Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: cagsjames on July 30, 2012, 15:57:19 PM

Title: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: cagsjames on July 30, 2012, 15:57:19 PM
Hi everyone

Our one year old ginger tom was missing all weekend until he was found by a neighbour. We took him to the emergency vet last night who has still got him. He was severely dehydrated and lethargic, almost lifeless. As it stands this afternoon, he is much the same and will not eat food. His hydration has improved slightly as he has been on a drip and has voluntarily had some water.

Vet has done a blood test and all was fine apart from an elevated liver enzyme (ALT). They are doing further tests to determine the cause but it can be do to trauma/injury to the liver itself.

We are so worried he will not pull through. Does anyone know any more about this liver enzyme?
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: Dawn F on July 30, 2012, 16:06:37 PM
sorry to hear he has been found poorly, he is in the right place, I don't have any experience of this problem but I'm sure someone who does know will be along soon, all good wishes for rupert  :hug:
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: SamMewl on July 30, 2012, 16:26:23 PM
I don't know if it is at all relevant but the cat I adopted was found as a stray, he was so emaciated he had collapsed in the street and didn't move for a day, a passerby thought that the 15 year old cat was an abandoned kitten!

He had blood tests and they found nothing wrong with him other than one enzyme being very elevated. i am sorry that i can't remember what enzyme it was but they rechecked his blood after he had spent a night on a drip and then wolfed down a plate of food, the abnormal reading had already dropped. the vet said that the reading was probably down to extreme dehydration and it had largely corrected itself once he was hydrated again.

Could you get the vet to recheck his enzyme levels once he has had time to recover and get some fluid into him? One thing to try is boiling some white fish (like cod fillets) in water its tasty and if slightly warm will smell and so be apetising, its gentle on the stomach and if you leave some of the water in he may lap at the fishy water too. Obviously this isn't possible if he is still at the vet but the drip will do the job of hydrating him whilst he is there.

So glad he was found and you have him home. paws crossed he gets better.
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: Rosella moggy on July 30, 2012, 17:21:13 PM
It is such an excellent sign that Rupert has voluntarily lapped some water and very much hope he can be persuaded to eat something very soon.  I suspect the lack of food and liquid has lead to the poor liver results. 

Every effort should be made to get him to eat.  Not sure what your vets are like but I would definitely go to vet practice and make a fuss if necessary about it being you rather than vet staff that tries to feed him. Ask vet what food he would suggest.  There is a smelly very nutritious food (pate texture) that vet should have in stock called AD but I don't know if that might be too heavy?  I would mix a little warm water in with it and if necessary put some on your fingers to encourage Rupert to lick some.  Cats get out of the habit of eating after a few days and can go downhill as a result  :hug: :hug: :hug:

So glad he has been found.  Where did neighbour find him?
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on July 30, 2012, 18:59:13 PM
Very sorry to hear this  :( I don't have any experience of liver issues but what I would say is that as he is a young and otherwise healthy cat then he will have every chance of pulling through and going on to make a full recovery.

I would second what Rosella said about the feeding, if he still hasn't eaten I would ask to go in and visit him and see if you can get him to eat, you will obviously need to be guided by the vet as to what to try and feed him due to the liver issues but he is much more likely to eat with you there. If he has to stay in any longer you could also take in a worn t-shirt or similar to help comfort him.

Please do let us know how he's getting on  :hug:
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: sheryl on July 30, 2012, 21:41:35 PM
One of my Bengals was recently very poorly with very high ALT levels - he was on anitbiotics and Metacam, it took about 4 weeks and 3 lots of blood test before the levels went back to normal.  So it may take a while but Im sure he can make a full recovery xxx

Sending lots of love and healing vibes for your little boy xxx
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: sam kent (thomas_kitten) on July 31, 2012, 21:05:25 PM
This happened to my tom when he was just 2 years old. He went missing for 3 days - we believe he got locked in a shed or garage. He was so dehydrated and off his food. The vet gave him an antibiotic injection and some prescription food, and I syringed water down his throat for a few days to help with his rehydration. He made a full recovery, so I'm sure your little furriness will too.  :hug:
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: cagsjames on August 01, 2012, 13:41:27 PM
Thank you all for your kind words.

Rupert is still very poorly. He won't eat or drink. He has been on a drip for 3 days but is not responding.

