Author Topic: Hey everyone!  (Read 3182 times)

Offline Lyn (Slugsta)

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  • Slave to: Sky. Bridge babies Candy, Stripey, Chivers, Punky, Cleo and Alfie forever loved.
Re: Hey everyone!
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2019, 20:25:17 PM »
Hi Rob and  :welcome: to Purrs.

We love to hear about animals in general and cats in particular. We also enjoy daft photos and anything that makes us laugh  ;D

I am slave to 2 black cats. Alfie is a 7 year old male. Big, soft and a prodigious hunter. He came to us after following his previous slave up the road and getting lost. I took him in while we looked for his home but had lost my heart to him long before we found them (we did find them and they agreed to let me keep him).

Sky is small and timid. We don't know how old she is as we got her from the RSPCA. They told us she was 'shy' but, nearly 3 years later, still displays behaviour very similar to Sue's gurlies  :( She is on long-term steroids and cannot be immunised so, for now, lives in my bedroom and shows no sign of wanting to go out.

Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: Hey everyone!
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2019, 19:13:51 PM »
Hi Rob, and  :welcome:

I am slave to five cats, Emo, Merlin, Bob (who is a girl ;)), Pippa and Pirate.

I also have three degu's and three snakes, two corns and a hognose python.

We tend to use a large font or capitals as a member has vision problems, in case you were wondering. It's a very warm site and really friendly. Enjoy!

And again, welcome. ;D

Oscar Wilde on his adored Mog "The Mighty Atom that purrs and furrs"

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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  • Paddy's Mum (Ginger Imposter) [Nov 90- April '11]
  • Slave to: Moray & Malt + my beautiful lost babies - Barley, Mac, Ross, and Tinks RIP babies.
Re: Hey everyone!
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2019, 17:21:03 PM »

Hi Robert.  Welcome to Purrs - it's lovely to have you join us.   :welcome: ;D

Well you've come to the right place if you want to chat about cats.  It's what we love, it's what we do.  And other stuff too - check out the non cat chat section.  I hope you'll find us to be a friendly bunch, ready to talk to the death about our cats.   :evillaugh:

Do you have any cats of your own?

To kick off,  me and my hubby are Mum/Dad/devoted slaves to 3 of them.

Moray is our 5 year old Norwegian Forest lookeelikee.  In fact he was from a moggy Mum, but turned out to be a stunner (you'll have to take my word for it, cos I'm pants at posting piccies).  He's a big floof monsta, tabby and white, with paws like Catcher's mitts, turquoise guyliner-ed eyes, and a tail like a fur boa.   :evillaugh:   He walks like John Wayne, and has a bit of a gurly cry, but we adore him.  He's sassy, yet loving.  We got him from a local shelter when he was a kitten.  He'd been left in a flat which had been abandoned by it's owner. 

Then we have two semi feral gurlies, who are both 3.  We got them from the same shelter, when they were around 7 - 8 weeks old - way too young to have been away from their Mum.  They'd been dumped in a cardboard box in an old lady's garden, in the run up to bonfire night.  They were petrified of human contact, and they're still very wary.  That said, they're very loving cats, as long as there are no sudden movements, loud noises, strangers, new household items, cat boxes, visitors, etc etc etc.  You get the picture.  We can't pick them up, which makes getting them to the vet a nightmare, but when they want to, they will cuddle, and snuggle and lie on the bed between us, just so long as we take no liberties.  They still surprise and delight us on a daily basis, and I'm very proud of where they're at now, compared to when they joined our household.   :Luv:

Malt is the smallest of the two - she's white and tabby with golden eyes, and very feminine.  She beams at you, and likes few things better than a little treadle on her blankie draped over a spare knee.  When she's not doing that, she's out exploring in the garden, drinking from the pond or watching wistfully from the window as the raindrops fall.  She's Moray's little mini-me.   :evillaugh:  She dotes on her big bruvva, and gets away with murder with him. 

Barley is the brash sister to Malt - she's a brindle tabby, with black stockings and gorgeous topaz eyes.  She runs everywhere, and is the flightiest of the two gurlcats, but she craves our company, even as she fears the need for it.  She too loves the garden, but unfortunately is a prodigious huntress, so we're often on hands and knees, armed with a fishing net and a mousebox (doesnt everyone have one?) trying to retrieve her catches, or out in the dark in the garden at some ridiculous hour letting the poor little blighters go, clad only in our jim-jams.   :innocent:  Barley nearly had my OH's eye out on one auspicious occasion when we needed to get her to the vet, but it wasn't done from aggression, just sheer panic as she tried to escape.   We love the gurlies very much, even if they are a bit of a challenge at times.  They're our challenge, and they're worth it.   :shy:

We also have a visitor cat who comes to see us most days.  He's a proper gent, and very well mannered.  A beautiful tiger striped grey tabby.  He never outstays his welcome, and is always delighted if he pops in during the night and you're polite enough to give him a chin scratch or an ear tickle.   :evillaugh:

So that's a potted history of our little family.   :)

Offline RobertDaniels

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Hey everyone!
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2019, 15:12:43 PM »
Hey everyone, my names Rob! Just wanted to say hi and that I am really happy to be part of this forum :) Have always been a huge cat lover and I can't wait to talk to you guys about all things related! Currently working on an app that mixes together virtual pets and the weather! Hope to speak to all of you soon!


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