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Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: Maddiesmum on November 06, 2008, 16:13:58 PM

Title: Advice re meds
Post by: Maddiesmum on November 06, 2008, 16:13:58 PM
Picked up the Xanax from the vet and discussed doseage etc.  Vet said one of the potential side effects is that it could make Charlie more active.  Now I don't know whether to risk it cos if he gets anymore active than he did last night he will run out of his own skin I think.  What do you all think?  I feel like such a stress head at the moment (well all the time really!)
Title: Re: Advice re meds
Post by: CarolM (Wendolene) on November 06, 2008, 16:52:58 PM
Oh how I wish I could answer this one.  Apparently any tranquiliser can have the opposite effect in cats but I've no idea what the frequency of this particular side effect is.  I presume your vet didn't say how common increased activity is so that you can make an informed choice.  If its 1 in 100 its probably worth risking but if its 1 in 10 you might think again given Charlie's history.    How quickly does it start to work.  If its fast-acting it might be worth waiting to see what the fireworks situation/Charlie's current demeanour is before giving it in case you decide he doesn't really need it (or am I just being over-optimistic there).  On the other hand, giving it when he isn't too hyperactive might be a good thing because then he wouldn't be too off the wall if it did make him more active. Sorry - as you can see I  can really sympathise with your dilemma but I'm not being any help at all am I? :hug:
I think I might be tempted to try it but thats easy for me to say.
Title: Re: Advice re meds
Post by: Maddiesmum on November 06, 2008, 17:01:27 PM
He said it takes about half an hour and he should have one every 12 hours.  I really am at a loss because I couldn't cope and nor could he if he went worse.  Why is everything so damn complicated all because of fireworks?  I feel sick at the thought of another night like last night, but sicker at the thought of a worse night.  I think I will wait to see how it goes and if it starts tonight then will have to risk it.  If no fireworks then same again tomorrow but I know there will def be fireworks on Sat.  Dilemmas, dilemmas dilemmas
Title: Re: Advice re meds
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on November 06, 2008, 17:15:08 PM
Seems that you are right this is a side effect


Cant remmber if it was in this link or in another one , but said not to give to aggressive cats.

I dont live round there but would have thought the fireworks would be less tonight than last night and from what you say about Charlie, I would be tempted to not use these and to emplay other tactics.

Dont know what you did last night but have you got somewhere quieter that Charlie could go , wityh a radio or TV turned up loud.

How exactly did he behave last night?
Title: Re: Advice re meds
Post by: Maddiesmum on November 06, 2008, 17:57:32 PM
Isn't it wonderful?  So far so good, nothing firework wise however I am certain tomorrow and Saturday will be bad as lots of people will have their firework parties at weekend rather than midweek.  Don't know why, if they need to have Bonfire Night, they don't make it moveable to the nearest Sat to 5th Nov.  Anyway last night he was like a cat demented.  He was tearing round with his hair on end, ears back, eyes wide and bouncing off the walls.  Not just his usual mad half hour do but completely manic.  I live in an open plan house and he isn't mad keen on the bedroom so I think to shut him in there would stress him more.

So far today he hasn't been bad, I think he must have completely drained himself as he has been quite tired.  He is currently asleep on one of the dining chairs (on the bit under the table) with classical music on (I have played that all day) and the tv on in the sitting room.  He has the fire on too which I am hoping will keep him drowsy. 

I would far rather manage it without resorting to drugs but he scared me last night.  He has only ever been this bad once before when he was being tormented by the neighbourhood cats.  I feel dreadful today so drained and tired myself but don't feel I can go to bed early just in case. 

I feel such a wuss about the whole thing but this stress between us is becoming a cycle, he gets stressed so I get anxious which makes him more stressed which makes me more anxious and so on and so on.

Problem is he hasn't had his Zylkene tonight (don't think it's working with him anyway but he might be worse without it) as if I needed to give him the Xanax he can't have it.