I can only think the worst now. This is awful
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: Dawn F on August 01, 2012, 13:42:14 PM
has the vet any idea what might have happened could he have eaten something he shouldn't?
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: Gillian Harvey on August 01, 2012, 13:46:29 PM
Have the vets said anything about force feeding him? they may have to put a feeding tube in as he may be at risk from Hepatic lipidosis http://www.fabcats.org/owners/liver/info.html through not eating. Hope he starts to improve soon  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: cagsjames on August 01, 2012, 13:50:57 PM
Vet has no idea why he is refusing food and depressed. Only that he has hight ALT and ALS in his liver. They say this is usually down to liver trauma but they are unsure.

He is being put on a stomach tube today but the vet seemed really concerned today and we are so scared
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: Gillian Harvey on August 01, 2012, 14:06:53 PM
 :hug: :hug: :hug: keeping everything crossed for him  :hug:
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on August 01, 2012, 14:31:23 PM
What a dreadful worry  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Have everything crossed that he can turn the corner once he has the feeding tube fitted  :hug:
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: cagsjames on August 01, 2012, 19:57:23 PM
Thanks again everybody

Update on Rupert: they still are not sure what is causing his high enzymes or his illness. He is still very miserable and poorly.

It's looking more likely he has some kind of trauma injury probably to his liver.

One development is that he has vomited and brought up some plastic wrapping. Vet said they might have to do surgery to see if there's anything bad in there. But it's a risk to anaesthetise him as he is so poorly.

Tests for leukaemia and Fiv. were negative. But they are waiting on tests for FIP which is a fatal infection. So worried it might be that- but the fact he suddenly went missing then was found poorly suggests something more sudden?
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: sheryl on August 01, 2012, 21:38:04 PM
Can you ask you vet to do some Xrays, they may show any obstructions and should also show any damage to the liver

Sending lot of positive healing vibes for little Rupert xxx
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: heather sullivan on August 02, 2012, 00:30:43 AM
Sounds like either some sort of trauma (could he have been hit by a car?) or he has eaten something he shouldn't have. If he has eaten some sort of plastic it could perforate his insides which would lead to peritonitis. Is he jaundiced at all (yellow eyes, gums, pads)? If it is FIP that does not come on suddenly.  If you have liver problems you lose your appetite. I would push for an x-ray before they perform any surgery. One of my cats supposedly had FIP when he was young, around 1, and they said he wouldn't survive. The vet operated and his insides were full of pus and infection (peritonitis). He recovered well but sadly died of cancer when he was only 12 :(.
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on August 02, 2012, 14:09:33 PM
Is there a any news on Rupert today? Have everything crossed he is starting to pick up  :hug:
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: cagsjames on August 02, 2012, 22:38:55 PM
Hello, thanks for asking.

No change with Rupert I'm afraid. He did apparently eat a tiny amount of chicken today but that was all. They are still waiting on results of FIP virus test. Very worried as  if it is that, it is 100% fatal :(

It would just seem strange as he was fine until he disappeared for the weekend.

We did see him tonight and he was ever so slightly more alert and even miaowed at us! But then he went back to being sullen and sleepy again.

It's so sad and scary :(
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on August 02, 2012, 23:43:11 PM
Poor Rupert :care:

Have you been able to go in stay with him for a while to try and encourage him to eat? When my otherwise young and healthy cat was poorly (out of nowhere, I went to work and he was fine and came back to find him unresponsive under the bed) he ended up on a drip as he was so dehydrated but he was so stressed by being at the vets he wouldn't eat so the vet actually thought he would be better off at home so that he would calm down a bit and start eating, he was quite poorly and had really lost his appetite so it didn't work straight away but it might be worth asking if you can look after him at home over the weekend?

Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: Sue P (Paddysmum) on August 03, 2012, 07:35:57 AM

sending a gentle hug for you and a snoozle for Rupert.  Thinking of you both.   :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: cagsjames on August 03, 2012, 07:48:32 AM
Hi Tiggysmum

We might ask about that although he is on antibiotics and painkillers as well as his drip and I guess my concern is that he needs those to survive right now.

What was wrong with your young cat in that situation?
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on August 03, 2012, 13:27:57 PM
Hi Tiggysmum

We might ask about that although he is on antibiotics and painkillers as well as his drip and I guess my concern is that he needs those to survive right now.

What was wrong with your young cat in that situation?

I know you can get antibiotic and painkiller injections so that side of things could be covered, if he is still dehydrated and needs to be on a drip then it would be a no-go anyway but if his hydration levels are OK then it's worth asking. I'm sure the vet wouldn't allow you to do anything to jeopardise Rupert's health or recovery  :hug:

My cat had 'gastritis of unknown origin' - basically he stopped eating and then couldn't keep anything down. The change in him literally happened overnight - I was on nights and went to work at 10pm with him bouncing around like normal, came home at 7am to find him under the bed completely unresponsive.

