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Is it a coincidence?

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Aw, bless  ;D

I think they do know, Max will normally sleep by my feet, but sometimes if I've got tummy pains, he'll curl up under the duvet next to me and stay there for ages ..... not something he usually does to be honest, normally I get a 2 minute cuddle and he's off again lol!

I firmly believe cats are highly intuitive and can tell when you need cuddles or attention. Obviously the times they mill around you and you DON'T, then it probably means they do! :)

Gill (sneakiefeline):
I think they sense when you are ill or in pain and Kocka used to come and check me out or lie on the bed with me.

I'm in Scotland but it wasn't as cold in the room as usual, as I've stopped sleeping with the window open lol! She often sleeps under the duvet, but normally at my feet and last night, because it was warmer, she slept on top of the duvet apart from this episode.

Well, whether she meant to help me or not, she's a lovely kitty!

I honestly think some do know.  If Im ill Tilly is like a nurse and never leaves my side.  Ollie on the other hand is a typical male and only notices me when he wants feeding.   ;)


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