Also the vet who dealt with me today was not one of Charlie's usual two vets, he is quite new to the practice and may not have completely read the notes or realised that Charlie is aggressive when stressed.
Title: Re: Advice re meds
Post by: swampmaxmum on November 06, 2008, 18:10:11 PM
It's such a stress when the vets lay a big decision on what's best on you, but I suppose inevitable. I found this site useful before for other meds http://www.petplace.com/drug-library/alprazolam-xanax/page1.aspx

Title: Re: Advice re meds
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on November 06, 2008, 18:14:16 PM
I would give him his normal med tonight now and forget the other one.............I always worry when its a new vet cos they do not always look at the history.

Its raining here and I just feel that there will not be that many parties at weekend cos depending where you live the forcast is highwinds and lots of rain.

Sorry I cant remember where you are.
Title: Re: Advice re meds
Post by: swampmaxmum on November 06, 2008, 18:39:08 PM
this is a doggy meds site but says Xanax works within an hour or two of being given and lasts longer than valium (shows what I know!) while sedating less. Also says most vets use valium as old, tried and tested etc.

Mine have only ever been given valium in a very small dose - unless you count september for Swampy where he was given 5mgs IV to save him.   I guess I would give the tranquilliser if Charlie boy was bad enough that he could hurt himself or become ill - however you'd have to plan it as it takes an hour to work, so would the fireworks not be over by the time it started to work?  Plus once he's started to become hyper agitated and aggressive, how on earth are you going to get the xanax down him?

Here's hoping for a DELUGE  :hug:
Title: Re: Advice re meds
Post by: Maddiesmum on November 06, 2008, 19:35:45 PM
Like I said before why does everything have to be so complicated to accommodate fireworks?  Anyway he is still fast asleep on the chair and I have only heard one firework so far tonight so will maybe sleep on it and see what tomorrow brings. I dont want to medicate him if I dont have to.
Title: Re: Advice re meds
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on November 06, 2008, 20:59:08 PM
I would be more tempted to try things like Feliway and Rescue Remedy, and you might also want to try buring some lavendar oil.
Title: Re: Advice re meds
Post by: Maddiesmum on November 06, 2008, 21:59:13 PM
He has Feliway all the time both the diffuser and spray if he gets too stressed.  He does not seem to respond to it at all.  Same with Rescue Remedy have used it several times to no avail.  Medicating him is a last resort believe me, I don't want to and haven't tonight.  He is awake now, had his supper but wont play his usual game before bed.  He is quite jumpy but not manic nor aggressive.
Title: Re: Advice re meds
Post by: Hippykitty on November 07, 2008, 08:44:02 AM
Some other ideas: try playing some Mozart quietly in the background. Play with him (da bird) if he'll do this. I find singing to cats soothes them. Also, don't get stressed yourself, he'll just copy your reaction to the fireworks. If he'll eat, give him a large, tasty meal: go to the butcher and buy him something special. After eating, most cats have the need to sleep. I'd also go along with the aromatherapy - lavender would be great. If you have some REAL catnip - at this time of year it'll be dried - sprinkle it around him, then he'll be too involved with that too worry about the noise. Cats react differently to this; some don't react at all.

I've been really lucky with Fred and Victoria, who were both feral kittens living at the back of some shops,  during last year's firework week. They've been very laid back. Victoria was a bit nervous at first. I told her "it's just some silly old noise!" and that she was safe with me. I also imitated the noise in a gentle way, to try to convey to her that there was nothing to be scared of. She's been fine.

I hope Charlie is okay over the coming weekend.
Title: Re: Advice re meds
Post by: Maddiesmum on November 07, 2008, 10:12:52 AM
Thanks Hippy Kitty have classical music playing all day, he has a big feed, he wont look at Da Bird toys!  My daughter is calling round with some lavender stuff at lunch time.  He is on his outdoor cat tree in the garden at the moment.  Strange thing is he has been really really affectionate which is not Charlie at all
Title: Re: Advice re meds
Post by: swampmaxmum on November 07, 2008, 10:38:53 AM
sounds like our Charlie is a classic FM fan  :hug: xxx  I saw a film once where captured (and mightily p*ssed off) rhinos were played classical music to soothe their nerves and it worked. (I must try it sometime on Max and myself!).