Did you ever find out where Rupert was when he was missing?
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: Gillian Harvey on August 03, 2012, 17:54:11 PM
Unlikely to be FIP, that isnt sudden onset, like Heather mentioned, and even if his test comes back showing coronavirus titres (the virus that can cause FIP) its still not unusual, as many cats carry corona with no ill effects whatsoever and never go on to develop FIP.  :hug: :hug: Its good that he's eating a little bit.

One of my foster cats had something similar to Helen's riley, recently, where she developed severed diarrhea and would not eat anything for several days, eventually had to go on a drip. She started to eat again, and is completley back to normal now  :hug:
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on August 06, 2012, 14:49:24 PM
Hope Rupert has had a comfortable weekend and has started to turn the corner  :hug:
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: cagsjames on August 07, 2012, 21:20:23 PM
Hi Everyone

Rupert is home!!! :)

After a week in the vets he was referred to the small animal hospital in Liverpool. They were still unable to provide a diagnosis but fortunately he began to finally eat and perked up quite a lot.

Looks like we will never know where he disappeared to or what happened to make him so poorly but it does look like he is on the mend.

He is curled up on my partners lap fast asleep. He is all skin and bone and has various  shaved patches where they have done all the scans and tests. He is also still very subdued by his standards but I guess he just needs lots of tlc and building up!

Thanks to everyone who showed an interest!

Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: Sam (Fussy_Furball) on August 07, 2012, 21:33:54 PM
Woo Hoo so pleased to hear Rupert is home.  I'm sure now he is back in familiar surrounds and getting lots of love and cuddles he will start to put on weight.  I'm sure your vet has given you loads of advice but I would say lots of little meals is probably the best way to go .... little and often as they say.

Please give Rupert and big cuddle from me and my gang all send lots of get well kitty kisses  :Luv2:
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: heather sullivan on August 07, 2012, 21:50:01 PM
awwww great news, thats what I was hoping to hear :Luv:
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on August 07, 2012, 22:04:04 PM
Wonderful news  :) Have his liver results returned to normal now?

Not sure if this diet is comaptible with liver problems if his liver results are still abnormal but Hills A/D is a food used in convalescing or sick animals - you can get it from the vets but if he likes it and you need to buy in bulk it's much cheaper online. Cat milk is another good way to introduce more calories into the diet to build him back up.
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: cagsjames on August 07, 2012, 22:34:01 PM
Thanks guys :)

Liver results are back to normal now. The most likely cause of that was trauma to his liver so the most likely thing is that he was hit by a car.

He did wolf down some cat milk before which is a good sign! Though he has turned his nose up at some Whiskers Beef in gravy which he normally loves.

Still worried as he is v subdued but guess he has been through a hell of a lot with going missing, getting hurt then 10 days of medication and vets prodding him must have taken it out of him

Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: sheilarose on August 07, 2012, 22:55:38 PM
So relieved to read this. Hope you can get some tinned chicken roll down him very soon to start building him up again. Always works when my lot are off their food.  :hug:
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: Rosella moggy on August 08, 2012, 07:15:23 AM
So pleased to hear such positive news  :wow:
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: Sue P (Paddysmum) on August 08, 2012, 07:27:24 AM

Sending "getting stronger and betterer" vibes for Rupert - he's been through a lot bless him.   Hope he has something to eat today.    :hug:
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: Dawn F on August 08, 2012, 08:41:09 AM
that is good news, poor rupert he must feel sore after a run in with a car and of course there is no place like home
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: Gillian Harvey on August 08, 2012, 17:49:50 PM
So pleased to hear he is on the mend  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: bunglycat on August 08, 2012, 18:10:12 PM
Great news he is getting better.
Little and often feeding and lots of talc and he will soon be fine again . :hug:
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: cagsjames on August 08, 2012, 18:22:29 PM
Hi all

Rupert is much the same today. He has only eaten a small amount of tuna.

He was such a confident boy before- but now he is so withdrawn. I hope he perks up soon
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on August 08, 2012, 18:39:13 PM
Hi all

Rupert is much the same today. He has only eaten a small amount of tuna.

He was such a confident boy before- but now he is so withdrawn. I hope he perks up soon

I think it's only natural after all he has been through. He is probably still feeling rough after his disappearance/possible accident/stay at the vets.

