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Blood in Urine

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The vet was really pleased with Abbey's progress, she seems to have cleared up quite an aggressive bacteria infection. Apparently it is quite unusual for a kitten to get this so I have to keep her on antibiotics for a week and then take another sample in to be sure it has cleared up.

I keep checking her urine everyday to make sure it looks clear, and so far so good.

Thanks once again to you all for your kind words of support.

Abbey & KayJay

Good luck with Abby at the vets today, KayJay.  Hope the little poppet is on the mend by now and has no further trouble with this problem. 

Keep us posted.

Lots of love to her  :Luv:


It was very thoughtless of them not to tell you there was a timescale to that.

But good news its not cystitus!! Hopefully the antibiotics will clear up whatever infection your poor kitty has!

I think the Vet's sometimes need to be a bit more sensitive. They called me just to say the sample I took in that morning was too old, they never thought to tell me they needed to analyse it within 30 mins.

I took another one up last night and they called today to say there were no crystals in the water, so not cystitis!

She has another appointment to see them tomorrow, but the blood in the urine has stopped, so it is possible it was an infection. 

Thanks to everyone for your words of support, it is so good to be able to talk about your concerns with other people owed by their cats!!

xx   :thanks:

Gillian Harvey:
I'm sure she'll be fine, as others suggested, perhaps just a touch of cystitis and I agree with Ela about the blood seeming much more than it actually is - just one drop of blood, once diluted in the urine will colour the whole sample quite red. Its quite usual for the vet to want to talk to you personally, even if its nothing to worry about, rather than having the nurse or receptionist just passing on info to you - although I know that only makes you fear the worst - been there!


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