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Should I cover the cat-flap?

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Lyn (Slugsta):
Thanks Sue. Yes, I am only thinking of covering the flap when it is locked, not blocking Alf's route to outside.

Sue P (Paddysmum):

It's a tricky one, Lyn.  Jackson Galaxy is an advocate of sight blocking, but I wouldn't want to block access to the flap, personally.  try covering the flap when its not in use and see how that works. 

Lyn (Slugsta):
The background -

We have our cat-flap in the lounge wall, it is really about the only place we could put it. As it goes through the cavity wall, there is quite a long tunnel between the lounge and the outside world. The flap is controlled by micro-chip, so only Alf can come in.

My chair is very near to the cat-flap. This was dictated by availability of electrical sockets for my powered rise/recline chair and ease of watching the TV.

The problem -

There is a big, fluffy, white + black cat in the area who beats up on Alf  :( Alf seems constantly worried at the moment and can often be seen peering out through the cat flap 'Is ee der? Am I sayf?' Even when he is on my lap, his eyes are fixed on the flap - although he does relax eventually.

The lounge blinds are usually closed, so Alf cannot see out through the windows. However, I have tried leaving the blinds open (that wouldn't really be a permanently workable solution) but it really doesn't make any difference - I guess the angle is too acute to see the area by the flap properly.

Alf seems fine otherwise. His litter tray is near to the flap and we haven't had any inappropriate marking etc

The question -

Do you think it would be a good idea to cover the cat-flap when it is locked, or might that make Alf worse because he can't see if Bad Cat is there? The potential problem with that is that Alf wouldn't be able to go out before brekfus if we were late up. He would much rather go out than use his litter tray.

Do my PurrsPals have any advice please?


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