My cat was much the same after his hunger strike illness, he is such a larger than life character but when I got him home after a) feeling so poorly/not eating and b) being at the horrible vets (they're lovely but he HATES it) he was a changed character, very subdued and miserable. Not for long though, he was soon springing up doorframes again and in my face begging for cuddles!

Have tried tempting Rupert with anything else? I was giving Riley bits of deli ham, beef and chicken to try and tempt him back into eating.
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: Kay and Penny on August 08, 2012, 18:59:37 PM
trauma to the liver sounds more like a kick in the side than an RTA to me

I wonder if he has been on the wrong end of some horrible thug, and is withdrawn because he is mentally traumatised as well as physically

Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: cagsjames on August 08, 2012, 19:07:23 PM
Hi all

Rupert is much the same today. He has only eaten a small amount of tuna.

He was such a confident boy before- but now he is so withdrawn. I hope he perks up soon

I think it's only natural after all he has been through. He is probably still feeling rough after his disappearance/possible accident/stay at the vets.

My cat was much the same after his hunger strike illness, he is such a larger than life character but when I got him home after a) feeling so poorly/not eating and b) being at the horrible vets (they're lovely but he HATES it) he was a changed character, very subdued and miserable. Not for long though, he was soon springing up doorframes again and in my face begging for cuddles!

Have tried tempting Rupert with anything else? I was giving Riley bits of deli ham, beef and chicken to try and tempt him back into eating.

Thanks TiggysMum, that's reassuring. The only thing that really tempts him is cat milk. I might try and mix it with something more substantial.

And yes we have considered possibility that he was kicked. It's a sad thought and might explain his demeanour. Goodness knows how we will bring him round if that's the case though.
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: Sam (Fussy_Furball) on August 09, 2012, 13:30:22 PM
Have you tried using Bachs Rescue Remedy on Rupert .... it's wonderful stuff, just a few drops in drinking water.

I would also spend as much time with him as you can  - just sitting near him or being in the same room will help him to relax and feel safe and secure.

You might also want to invest in some new toys (check out the purrs shop - link top right hand corner of every page).  I can't recommend the Yeoww cat nip toys enough ... they are super strength cat nip and will certainly perk up any sad kitty.
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on August 15, 2012, 11:35:47 AM
So sorry to hear what Rupert has been through and as long as he keepos eating I am sure he will fully recover.

Whether a RTA or a kick, being at home with his loving slaves will slowly bring his confidence back but it will take time, so be very patient  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: cagsjames on August 15, 2012, 22:39:03 PM
Thanks Gill and thanks to everyone who showed an interest in Rupert over the last few weeks.

The good news is that he is getting much better! He has been home a week and with each day a little more of his appetite and personality has come back. It's nearly 3 weeks since his ordeal began but he is finally on the mend :)

We will never know what happened to him in the first place but whatever it was caused him pain, stress and for him to not eat for 2 weeks. You can imagine- he was skin and bone when we got him home.

He is slowly getting back to his cheeky, inquisitive self. Though we have noticed he is less affectionate with us :(
We think maybe he is sulking with us for leaving him at the vets in such a state. Also because he is not allowed outside yet (and prob won't be for a while)

Anyway thank you all again for your concern. It has really helped :)

Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on August 16, 2012, 01:04:19 AM
That's good to hear - hope it's not long til he's back to his old self 100%  :hug:
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: Sue P (Paddysmum) on August 16, 2012, 07:42:59 AM

Very pleased to learn that Rupert is finally on the mend.

I think maybe the lessening of affection might just be the fact he's been coming to terms with whatever's happened, and of course the stay at the vets, but I'm sure that over time, as his confidence returns his affection will also.   :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: Dawn F on August 16, 2012, 08:15:51 AM
that is great news, I'm sure he will be is old self soon
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on August 16, 2012, 10:42:54 AM
Wonderful news and I bet in a few months time he will be the same as he was before all this happened  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: sheryl on August 17, 2012, 21:07:58 PM
That is fantastic news xxx  so pleased for you and Rupert xxx
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: sheilarose on August 29, 2012, 08:36:08 AM
How is Rupert coming along?  :hug:
Title: Re: Our lost puss is now found but poorly. Liver problem.
Post by: Janeyk on November 02, 2012, 13:32:15 PM
Hi James, sorry just posted on your other thread and didn't see this one.  Really pleased to hear that Rupert is recovering hope he's much better now  :hug: