty, quirky ways!
She was a beautiful British Blue, with wonderful orange eyes and she was such a little minx!
If there was a pen on the table, you'd turn your back for a minute and she'd have the pen on the floor, batting it around.
And she was always trying to knock down the bin, so she could get inside!
And my furniture was never the same again, she loved to use everthing as a scrtaching post! :censored:
And she often bought in birds, voles, mice, and even a horse once! (onlky kidding tee hee :rofl:)

She was truly a little minx and we had an amazing connection which i am so grateful for,
I miss her desperately, but she was a pure ray of sunshine :Luv2:

« Last Edit: January 22, 2008, 20:12:08 PM by madpants »
Love thy neighbour............. especially if they have cake!

Dark Moon

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the most memorable cat(s)
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2008, 19:41:35 PM »
Have been watching the various threads. Black cat. Blk and white. Tortie. Ginger. Tabby....  I have had them all and loved them all and remember all of those who graced me with their lives but are now gone.

You likely may have done this before (only been here a week!) but rather than  by colour, I was wondering about most memorable. I love them all, but there have been those who stood out.

For me it was Hannibal (even people who didn't like cats remarked on him and still do - some 25 years after he crossed that bridge. A magnificent gray tabby. He came to me as a baby from the Montreal General Hospital. Literally! A Beethoven fan). Then my beloved Brigit. Like Hannibal in her bearing. A toothless wonder but our best hunter for all that. And so cherished to my heart. Used to 'gum' my chin - her best approach at kisses. For those of you interested in colour - she was beautifully blue. And now Winston.

They have all been memorable. But these three.......

Of course, then there was Duty (our genius! (Blk and W) I was always one step (at best) behind her! We all know they are brighter than us, but most of them play along with the pretense that we are in (minimal) charge) so as to spare us shame. And Ariadne, mother of us all (tortie) . Muff - the girl my sister spent an entire night searching for after my sweet Bimbi was killed by a car. She (Muff) arrived home a wee small thing - likely 4-5 weeks old, with a ribbon around her neck. DLS gray and white. My first extra toed cat (She 'only' had 2 - a thumb on each front paw. But it took her a while to learn to walk with them. She kept tripping.....  She became the 'mother' of Duty and Hannibal. And so many others that came after.... Hey - is there an 'extra toed' thread? If not....) And Blue Boy - technically not mine. My Mother's cat. (Siamese), whom I grew up with. I was 6 months of age when he came to us. I was 17 when he left). Likely the start of all of this for me.  And and and.......

I already see the problem here - they are all memorable, just for different reasons. Still, I'd like to hear of them and their 'reasons'! But not as colour threads. As personality ones. As space in our hearts and why threads.

Yes, I'm going away now. Sorry...... I get wordy by times........


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