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Visualisation - Help Yourself and Your Animal friend when they go missing!

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I tried a similar thing to this when Smudge went missing last September.  A colleague told me to imagine he was walking over fields and down streets on his way back to me.  I tried it now and again and as many of you know I got nearer to finding Smudge 3 weeks ago when his collar was found in another are but then I had a call from someone who had found him dead on the pavement.  He is now in my garden in the spot he loved so much and yes he is with me in spirit - so maybe it did work.  I tried everything I possibly could and if I had stand on my head and do something daft I would have done it to get my darling Smudge back - so please give it a try.  Good luck.


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Sam (Fussy_Furball):
I recently found this article on CatChat and thought it may help those with missing furbabes:

If you feel particularly spiritually connected to your cat, you may like to try some visualization techniques, employed by some animal communicators. This is still quite a new and little understood area, and will not appeal to everyone, however if you think this is something you would like to try, print off the following PDF written by a practising communicator



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