In Loving Memory Cats > Rainbow Bridge - In Loving Memory

Happy Christmas Kocka


Merry Christmas Kocka...

Gill xx

Merry Christmas Kocka, hope you have lots of fun with all your furry friends, keep an eye on Toffee for me darlin


She is and always will be soo lovely  and always be with ya Gillllliiiie.  We may not be able to cuddle our bridge babes but we can talk to them and they will hear us.
It's like me mum, i always have believed she is always around watchin over, only her body has left, It's the same for our bridge babes. They are within us and always watchin over us, They can see us every day and they wouldn't want  to see us unhappy. I def wouldn't if i was looking down, that would break my heart! Live happily as you would want them to be happy on the bridge then one day Gillieee we will see cuddle our bridge babes again. Oh what a day that will be!!!  :Luv:

Look up with a big smile and she will smile back.  :Luv: :Luv:

Merry Christmas Kocka

Gill (sneakiefeline):
Have a wonderful Christmas on the Bridge Kocka, you know I will always love you.

Just finished stuffing the big bird and I hope you will get loads on the Bridge  and lots of jelly too.

Missing you tonight and remembering our last Christmas together in the farmhouse, you were so happy and we could relax for a change.

Have a great day my little Kockins, your picture is beside the computer and I look at you every day and will never forget you.

Love from Your Human.

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