Author Topic: Another newbie!  (Read 5589 times)

Offline hollycat

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Re: Another newbie!
« Reply #13 on: September 16, 2016, 22:26:39 PM »

Hi Vienna and welcome to purrs. Those gorgeous kittens will grow into their ears. ;D ;D
I have two cats, twin brothers, Astrophe and Zoonie

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Another newbie!
« Reply #12 on: September 01, 2016, 17:41:13 PM »
By gum, they're little smashers, aren't they just?   You get a good idea of their ears, and I would say they're definitely a little larger, in a very attractive way - and they have the leggy look of the orientals too.   :Luv:

In terms of neutering I'd get them both done together.  Our girls were neutered at 5 months as they came into season early.  The minute one of them came into season and finished, the other did too.  That's the earliest I've known that happen with any of the cats we've had, but we bit the bullet and had them done, and they were fine.  Ultimately it's your decision.  :hug: :hug:  As Paula said, none of us judge anything on here (unless perhaps you were telling us you had two un-neutered males of 4 years old, and had no intention of getting them neutered  :doh:)

We were worried sick the Gurlies would follow Moray through the flap. Even though they weren't chipped and couldn't operate the flap, we wondered if they'd tailgate, so I understand your fears about them getting out only too well. 

Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: Another newbie!
« Reply #11 on: September 01, 2016, 17:07:42 PM »
They are such little babes :Luv:, I would love to have a cat tree like that, but don't have the room.

Personally I would have them chipped with the second vaccination when they have had a chance to grow a bit, surprising how quickly they grow at that age :Luv2:, that is only me though, they are your cats and go with your gut feeling. :hug: :hug: :hug:, no-one on here will judge you for your decision, it isn't that sort of forum. ;D
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Offline Lyn (Slugsta)

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Re: Another newbie!
« Reply #10 on: September 01, 2016, 17:06:26 PM »
Great photo's, thank you   :Luv2:

Offline Vienna

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Re: Another newbie!
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2016, 16:19:30 PM »
Hi everyone,

I just took them to the Vet, they *are* a male/female mix (as I had thought!)

He weighs 960 grams & she is 890 grams, and they are 10.5 weeks old (11 weeks on Sunday).

The Vet thinks the boy does have Siamese bat ears, but i'm never sure, one minute they look it, the next not, so I can't wait to see how they end up.

One Vet will neuter at 6 months (but the website says 5), and the other @ 4 months. My preference right now is to do the male @ 4 months, to be sure of no accidents, and hold the female off until 5 months/6 months so she is bigger & hopefully a little less risk. Neither will be going out until neutered, recovered & hopefully not until spring (depending if they get to where they demand to go or not, as he is curious & will work out there is more to life!). In any case, neither goes anywhere until neutered & recovered, and a week or two of a harness/lead to see the outside & mark it (luckily not close to a road on any side).

I feel like I want to chip them now, but their necks are so tiny! I'm as sure as I can be they won't get out, as it is just me here & windows are always closed *but* everyone that has a cat go missing must've said they were sure it wouldn't etc so idk

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: Another newbie!
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2016, 05:30:56 AM »
How old are they by the way?

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: Another newbie!
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2016, 05:27:11 AM »
Hi Vienna and  :welcome:

Any kittens we have had have been chipped when vaccinated with no harm done.  I would be worried about escapes before neutering time.

Have you given any thought yet as to how early Loki is to be neutered?  Having a kitten of each sex will mean more kittens if left too long. Might be worth a chat with vet when they go in for vaccinations.

They look like two beauties  :Luv2: :Luv2:

Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: Another newbie!
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2016, 18:53:23 PM »
Sorry Vienna, going to stick my two pennorth in, my kittens were chipped when they had their first vaccinations as they were nosy beggars and I didn't have a microchip cat flap then, and they would try and follow the older cats out. The needle looked huge against their little necks and the vet did say they would prefer to do it with the neutering whilst they were out, but they didn't even squeal.

If you are sure that they can't get out then try and leave it, if you want to be safe rather than sorry, as I did, get them chipped early, it didn't seem to cause any particular distress to my three 'kittens', who are now 20 months, 14 months and 13 months, I also have Emo (6 years) and Merlin (4-4 1/2) years), madness reigns supreme here. :evillaugh:

A hearty welcome to the most cat mad and supportive site you could wish for, :hug:, and yes, we want lots of photo's ;D

Paula xxx
Oscar Wilde on his adored Mog "The Mighty Atom that purrs and furrs"

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Another newbie!
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2016, 17:19:54 PM »
Oh yes, they like to make idiots out of us.  I recognise that behaviour well enough.  :evillaugh:

It's great that you've got them used to being in and around their cat carrier as that will help tremendously while they're little in terms of getting them to and from the vets.

I think having them neutered and chipped at the same time is a very sensible idea.  Whilst microchipping is said not to hurt, the needle they use is quite large, and our vet has always preferred to chip them whilst they're under the anaesthetic.  We had ours chipped at around 5 months old, and always have done it this way.  Having said that, Malt's chip failed (we have a microchip operated cat flap) and we had to have it re-done, but it was re-done free.  A good friend recommended we get the chips checked annually when the cats go for their check-ups. 

