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Hyperthyroid heat intolerance help?

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heather sullivan:
If he is insured and you can go for the RI treatment I would def go for it. Which centre would you go to? When Silvie was diagnosed I don't remember her suffering from the heat, although she used to curl up in the garden under the bushes. See what your vet recommends when you see them. Silvie had her treatment 2 years ago this month and her thyroid levels ever since have been normal and she is fine. Only downside was staying away for 4 weeks but it soon went ;)

Kay and Penny:
the centre you are going to use for the I131 treatment will have the last word on whether he is ready, so hopefully your own vet will consult with them

Sue P (Paddysmum):
Am so sorry to hear Louey is suffering this way with the hot weather.  I haven't come across it before, but I'm wondering if a cool pad would work if you could pop it in one of his favourite spots for resting? 

Your Vet's suggestion may not be a bad option in the circumstances.  Sending a gentle rub for your little man.  x

Louey was diagnosed Hyperthyroid a few weeks ago, we thought he was hyperthyroid last summer but his blood tests came back in the high end of normal. He seemed fine over winter and then has become unwell again this year and his blood tests now agree!
Hes used to be 4kg but this year has gone from 3.85kg to 3.6kg. Hes not eating well- hes never been food motivated and has only ever grazed. Hes now very fussy and unwilling to eat old favourites like chicken. This is a-typical for Hyperthyroid but hes also doing alot of coughing (Heart rate is normal, vet doesnt think his heart is concerning) and lip licking- in particular after sniffing food so i think hes nauseous. Weve been tracking his moods and he seems to be much worse on warmer days and i understand heat intolerance can be a symptom of Hyperthyroid.
We dont have a cat flap and we have 2 other ganets cats that eat all his tempting food before he can if not separated so its difficult to find a cool place to put him for the day.We are thinking of hiring air con for a few weeks? has anyone else experienced this? Im worried about dehydration so i may just start wiping him with wet tea towels but that doesnt help while we are at work and i dont want to stress him.
We are back in the vets tomorrow to ask for something for the sickness and the vet has suggested that we go straight to the radioactive iodine treatment rather than waiting for him to stabilise.... its not ideal but if he keeps losing weight it would be better to get on it early.


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