We adopted two 8 week old semi ferals back in November, and of course we couldnt get them easily to and from the vets in spite of lots of patient handling (still can't  :-:) so it was typical it would be one of their chips that failed.   :innocent:  They do cope okay with it though.  We had the Gurlies kitten checked as soon as we got them, but our vet also suggested we leave them a couple of weeks to settle before vaccinations began. 

They're still a bit wild to be honest but they've come on in leaps and bounds since we got them.   I imagine Loki and Luna will settle down much more quickly, and it sounds like you're being a very good cat Mum.

Hee hee - big ears on cats always look great, I think.  I particularly love black oriental shorthairs, with their wonderful outsized ears.   :Luv2:

Offline Vienna

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Re: Another newbie!
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2016, 16:11:25 PM »
Hi both!

Well, Loki is the first to be into anything! I have caught him staring up at the light to see if/how he can get to it; he also leaped from a 6ft 3 scratching tree they have onto a panel above the door which is about the width of his paw!

Just the other day, I had opened a drawer (chest of drawers) & they leaped in & went down the back . . the bottom drawer I removed to put a doughnut bed in so they have a hidey place . . the female came out of there but the male was still inside. So, I am opening the drawers & calling him, waving my hand around the back to try to find him & then look under the bed & both are sat watching like 'this is great this, look at her trying to find us & here we are!'

I find that Loki needs a naughty step, as Luna will come & sit near me & is all sweet & he will rag her about too much at times, she will tell him off & he keeps on! Originally, she was more nervous but now nothing scares them! Right now, they are sleeping together on their cat tree

I will post photos tomorrow, my Dad has been 'ordered' to come & do some as photography is his hobby, but I think I will have to work out how to make them smaller as I tried to upload some of Tess but they are too big. Maybe photobucket will let me?

They go to the Vets on the 15th (they didn't go before so that will be interesting) . . but where I got them from had a cat carrier in with them & they used it as their bed/den, and mine is out all the time with some catnip spray & a bed in (& the door off), and even though they have about ten sleeping places, they both choose to sleep in there, so at least that part should go well!

I thought i'd hold off for the three weeks so that they had time to settle in, and also because their insurance started the day I got them & there is a 14 day wait so any illnesses found won't be covered. Of course, they will go if they get sick, but i'm hoping nothing is found before then (Petplan's Ultimate policy).

I do have something to ask opinions on! I plan to microchip them both, and was thinking i'd do it when they are neutered, but even though they are indoor only until neutered & older, I am thinking that maybe they should have it when their vaccinations start on 15th? I read about them migrating if done so early, but Tess had hers at around 7 weeks & it was still in place @ 18. I'm pretty sure they won't get out, but am thinking that even I can make mistakes at times & i'd feel better if it was done asap

Has anyone chipped young kittens & do they cope ok with it? Their necks seem so tiny, i'm not sure if it's the Siamese in them or just a normal sized kitten neck! Their Mother looked exactly like a Siamese but was moggy coloured, and these are only 1/4 so i'm not sure if they will look at all like them, but they seem to have big bat ears so i'll be interested to see what they end up like!

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Another newbie!
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2016, 15:56:44 PM »
Hi Vienna - Hi Loki, and Hi Luna.  Welcome to Purrs   :welcome:

So sorry to hear about your Tess and your dog too.  Heartbreaking times, but the kittens will certainly help to ease the paino f losing two much loved companions, without erasing the special memories.  And you'll be making new memories too.  Lots of piccies, as they grow so quick, so feel free to share them if you take them.   ;) :evillaugh:  We love piccies we do.

How are Loki and Luna settling in, and what is emerging in terms of their characters and personalities?  It's great fun getting to know any new cat, and two are twice the fun, especially when they're bundles of mischief.   ;D

Offline Lyn (Slugsta)

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Re: Another newbie!
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2016, 15:33:48 PM »
Hi and  :welcome: to Purrs,

I'm so glad you posted a photo of your babies, we can't get enough of them here!  I look forward to getting to know you  ;D

Offline Vienna

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Another newbie!
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2016, 14:33:30 PM »
Hey all,

I recently joined & have heard good things about this place! I lost my 18 year old girl, Tess just 5 weeks ago (and my dog 5 1/2 weeks before that). I had Tess for 16 of her 18 years & she was incredible but in the end, I made the decision to have her PTS due to CKD. I miss her loads but am glad I was able to let her go before she really suffered

I have now got two kittens (got them 6 days ago on 25th, a month to the day after losing Tess . . how does it go so quick?)

I was told they were both males, and didn't think to check & it seems I have one male & one female! I wanted one male & didn't care either way on the other, so it was ok, but I did have to change the female's name! They were going to be Loki (god of mischief) & Zebedee (Jack in the Box from The Magic Roundabout), but now they are Loki & Luna

I am getting some photos tomorrow, but they are nuts, as you'd expect! This photo here is from before I got them, I *think* it's my two but they look more brown here but are just Grey Mackerel tabbies. The female looks quite silvery grey & the male a little darker, but they are very hard to tell apart from a distance! They have some white but not enough to be Grey Mackerel  Tabby & Whites, just around their chins & bellies/chests. They are moggies, but 1/4 Siamese, so i'm hoping that one turns out to be noisy & the male can talk when he wants to!

Can't wait to get to know everyone x


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